?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSpringtime Slaighter 2024
Organizer NAF namehargrim (27450)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-04-13
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-04-13
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Jaqra (19750)Human

Runner up

enandreassen (25714)Snotling

Most Touchdowns

mnukdk (35218)Human

Most Casualties

johnheinonen (37053)Norse

Stunty Cup

shortstuff (30340)Snotling

Best Painted

Other Awards

hargrim (27450)Shambling Undead
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressTelefonvej 8

Ruleset Document

Winter Rumble 3 - Star Players Union
Star Players Union is having a crisis.
The stars are angry that only Megastars are getting hired.
To prevent a strike, a support event has been created, so that stars that havent been playing for a long time, get hired again.
Come and play against stars, that have just started or havent been on the field for a long time.
Coffee and fun included.
Date: 13. april - Time: 09:00 -22:00
Lokale: Drop Inn
09:00 Registration
09:45 Round 1
12:15 Lunch Break
13:00 Round 2
15:30 Coffe Break
15:45 Round 3
18:15 Dinner
19:00 Round 4
21:30 round 4 ENDS !
21:45 Awards Ceremony
and Please bring your biggest smile and a printed roster.
2 Points are awarded for a victory.
1 Point for a Draw.
0 Points for a Loss.
Tiebreaker used:
Opponents score
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
casualties for
casualties against
Tournament Resurrection style.
All injuries are reset after each game. Each game will start with a fresh roster.
Gametime is 2½ hour
Orcanizer will make an announcement at half-time.
Admission: 120 DKK or 15 EUR
Signup by contacting Jakob Lærkes on messenger.
Payment via mobilepay on 29128758 with you NAF-name and NAF-Number.
if you are from a country other than Danmark you can just pay at the door.
Players who have registered, payed and sent in a roster before the end of april 10th, get 1 assistant coach, 1 cheerleader and 1 dedicated Fan.
Team Building
Each Team has a total of 1,150,000gp to spend on roster creation and must hire a minimum of 11 Players.
Any GP unspent at roster creation are lost and all Teams are considered to have the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.
This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to the next.
Players added to a Team roster mid game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.
Star Players:
Star Players can only be induced after 11 Players have already been rostered.
Highlander rule is NOT in use.
Miniatures: The miniatures don’t have to be from a specific manufacturer.
We encourage you to use the following color
coded bases:
Grey/Black: Lineman -
Red: Blitzer -
Green: Blocker -
White: Thrower -
Yellow: Catcher, Runner.
If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, then mark them somehow
First round is random draw. Subsequent rounds will be swissdraw.
The best placed coaches will be seated on the tables with low numbers.
The four minute rule is not enforced, but if the game is not proceeding according to the time schedule, the referee may issue a timer. The referee can issue a timer, or battleclock, with a fixed turn-time.
Should one player ignore this, that player will automatically concede his game. Any coach can request a timer at any time.
Dice must be easily recognized and must be shared if requested.
If a Coach cannot accept your dice, you must play with standard dice.
There will be lots of Prizes.
In doubt the Orcanizer has the final word.
1. Adam, Hargrim
2. Jakob Lærkes, Jaqra, 19750
General rules:
We play by the official second season rules and recommendations following “Rules for NAF Tournaments 2022” – including the one extra race (Slann):
All the Races & Starplayers can be found here: https://www.dadidimerda.it/starplayers.php
Link to other roster creators:
The tournament is a resurrection and no progression tournament, so every game is played with the roster you create before the tournament starts.
Team Creation:
Every team gets 1,150,000 GPs to spend in accordance with the standard rules for creating a blood bowl roster.
Any inducements bought are added permanently to your roster and bought from the teams Gold Pieces (GPs).
A roster with a minimum of 11 players can purchase star players. In the case that star players have been purchased, you can not convert any SPP to gold.
All star players released for Season 2 are allowed.
Assistant coaches, Bribes, Cheerleaders, Halfling Master Chef, Mortuary assistant, Plague doctor, Riotous Rookies and Weather mage are allowed.
Teams with the Bribery and corruption rules: Black Orcs, Goblins, Snotlings and Underworld purchase bribes at a prize of 50.000 gp.
A team with the Sneaky Git skill, can not also hire a Bribe.
Teams with the Halfling thimble cup rules: Halflings can purchase a Halfling master chef at a prize of 100.000 gp.
Skills and tier bonuses:
All teams get Star player points (SPP) to purchase skills.
A chosen Primary skill can be given to a rookie player for 6 SPP.
A chosen Secondary skill can be given to a rookie player for 12 SPP.
A player that has already been given one Skill, can be given a second Skill in the form of:
a chosen Primary Skill for another 8 SPP.
or a chosen Secondary Skill for another 14 SPP.
No player can be given more than two extra skills.
SPP for Gold:
If you do not have any star players, it is possible to convert up to 12 SPPs into GPs used for
team creation or inducements.
Exchange rate is 3 SPPs for 20.000 GPs.
Examples and clarifications:
Picking Guard on a Longbeard as a Primary skill costs you 6 SPPs.
You may then pick a second skill on the Longbeard you already gave Guard. This could be
Stand Firm as a second Primary skill for the price of another 8 SPPs, for a total of 14 SPPs.
Or you could pick Side step as a Secondary skill 14 SPPs for a total of 20 SPPs.
You might pick Block on an Ogre as a Secondary skill for 12 SPPs.
You may then pick Frenzy as another Secondary skill on the Ogre you already gave Block – for
the price of another 14 SPPs, for a total of 26 SPPs.

