?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NamePity Party II
Organizer NAF nameTrefenwyd (25645)
OrganizerAaron Franklin
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-25
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-02-25
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Trefenwyd (25645)Tomb Kings

Runner up

jaccaroni (35233)Norse

Most Touchdowns

KingofDasea (25642)Elf Union

Most Casualties

ArmorArmadillo (31143)Norse

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

HDubbs (22433)Khorne
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressThe Geekery
 12616 W 62nd Ter Ste 117
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document


To Be Held FEB 25th of the year 2024


12616 W 62nd Terrace #117, Shawnee, KS 66216
From 10:45 am – 6:30 pm

Folks come from far and wide to watch the great sport of Blood Bowl, but alas some of the best at the game, so-called Star Players, never seem to make it onto the pitch! It’s time we threw them a party . . . a pity party! This tournament ruleset will incentivize rostering some of the lesser-taken Star Players. See the Star Play/skill selection section for specifics.

Each coach is expected to bring the following to successfully compete in the Pity Party:
• 4 copies of their team roster (see “Roster Creation” below)
• NAF or Games Workshop Block Dice and a D8
• Their team & players, each appropriately numbered with easily distinguished positions and upgraded skills. Unpainted models will be allowed, but painted teams are preferred
• A pitch and dug outs (not required, but if you have a pitch/dug outs please bring them with you to ensure we have enough!)
• Free for NAF-members
• $10 for non-NAF members (will go towards a year-long NAF membership)

10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Registration
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., First Round
1:30p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Second Round
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Third Round

There will NOT be a lunch break. Plan accordingly! The store has snacks as well as pizza/wings.

Games will be played on a chess clock. Each player will have 1:10. If your clock runs out, you may take no actions on your turn(s) until the game is over. After roster introduction and pre-game rolls, the clock may not be paused unless the TO pauses it; this includes post-touchdown and halftime sequences.

Tournament Rules:
All games of the Pity Bowl will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl 2020 Rulebook and available teams include those in the 2020 Rulebook and NAF additional tournament teams (Slann). Rosters may include teams/star players/inducement published up to the day of the event with the restrictions noted below. If star player rules are released between 1/5/2024 and 2/25/2024, contact the event organizer for guidance on section B below.

Resurrection style – all injuries/deaths are healed in between games.

Roster Creation:
You are given 1,200,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, dedicated fans, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal with this money.

Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT allowed

You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including 0-2 Star Players (see below), as described in the Blood Bowl 2020 rulebook or Deathzone supplement. Any gold pieces left over after roster creation are lost and may not be further spent on skills.

STAR PLAYERS: Star Players may count towards your minimum roster size of 11. I.e., you may have 10 players plus a Star Player and be legal. The Highlander rule is NOT in effect.

**All new star players from the Second Season Edition and subsequent Spike Journals will be allowed. Second Season Edition has given Star Players each their own "Special Rule". If you have a Star Player on your roster, you are expected to explain the "Special Rule" to your opponent.

Skill Selection:
Each team is given a skill selection package based on the following Tier structure, presence of a Star Player, and finally modified by the “Spreading the Wealth” rule as described by paragraphs A, B, and C below. Any team may upgrade any number of Primary Skills into Secondary Skills at a 2:1 ratio, i.e,use 2 Primary Skill slots to take one Secondary Skill. No stat increases may be taken and Star Players may not be given any skills. Otherwise, you may choose to stack as many skills on any player as you like.

A. Your race tier

Tier 1: Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Necromantic Horror, Orc, Shambling Undead, Vampire, Dark Elf, Skaven
- 4 Primary Skills

Tier 2: Amazon, Human, Norse, Underworld Denizens, Slann
- 5 Primary Skills

Tier 3: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, High Elf, Imperial Nobility, Tomb Kings, Wood Elf
- 6 Primary Skills

Tier 4: Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Snotling
- 7 Primary Skills

Tier 5: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre
- 8 Primary Skills

B. Your (possible) Star Player selection
a. Each Star Player brings a modifier to your Skill Pool as per below. If you elect to take 2 Star Players, you receive ONE modifier, whichever is WORSE.

i. +4 Primary Skills
1. Roxanna Darknail
2. The Swift Twins
3. Gretchen Wachter

ii. +3 Primary Skills
1. Bilerot Vomitflesh

iii. +2 Primary Skills
1. Grashnak Blackhoof
2. Withergrasp Doubledrool
3. Willow Rosebark
4. Grim Ironjaw
5. Grombrindal, the White Dwarf
6. Bryce ‘the Slice’ Cambuel
7. Frank ‘N’ Stein
8. Skrull Halfheight
9. Scyla Anfingrimm
10. Gloriel Summerbloom
11. Scrappa Sorehead

iv. +1 Primary Skill
1. Zolcat the Zoat
2. Rumbelow Sheepskin
3. Helmet Wulf
4. Skrorg Snowpelt
5. Max Spleenripper
6. Boa Kon’ssstriktr
7. Barik Farblast
8. Captain Karina von Riesz
9. The Black Gobbo

v. No Modifier
1. Nobbla Blackwart
2. Ripper Bolgrot
3. Eldril Sidewinder
4. Akhorne the Squirrel

vi. -1 Primary Skill
1. Thorsson Stoutmead
2. Ivar Eriksson
3. Glotl Stop
4. Count Luthor von Drakenborg

vii. -2 Primary Skills
1. Mighty Zug
2. Grak and Crumbleberry
3. Puggy Baconbreath

viii. -3 Primary Skills
1. Varag Ghoul-Chewer
2. Fungus the Loon
3. Lord Borak
4. Glart Smashrip
5. Karla von Kill
6. Wilhelm Chaney
7. Cindy Piewhistle
8. Estelle La Veneaux

ix. -4 Primary Skills
1. Bomber Dribblesnot
2. Hakflem Skuttlespike
3. Kreek Rustgouger
4. Morg ‘n Thorg
5. Deeproot Strongbranch
6. Griff Oberwald
7. Dribl and Drull
8. Ivan ‘the Animal’ Deathshroud

C. Spreading the Wealth
a. Additionally, any team which only has ONE or fewer duplicate skills is allocated an additional Primary Skill for free.
i. For example, if you took Block, Block, Guard, Wrestle, Tackle, Frenzy, Strip Ball, you WOULD receive an additional skill as you only have one duplicate skill
ii. For example, if you took Block, Block, Guard, Guard, Wrestle, Tackle, Frenzy, you WOULD NOT receive an additional skill.
iii. For example, if you took Block, Block, Block, Block, Guard, you would NOT receive an additional skill.
b. This additional free Primary Skill may not be a duplicate of any of the previously chosen skills.

Pairing and Scoring:
Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 will be selected using Swiss pairing (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.) Coaches are awarded points based on the following:
+25 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
0 points for each loss
+ 1 point per opponent casualty sustained (spectators appreciate all manner of viciousness therefore all casualties, regardless of how they are inflicted, count)
+ 2 points for each touchdown scored
+ 2 points for shutting out your opponent (your opponent did not score any touchdowns)

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