?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameHafnia Bowl IV
Organizer NAF namehargrim (27450)
OrganizerAdam Skjalm-Rasmussen
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-17
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Tripleskull (9524)Amazon

Runner up

jew (29078)Orc

Most Touchdowns

shellshock (29172)Vampire

Most Casualties

utii (34060)Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

asgerandreassen (31671)Ogre
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressValgårdsvej 4

Ruleset Document

Hafnia bowl is back with a vengeance.
we will be using the Eurobowl 2024 rules, with each coach getting 2 squad points to spend on roster creation
The simplified rules are stated below
Venue: Valby Kulturhus 3. sal
Date: 17th of February 2024, time - 09:00-22:00
09:00 Registration
09:45 Round 1
12:00 Lunch Break
12:45 Round 2
15:00 Coffe Break
15:15 Round 3
17:30 Dinner
18:15 Round 4
20:30 round 4 ENDS !
20:45 Awards Ceremony
and Please bring your biggest smile and a printed roster.
2 Points are awarded for a victory.
1 Point for a Draw.
0 Points for a Loss.
Tiebreaker used:
Opponents score
Net casualties
casualties for
casualties against
Net Touchdowns
Tournament Resurrection style.
All injuries are reset after each game. Each game will start with a fresh roster.
Gametime is 2 hours and 15 minutes
Orcanizer will make an announcement at half-time.
Admission: 120 DKK or 15 EUR
Signup by contacting Adam Skjalm-Rasmussen on messenger, or by writing to thth144@live.dk
Payment via mobilepay on 21867313 with your NAF-name and NAF-Number.
if you are from a country other than Danmark you can just pay at the door.
Players who have registered, payed and sent in a roster before the end of February 10th, get 1 assistant coach, 1 cheerleader and 1 Dedicated Fan.
Roster Creation
Tier 1: Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Underworld
Tier 2: Amazons, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Wood Elves
Tier 3: High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings, Elven Union, Vampires.
Tier 4: Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Old World Alliance, Slann.
Tier 5: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Imperial Nobility, Nurgle.
Tier 6: Goblins, Ogres, Halflings, Snotlings.
Starting Gold and Skill Points (SP):
Tier 1: 1150k & 06 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill
Tier 2: 1160k & 07 SP, maximum 1 secondary skill
Tier 3: 1170k & 08 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills
Tier 4: 1180k & 09 SP, maximum 2 secondary skills
Tier 5: 1190k & 10 SP, maximum 3 secondary skills
Tier 6: 1200k & 11 SP, unlimited secondary skills
Skill cost:
Primary Skill = 1 SP
Secondary Skill = 2 SP
Allowed Team Goods:
● 0-8 Re-Rolls, cost depending on race.
● 0-6 Assistant coaches for 10k.
● 0-12 Cheerleaders for 10k.
● 0-1 Apothecary, depending on race.
● 1-6 Dedicated fans for 10k. Every team begins with 0 Dedicated Fans.
● 0-1 Team Mascot for 30k, available to all teams.
● 0-1 Weather Mage for 30k, available to all teams.
● 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs each for 50k, available to all teams.
● 0-3 Bribes for 100k. 50k for teams with the "Bribery and Corruption" special rule.
● 0-1 Josef Bugman for 100k, available to all teams.
● 0-1 Mortuary Assistant for 100k, available to teams with the "Sylvanian Spotlight" special
● 0-1 Plague Doctor for 100k, available to teams with the "Favored of Nurgle" special rule.
● 0-2 Wandering Apothecaries for 100k. Available to teams that can normally take an
● 0-1 Master Chef for 300k. 100k for teams with the "Halfling Thimble Cup" special rule.
Additional Rules:
A roster cannot induce bribes if there is a player with the Sneaky Git skill AND/OR the Secret
Weapon skill. Goblin and Snotling teams can induce bribes while their roster contains players
with the Secret Weapon skill BUT NOT the Sneaky Git skill.
Squad Creation and Options
EuroBowl Squad Creation:
A squad consists of 8 coaches, each must play a unique race.
Each Squad has 8 Squad Points to spend on Blessings. Each Blessing can be selected a
maximum of 2 times.
EurOpen Squad Creation:
A squad consists of 4 coaches, each must play a unique race.
Each Squad has 4 Squad Points to spend on Blessings. Each Blessing can be selected a
maximum of 1 time.
Blessing Cost:
● Spartan Roster: 0 Squad Points
● Blessing of Hermes (Extra gold): 1 Squad Point
● Blessing of Artemis: (Skill stacking): 1 Squad Point
● Blessing of Ares: (Star Players): 2 Squad Points
● Blessing of Athena: (Extra skill point): 2 Squad Points
A Coach may choose only one of the Blessings.
Spartan Roster: No blessing
The roster is created with no additional options.
Blessing of Hermes: (Extra gold)
One or more Skill Points can be exchanged for gold at a ratio of 30k per 1SP. This must not
take team value above 1200K before added skills.
Blessing of Artemis: (Skill stacking)
By losing one Skill Point, you are able to stack skills to players in your roster, limited according
to tier:
● 1 Skill Stack for Tier 1-2
● 2 Skill Stacks for Tier 3-4
● 3 Skill Stacks for Tier 5-6
Blessing of Ares: (Star Players)
● One (1) Star Player can be rostered for Tier 1-4 teams
● Up to two (2) Star Players can be rostered for Tier 5-6 teams.
Star Players in pairs count as two Star Players for the roster.
A Star cannot play in a game if rostered by both coaches.
Each Star Player also costs additional Skill Points:
● If the Star costs:0-99k, lose 1 Skill point.
● If the Star costs:100-199k, lose 2 Skill points.
● If the Star costs:200-299k, lose 3 Skill points.
● If the Star costs:300k-399k, lose 4 skill points.
The following Star Players are banned:
Griff Oberwald, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Morg 'n' Thorg, Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy
Piewhistle, Deeproot Strongbranch, Kreek Rustgouger, Estelle La Veneaux, Dribl & Drull,
Varag Ghoul-Chewer.
Blessing of Athena: (Extra skill point)
One extra Skill Point is gained. If this Blessing is selected, no Skill Points may be spent on any
skill that already exists 3 times or more on the roster, and no additional skill may be selected
more than 3 times.
Any GP unspent at roster creation are lost and all Teams are considered to have the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.
This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to the next.
Players added to a Team roster mid game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.
Miniatures: The miniatures don’t have to be from a specific manufacturer.
We encourage you to use the following color
coded bases:
Grey/Black: Lineman -
Red: Blitzer -
Green: Blocker -
White: Thrower -
Yellow: Catcher, Runner.
If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, then mark them somehow.
First round is random draw. Subsequent rounds will be swissdraw.
The best placed coaches will be seated on the tables with low numbers.
The four minute rule is not enforced, but if the game is not proceeding according to the time schedule, the referee may issue a timer. The referee can issue a timer, or battleclock, with a fixed turn-time.
Should one player ignore this, that player will automatically concede his game. Any coach can request a timer at any time.
Dice must be easily recognized and must be shared if requested.
If a Coach cannot accept your dice, you must play with standard dice.
We recommend everyone to use the official NAF Block dice, and clearly point out what a given logo on a dice is(Either a 1 or a 6.)
There will be lots of Prizes
Code of Conduct:
Besides The Naf Charter article V, blood bowl is for everyone new people as well as young and old.
Bad behavior in any way may resoult in a exclusion from the event at any point, at the discretion of the Tournament Organizers.
In doubt the Orcanizer has the final word.

Tournament Report
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