Tier 1 – 24 SSPs
Underworld Denizens
Tier 2 – 30 SPPs
Chaos Dwarf, Dwarves, Norse, Amazon, Skaven, Vampires
Tier 3 – 36 SPPs
Lizardmen, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Wood Elves, Dark Elves
Tier 4 – 42 SPPs
Chaos Renegades, Human, Khorne, Necromantic,
Tier 5 – 48 SPPs
Elven Union, Imperial nobility, Khemri Tomb Kings, Old World Alliance, High Elves
Tier 6 – 54 SPPs
Black Orc, Nurgle, Slann, Snotling, Chaos Chosen
Tier 7 – 60 SPPs
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres

Bonus for Stars
If you have 2 star choices from any tier you gain 6SPP. Note that pairs of starplayes like dribl
and drull only count as one choice.

Star Tiers
Tier 1 - 42 SPP No other stars will play for a team if these stars are on the roster
Griff, Morg
Tier 2 -24 SPP
Deeproot, Hakflem, Dribl and Drull, Count Luthor von Drakenborg
Tier 3 – 18SPP
Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Skitter, Varag ghoul-chewer
Tier 4 – 12 SPP
Chaney, Kreek Rustgouger, Grombindal, Boa Kon´ssstriktr, Estelle la Veneaux
Tier 5 – 6 SPP
Karla von kill, mighty zug, helmut wulf, Eldril Sidewinder, Black gobbo, Lord borak, , Ivar
Eriksson, Glart, Captain Karina von Riesz, Ivan 'the Animal' Deathshroud
Tier 6 – 0 SPP
Gloriel Summerbloom , Zolcath the zoat, Grim Ironjaw, Skrorg Snowpelt, Thorson Stoutmead,
Max Spleenripper, Bryce the Slice, Fungus the Loon, Ripper Bolgrot, Nobla Blackwart, Scrappa
Sorehead, Puggy Baconbreath, Akhorne, Barik Farblast,
Tier 7 + 6 SPP
Willow Rosebark, Rumbelow Sheepskin, Skrull Halfheight, Withergrasp Doubledrool, Grak and
Crumbleberry, Frank ´n´Stein, Grashnak blackhoof, Glotl Stop, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Roxanna,
Skrorg Snowpelt, Scyla Anfingrimm
Tier 8 + 12 SPP
Swift Twins, Gretchen

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