?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBlizzard Blast II
Organizer NAF namemjbaz4 (26249)
OrganizerMichael Bazylewski
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-01-13
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Oropher (36285)Skaven

Runner up

Mase (34029)Dark Elf

Most Touchdowns

DasGloop (34026)Human

Most Casualties

daveyflavey (34466)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

mjbaz4 (26249)Norse

Other Awards

rainsford (33939)Orc
Beat Defense
Slooshi (34028)Norse
Most Completions
Tournament Location
AddressCrestview Park Free Methodist Church
 928 Cavalier Drive
ZipR2Y 1C8

Ruleset Document


Blizzard Blast 2024 is a three round high TV, high skill package winter themed Blood Bowl Tournament. This is a Swiss-Style resurrection tournament. The first game will be determined by a random matchup. The remaining games will be determined by tournament points. Seating will be limited to 20 players.


Registration: 9:00-9:15

Game 1: 9:15-12:00

Lunch Break: 12:00-1:00

Game 2: 1:00-3:45

Game 3: 3:45-6:30

Tournament Calculations/Awards Presentation: 6:30-6:45

When time is called, remaining turn is finished (for both coaches), and the game concludes if not finished.


NAF Member: $20

Non-NAF Member: $20 and will include a 1 year free membership to the NAF. The NAF cost will be covered by Andrew Budgell.

To register, please contact Michael at: mjbazylewski4@gmail.com

And, submit roster on Tourplay by:

Wednesday January 10th

Submitted in Tourplay here:


This tournament will be using Tourplay to track rounds


Your Blood Bowl Team - *As per new Manitoba Tournament Standards, all teams must be atleast painted 3 colors. (Basing is not necessary, but appreciated)

Block Dice, D6,D8, D16, Ball and Templates

Turn, Re-roll and TD markers

Rule book and other publications relevant to your team


Blood Bowl Bingo Card

A pair of custom 6 sided event dice

Bands to mark skills

Required charts and tables for alternate weather etc.


All Blood Bowl 2020 teams from the Second Season Rulebook, Teams of Legend pdf, as well as Spike! Journal teams that have Blood Bowl 2020 rules may be used. If a Teams of Legend team has updated rules, you must use the updated rules. The Slann team from the NAF may also be used. This is a resurrection style tournament. No SPP will be earned during games and injuries will not carry over to the next game. Your team will reset to your initial roster at the start of each match. The Highlander rule will be in effect. If you hire the same Star as your opponent neither player will have access to the star for that game. Masters of Undeath and Plague Ridden rules will be used. This tournament will be using the Harsh Tundra Weather Table, Unclear Markings Pitch, Warm Ball and Special Snowball Rules. See Below for Details..

You have 1,250,000 gp to spend on your team

You may hire up to 2 Star/Mega-Stars but you must first have 11 players rostered before hiring a star player and pay their SPP tax

Teams can purchase Rerolls, Apothecaries (if allowed), Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders and Dedicated Fans

0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs may be purchased

0-3 Bribes may be purchased

Only Halfings may hire a Halfling Master Chef

Riotous Rookies may be taken by teams with the Low Cost Linemen Special rule

Only the listed inducements may be purchased


All teams will be given 3 snowballs per match that the crowd can throw at opposing players. See below for details.

If your team is painted you will receive an additional snowball (3 colour minimum)

If your team is base you will receive an additional snowball


Tier one teams will be given 48 SPP to buy skills and Stars/Mega Stars

Tier two teams will be given 54 SPP to buy skills and Stars/Mega Stars

Tier three teams will be given 60 SPP to buy skills and Stars/Mega Stars

Tier four teams will be given 66 SPP to buy skills and and Stars/Mega Stars

Primary Skills cost 6SPP

Secondary Skills cost 12SPP

Mega-Stars are 24 SPP each

Tier 1.5 Star Players are 18 SPP each

All other Star Players are 12 SPP each

Star Player Pairs will cost 12 SPP for the pair

Each skill can be taken a maximum of 3 times.

Up to 3 skills may be stacked on a player

No Stat Increases

Tier One teams: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens and Wood Elves.

Tier Two teams: Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings and Vampires

Tier Three: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Khorne, Nurgle and Slann

Tier Four: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotlings, Stunty Lizardmen (No Saurus), Stunty Underworld Denizens (Goblins, Snotlings and Big Guys only) and Stunty Black Orcs (No Black Orcs)

Please have a way to indicate the purchased skills of your players that makes it easy for your

opponent to identify which player has which skill. Bands will be provided if you need them.


