?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTashbash 4
Organizer NAF nameShaniepoo1 (1123)
OrganizerShane Byrne
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-23
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-24
ScoringPOINT SCORING: Win 50pts Draw 25pts Loss 0pts *Bonuse points will be awarded for casualties (Blocking AND fouling) and TDs to a maximum or 2 in each category.
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressUniversity of cCumbria
 Bowerham Rd
ZipLA1 3JD
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

This is a charity Blood Bowl tournament held to raise money for the https://uk.movember.com/ foundation and help raise awareness for mens physical health, mealntal health and suicide prevention. Even though the Covid pandemic and Lockdown are both a few years behind us now, the impact on people's mental health still remains. This ranges from increased anxiety and depression, through to suicidal ideation and suicide itself. Movember funds over 1250 projects for mens health across 20 countries! Together we can help raise awareness of these issues and help fellow Mo Bro.

The tournament will be held in the lovely (cough) city of Lancaster in the NW just off the M6 (So easy to get to). There are plenty of hotels in and on the edge of the city. Some great real ale pub (as well as not so great pubs) and a veriety of nightlife.


Tickets are £20* and all proceeds from the event will go straight to the Movember foundation. Ticket money to be sent via PayPal and must include you're NAF name and NAF number. Please send it as 'Friend and family' so we are not charged for the transaction.
Note - You MUST be a NAF member to take part.
*Tickets are nonrefundable as this is a charity event.

Sentamu building room 203
University of Cumbria
Bowerham Rd


This will be a NAF sanctioned event and all players must be NAF members. All results will be uploaded to the NAF website and ranking points awarded as per NAF rules.

The GW Bloodbowl Season 2 exhibition rules and some of those from Death Zone (see below) will be used. Spike! magazine rules will be reviewed before any decision is made on there use.

There will be 6 games over the course of two days using the Swiss format - Random draw for round 1, then each round thereafter 1st and 2nd place play each other, 3rd and 4th place play each other, 5th and 6th place play each other...

We are using Tourplay for creating & submitting rosters, inputting results, generating the rounds... Please remember to add your NAF details that are UP-TO-DATE! We have had incorrect NAF names used in the past and it stops results being uploaded to the NAF site. Then register for Tashbash 4 in the tournament section. You can create your roster here and it does all the hard work for you.

Win 50pts
Draw 25pts
Loss 0pts
*Bonuse points will be awarded for casualties (Blocking AND fouling) and TDs to a maximum or 2 in each category.

Each coach will have 1,200,000gps to spend on their team. Teams available for use are those from Season 2, Teams of legend and Khorne teams (28in total). Any gold not used will be lost. All players will be resurrected before each game and SPP will not be used. All players must be represented by an appropriate painted model, but this does not have to be a GW model (There are plenty of amazing fantasy football models out there to use).

Star Players:
All Star players from the Season 2 rule book are allowed, as we'll as those released in the Spike! magazines. Any Star Player being used MUST be represented by an appropriate model. Stars Players are limited to 1 per team and they are capped at 200,000gps. The only exception to this is Stunty teams who are not capped at 200,000gps for their Star Player. Star players can only be included after the minimum of 11 players are are paid for as part of your roster.

Inducements from the Season 2 rule book and Deathzone can be purchased with the exception of special play cards, Extra training, Giants, Wandering Apo, Temp Cheerleaders and Part-time Coaches. Any inducements published in Spike! magazine will be reviewed before any decisionis is made about them being used. Bribes are reduced to 50,000gps for teams with 'Bribary and Coruption', and Master Chefs are reduced to 100,000gps for teams with 'Halfling Thimble Cup' rule.

All wizards from Death Zone may be purchased with the exception of Horatio X. Schottenneim, master mage. Each team may purchase a single race specific wizard that must be represented by an appropriate model on the team.

Biased Referees:
Each team may hire 1 Biased Referee. This must be represented by an appropriate model on the team.

(In)Famous Coaches:
Each team may hire 1 (In)Famous Coach. This must be represented by an appropriate model on the team.

Team Mascot:
Each team may purchase a single team mascot. This must be represented by an appropriate model on the team.

Each team may purchase a single Mercenary player instead of a Star Player (*200,000gps cap for non-stunty teams still apply). For the purpose of the event Mercenary's follow all the appropriate rules that apply to Star Players - They not gain tournament skills, must be purchased after the original 11 players... If you take a Mercenary then it must be represented by an appropriate model, not just a model from the original team (E.G. A basic linerat from the original team can't be used to represent a Mercenary). For the purpose of the tournament when creating a Mercenary you CAN'T reduce stats or pick the skill packages that include Dirty Player (+2) or Mighty Blow (+2). All Mercenary's created are added to the 'Merc pool' on Tourplay. This means that everyone can see Mercenary's that have been made, and may also use them.

Each team will get 8 primary skills to distribute as they wish. No player can have more than 1 skill. Any player may take a secondary skill at the cost of 2 primary skills to a maximum of 3 secondary skills -

8 Primary
6 Primary & 1 Secondary
4 Primary & 2 Secondary
2 Primary & 3 Secondary

*Only players you draft from the original roster pre game 1 can be given skills - Star players and Mercenary's may not be given extra skills.

1st place
Stunty Cup
Most TD
Most CAS
Wooden spoon (Last place)
Kilted Kiwi award (Most sporting/enjoyable opponent)
Best painted
Most fouling CS
*Depending on sponsors, there may be extra awards added*

Tournament Report
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