?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameKhorneval VII: Nehekaran Nomicon
Organizer NAF nametoranath (21342)
OrganizerDonald Morgan
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-07-27
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-07-28
StyleSwiss 3 Team Squad
ScoringWin 3pts, Draw 1pt, Loss 0pt
Cost$150 per Squad
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageKhorneval VII: Nehekaran Nomicon and Quest fr the Grail Shaped Cup 6

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address5701 Moffett Rd
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Welcome to Nehekara, home of the Tomb Kings! They have invited you, in conjunction with the Voodoo Tournament Series, to come partake in a grand competition, the Nehekaran Nomicon! This will be a Voodoo Tournament Series Regional Tourney. A 2 day, 5 round, 3 team Squad event. There will also be a separate Friday event, Friday Night Icebreaker in Nehekara that is free to all Khorneval VII participants. Pairings round one will be random Squad versus Squad and random Team versus Team within. After round one all Squad pairings will be Swiss style as well as Team versus Team within. Feel free to join our Discord server for thw event at this link...


Cost: $150 per Squad. Please send payments via Paypal to @jdvertrees and add squad name and coach names in the message area, thank you. Please note that the price is for NAF members. $5 additional per non NAF member will be due day off event(but they get extra swag).

Schedule of Events:
Saturday July 27th
9am-10am Registration
10:15am-12:30pm First Round
12:30pm-1:15pm Catered Lunch Break
1:15pm-3:30pm Second Round
3:45pm-6:00pm Third Round
Sunday July 28th
8:30 Arrival
9am-11:15am Fourth Round
11:30am-1:45pm Final Round
2pm-2:30pm Awards

Being in Nehekara, the Desert Weather table found on page 83 of Deathzone will be used.

Each Squad will have 9pts to divvy up for their respective rosters.

Tier 1 = 5pts Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarves, Shambling Undead, Dwarves, and Wood Elves
Tier 2 = 4pts Vampires, High Elves, Elven Union, Necromantic Undead, Lizardmen, Amazons, and Norse
Tier 3 = 3pts Humans, Orcs, Old World Alliance, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, and Tomb Kings
Tier 4 = 2pts Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Black Orcs, Snotlings, Gnomes, and Slann
Tier 5 = 1pt Nurgle, Goblin, Halfling, and Ogre

Tier 1: 6 skills(1 may be Secondary)
Tier 2: 7 skills( 2 may be Secondary)
Tier 3: 8 skills( 3 may be Secondary)
Tier 4: 9 skills( 3 may be Secondary)
Tier 5: 10 skills( 4 may be Secondary)
Only 3 of the same skill may be taken by each team. Players may receive up to 2 Primary skills stacked. Secondary skills can not be stacked.

Treasury, Rosters, and Inducements:
Squads will have 3.4 million gold pieces to spread among the 3 teams. Team rosters must be between 1,1 million and 1.15 million gold pieces. Squads may not take the same race more than once. No Star players as the stingy Tomb Kings refuse to pay for their services(plus most of them did not want to travel into the desert). All Inducements are available from the Blood Bowl 2020 Rulebook with the exceptions of Star Players, Mercenaries, and Wizards. Death Zone Inducements will not be allowed(the Tomb Kings are so antiquated). Rosters will be due no later than July 20th and please use BBRoster so that it makes you humble Tournament Organizer's life easier. They can be sent to Toranath@gmail.com

Squad: 3pts for a Win, 1pt for a Draw, and 0pts for a Loss
Individual: 3pts for a Win, 1pt for a Draw, and 0pts for a Loss
A Squad Win is attaining more Individual points in your Squad matchup.
A Squad Draw is attained by both Squads having an equal amount of Individual points.
A Squad Loss happens upon attaining fewer Individual points than you opponent Squad.
Tie Breakers for both Squad and Individual are as follows:
1. Strength of Schedule(Opponents Score)
2. Net TD's
3. Net Casualties
4. Triple Skulls (3 rounds throwing 3 block dice adding up skulls rolled)

First Place
Runners UP
Stunty (If all 3 coaches play Stunty)
Best Comeback (Most places increased after Round 2)
Wooden Spoons
Tournament Champion
Runner Up
Most TD's
Most Casualties
Best Defense
Best Comeback
Best Sport
Wooden Spoon

Tournament Report
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