?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameRocky Mountain Deathbowl VII
Organizer NAF nameGrither (10904)
OrganizerBryan Tew
VariantDeathbowl 7s
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-04-26
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-04-26
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageRocky Mountain Rampage

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address5907 West Horizon Drive
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Tournament Format

As part of the Rocky Mountain Rampage festivities we will be hosting a 12 person, lightning-style Deathbowl tournament on Friday evening, April 26th.

5:00-5:30 Registration
5:30-6:45 Round 1
6:45-7:15 Dinner (Provided)
7:15-8:30 Round 2
8:35-9:50 Round 3
9:50-10:00 Awards Ceremony

Each round will be limited to 1 hour and 15 minutes and the 4 minutes rule will be implemented in order for each coach to finish as many turns as possible. Other than the time clock, there is no official end of a Deathbowl match so Tournament scoring will be strictly based on points, which can be gained through various means (see Tournament Points at end page).

Team Creation

Coaches will be given 700,000 gold pieces to build a roster of at least 8 players using accepted BB rosters from BB2020, Teams of Legend and Slann/Kislev.

You may purchase players, star players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal.

Star Players from the NAF Rules for Tournaments 2022 will be allowed (Stars can be included as part of the 8 player minimum requirement).

Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED.

With that said, you may purchase any other inducements as part of your team build.

Skill Pack

After creating their team, coaches can choose 1 of 2 skill packs to add to players on their team.

Skill Pack 1: 4 normal skills to distribute among players. Max of 1 skill per player.

Skill Pack 2: 2 normal skills and 1 double skill to distribute among players. Max of 1 skill per player.

Halfling Master Chefs

During the Death Bowl match Halfling teams will be able to force all of their opponents to lose rerolls.

The Pitch and Setup

Deathbowl is played on a specially designed pitch (see above) with four teams and two balls. The teams line up on or behind the “line of scrimmage” in their own set up section. Each coach must have at least three players on the line, with no more than two players in each wide zone as in regular bloodbowl. Each coach lines up directly opposite their opponent for the round. There is no kick-off.

The endzones of the pitch are treated as adjacent to the crowd just like in regular Blood Bowl. However, in RMR Deathbowl the dugouts are elevated on cliffs and looking down at the pitch, thus whenever a player is pushed into a cliff wall, the player is automatically knocked down with a +1 to the armor roll.

The balls are placed in one of the four center squares, randomly chosen (D4). Roll a D6 using the highest roll to determine which team sets up first, that coach also gets to choose where they sit at the table. The team who got the next highest roll then chooses their spot and sets up and so forth until all coaches have set up their teams. Afterwards a 2nd D6 roll is made with the highest roll going first in gameplay and continue clockwise from the winner.


If a touchdown is scored the game continues as prior the score and the ball that was scored once again drops randomly into one of the four center squares. The player that scored the TD can continue their movement to get back into the action, but then their turn ends. If that team also had possession of the second ball, the ball is "stripped" and also randomly enters the center of the pitch. Each coach gets to roll for KOs and all reserves can enter the pitch by being placed on that coaches' line of scrimmage, not to exceed the normal limit of 8 players. The game will continue in this manner until time is called, at which point each coach gets to finish their turn and the match ends.

Secret Weapons

Secret weapons are a special breed in Deathbowl and will stay on the pitch until their team scores a touchdown. If their team never score, they could stay in the entire game! Upon scoring, any purchased bribes may be used for the secret weapon player to rejoin the game.


Re-rolls may be purchased in Lightning Deathbowl for their normal cost, however, because the match is a continuous play format and does not feature "halves" or "drives," each re-roll may only be used once per match.

Blocks and Fouls

Each team can make a single blitz against each of the three other teams each turn. Normal blitzing rules apply.

Players may assist on a block even if they are not on the same team as the player making or receiving the block, provided they are adjacent to the said player making or receiving that block. The coach can “agree” to assist on the block if they are not in the tackle zone of any other players from a different team outside of the tackle zones of the players making or receiving the block. After a block is declared the other coaches declare any assists in turn, clockwise around the table. This applies to fouls in the same fashion as stated above. The guard skill works as normal and guard players may always assist on blocks if they choose.

Ball Handling – Passing, Handoffs & Interceptions

No player may at any time be in possession of more than one ball. Any time a player with a ball interacts with the other ball resolve the situation as if he had the “No Hands” skill. A team may pass and hand-off each ball once per turn. A team may not, however, pass or hand-off the same ball more than once in the same turn, as in the standard rules of the game. The ball may at no time be passed across any of the four corner squares (unless the coach is making a pass to BigFoot in his cave, in which case a new ball will enter the center of the pitch. This is not a turnover unless the pass was fumbled). To determine this when passing a ball, the entire range ruler must be on the playable Pitch area. In addition, you may not throw or hand off the ball directly to the opposition if you want to work with them, though you may throw next to an opposition player with Diving Catch.


If players from different teams are eligible to make an interference roll, the player closest to the throwing player may make the attempt first. If two or more players are equally close than the coaches roll off to determine which player may make the first attempt. If the first player fails to interfere the next player gets a chance, if the second player fails to interfere a player from the third team gets a chance. However, each team may only make one interference attempt.

If an interference attempt is successful but then fails the re-roll due to the “cloud burster” skill, a team who has not yet attempted to intercept can still try with one of their players. Cloud Burster may be used on all successful interceptions in any given turn. For example a pass may be interfered or intercepted 3 times, each time by a player from a different team; the thrower gets to force all opponents to re-roll the attempted interference.


In the spirit of fun and sportsmanship, coaches are allowed and encouraged to talk, collaborate and collude during a Deathbowl match. However, coaches should be conscientious of keeping the banter friendly and respectful at all times. If word gets to the TO that coaches are crossing this line, he may impose "arbitrary" penalties of his choosing to coaches breaking this rule.

Tournament Points

There are two ways to earn points at RMR Deathbowl. The first way is through scoring ball handling activities and the second is through blocking and fouling actions.

Points from game play are as follows:

Ball Handling Events: Tournament Points

Touchdown is scored - 10

Successful pickup - 1

Successful handoff - 1

Successful pass - 2

Successfully throwing into BigFoot's cave - 2 (New ball will then drop into center of pitch)

Successful Interception - 5

Blocking and Fouling Events: Tournament Points

Successful Casualty - 5

Successful Knockout - 2

Successful Stun - 1

Successful Crowd Surf (non KO or CAS) - 1


Trophies will be given to coaches with the most overall points and the top two out-of-town finishers have the option of choosing beds in the guest room of the Rocky Mountain Cave!

Tournament Report
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