The following Stars Players are Mega-Stars as per the May 2023 FAQ:

Bomber Dribblesnot

Deeproot Strongbranch

Griff Oberwald

Hakflem Skuttlespike

Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger

Morg ‘n’ Thorg


Cindy Pie Whistle

Lord Borak

Wilhelm Chaney


The first round of matches will be randomized. Each following round will be determined through Swiss pairings. Points are awarded as follows:

Win - 65 points

Draw - 25 points

Loss - 0 points

Tiebreakers are as follows: Total Casualties, Casualty Differential, Head to Head Record, TD Differential and Lastly Total TD’s


The following skills/actions count as Casualties for scoring tournament points:



Pushing a player into the crowd

Projectile Vomit




Ball and Chain

Diving Tackle

Thrown/Kicked team-mate hitting an opposition player

Arm Bar

Failed Dodges

Did your player have an ‘interaction’ with the opponent’s player to cause the Casualty? It will count. Failed rushes do not count.


One of your snowballs can be thrown at the end of any team turn before a player. The Snowballs are thrown on the pitch by fans in the crowd.

Snowballs may only target a square in a widezone

Once a target square is chosen roll a D6

1: The Snowball is poorly made and distendrates mid air. Nothing happens.

2-5:The Snowball is thrown with poor accuracy. The Snowball will land D3 squares from the target square determined by rolling a D8 for the direction.

6: The Snowball lands accurately in the target square.

Any player that is standing in a square where a snowball lands is placed prone (No Armour roll is made). If the player is holding the ball, the ball will bounce. No turnover is caused.


(2) Wind Chill: The biting wind is enough to force some players to hide from the freezing cold in the dugout! At the end of step 1 of the Start of Drive sequence, both coaches roll a D6. The team that scores the lowest (or both teams in the case of a tie) randomly selects one player on the pitch. That player has had enough of the dreadful wind. Immediately place the selected player in the Reserves box to warm up.

(3) Freezing Fog: The weather is so cold it’s causing players’ fingers to go numb, which makes catching the ball difficult indeed! Apply a -1 modifier everytime a player makes an AG test when attempting to catch the ball, pick up the ball, or interfere with a Pass action.

(4-10) Clear and Calm: The frequently dangerous climate is unusually calm and warm (for Norsca at least!), making it perfect(ish- Ed) Blood Bowl weather.

(11) Hail Shower: At the start of each team’s turn, roll a D6. On a 1, randomly select one player on the pitch from the active team. This player is struck by an unusually large hailstone; make an Armour roll for this player. If the Armour roll is successful, do not make an Injury roll; the player is instead automatically Stunned. This will not cause a Turnover, even if the player with the ball is knocked down.

(12) White-out: It’s snowing so heavily that it’s near impossible for the players to see anything at all! Players may not perform Pass actions. Additionally, a player may not declare a Blitz Action against an opposing player who is more than three squares away from them.


The Pitch is snow covered making it difficult to determine the wide zones and the line of scrimmage. When the kicking team sets up for a drive, they may choose to treat their Line of Scrimmage as being:

The normal Line of Scrimmage

One row of squares further back into their own half.

One row of squares into the other theam’s half.

This creates a temporary halfway line for this kick-off which the receiving team must adhere to when setting up their players, and which is used for the purposes of awarding a touch back. In addition the limit of 2 players per Wide Zone during set-up does not apply for either team.


Wizards have enchanted the ball and it emanates heat. Players who are holding onto the ball are reluctant to get rid of it due to its warmth in the cold weather. While a player is in possession of the ball the player gains the Animosity (All) trait. Animosity (All) is removed once the player is no longer in possession of the ball.


1st Place

Best Offense

Best Defense

Best Stunty Coach (3 stunty teams required)

Golden Gladiator - Best Presentation as voted on by the players

Blood Bowl Bingo Card Winner

Best Sportsmanship - Voted on by the players. May be anyone at the tournament

Wooden Spoon - Lowest tournament points

Share the Wealth Rules - No coach can win multiple prizes except for Wooden Spoon, Best Painted, Best Sportsmanship or Bingo Card Winner

All the money collected for the tournament will be awarded back to tournament coaches, minus a small donation to the Church for accomodation.

Tournament Report
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