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Tournament NameThe Cheese Plate 2024
Organizer NAF namemrcushtie (26269)
OrganizerJames Foreman
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-15
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-15
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes

Tournament Statistics


Vice (25799)Underworld Denizens
The PNW's very own Mr Nice played against type today by bringing (checks notes) Underworld and cruising to a perfect record of three wins, while still putting in a lot of damage along the way.

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

bigbad00jon (32120)Skaven
Skipping lightly around the pitches, almost like wood elves, Skaven sneaked the highest scores on the day

Most Casualties

WheresWalleye (31195)Skaven
Bringing one of the two Moulder teams that featured in the tournament, WheresWalleye took the Bloody Cheese Plate with 15 casualties, a superlative demolition effort.

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

ianfredrick (31785)Skaven
As the best placing coach to never have played in a NAF tournament before (a field of 3 from the 14 participants), Ian took home the Brand New Cheese Plate
Valkidez (38553)Skaven
There's nothing Nuffle likes more than pandemonium, and ending the tournament with a 2-2 massacre as the other Moulder team finally started rolling hot on injuries, Valkidez claimed the Messy Cheese Plate for a total of 34 casualties and touchdowns scored and conceded
mrcushtie (26269)Skaven
The Glass Cannon Glass Cannon was won by the tournament organiser, the second most violent Moulder player on the day, wtih 14 casualties and a lot of damage to his own side
Tournament Location
AddressSilver King Games & Hobby
 5442 S Tacoma Way
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Back for a second year, the only Skaven-themed Blood Bowl tournament in the Pacific Northwest, possibly the evil doppelganger of the human-only Freedom Bowl further north in Everett. Brace yourselves for three more games of rodent fun!


Seven different teams are available to play: regular Skaven, Underworld (with a minimum of two Skaven players and one Rat Ogre), or any of the 5 Fumbbl Secret League teams.

Each team roster should be built using one of those seven teams, with a budget of 1,100,000 gp. A minimum of 11 regular players should be included in the roster before including any star players. If two teams roster the same star player, it plays for both teams – the warpstone-suffused environment means strange things can happen at the Cheese Plate. Teams can also roster:
* assistant coaches,
* cheerleaders
* an apothecary, (but what sort of coward brings an apothecary when they could just put more linemice into the grinder?)

Each team has a budget of SPP for skills.

Underworld, Clan Pestilens 50 SPP
Skaven, Clan Eshin, Clan Mors 54 SPP
Clan Skryre 60 SPP
Clan Moulder 66 SPP

No random skills or stat increases are allowed. No player may have more than 2 additional skills. No extra skills can be granted to Star Players. Any unspent SPP are lost.


Any Star Players with the ‘Underworld Challenge’ keyword except for Bomber Dribblesnot, because he made such a mess last year, the neighbours complained about the constant sound of explosions, you know how it is...
Warlock Engineer (150,000 gp) – note that the Warlock can only cast the Warp Lightning spell once per match – Thunderbolts are not available due to the weather conditions in the Northwest
Krot Shockwhisker (70,000 gp)
Mungo Spinecracker (80,000 gp)
The Trundlefoot Triplets (80,000 gp)
0-3 Bribes (100,000 gp or 50,000 gp for any team with the Bribery & Corruption keyword)
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs (50,000 gp each)

Inducements must be the same for all three games – you can’t vary from game to game. If a team has a TV disadvantage, this does not allow for any extra inducements or Prayers to Nuffle.


Underground Weather Table is used for all three rounds. Top table to roll for weather.


Because Astrogranite (TM) is so unforgiving, the organizing rodents have stolen the carpets from the nearby vampire castle / the Tacoma Dome Hospitality Suites. When a player is Knocked Down or Falls Over, there is an extra -1 modifier to the armour roll unless the player goes down in a square in the wide zones.

However, nothing comes without a cost, and because of the delightfully deep shag pile carpeting, going for it is a bit more risky than before. If a player rushes from a carpeted square, there is a -1 penalty to the roll - so rushes will fail on a 1 or a 2.

But because the rest of the arena is still made from that lovely grippy Astrogranite, players falling over or being knocked down in the wide zones suffer a +1 modifier to the armour roll. This does not stack with other modifiers. Because Astrogranite is so grippy, if a player fails a rush roll moving from a square in the wide zones, roll a D6: on a 4+, they remain standing but their activation ends immediately, without a turnover being caused. On a 1-3, they fall down as normal, causing a turnover.


50 points for a win / 30 points for a draw / 10 points for a loss by no more than 1 touchdown / 0 points for a loss by more than 1 touchdown.

Tiebreakers: head to head, then TD difference, casualty difference, total TDs, total casualties, strength of schedule, coin toss.


The Golden Cheese Plate – highest points
The Silver Cheese Plate – highest number of touchdowns scored, best TD diff wins in the event of a tie
The Bloody Cheese Plate – most casualties inflicted, best casualty diff wins in the event of a tie
The Glass Cannon Glass Cannon – for the team that suffered the most injuries while injuring more players than anyone else did
The Brand New Cheese Plate – best performance by a coach with no previous NAF record. In the absence of any rookie coaches, will be awarded for the best performance of a coach who has never previously coached Skaven in a NAF tournament.
The Messy Cheese Plate – awarded to the team with the highest total touchdowns and casualties (both for and against)

Tournament Report
Moving to a new venue for our second year, and pushing the start date back by a couple of months, the upgraded Cheese Plate is one of the grimy jewels in the crown of PNW events.

We more than doubled the number of coaches from last year, proving that there are still people daft enough to participate in an all-Skaven event.

Learnings from this year:

* Last year's choice of pitches was contentious, with the sloping pitch the source of the most acrimony and negative play experiences. To try to reduce the injuries this year, we brought in thick carpet, but combining a -1 to AV rolls with a penalty for GFIs may have been too much, especially with a different rule for the Astrogranite wide zones. Next year I think we'll carpet the wide zones, lose the GFI penalty, and use regular playing surfaces for the middle of the pitch. With all the frenzy that's available, there could always be more reasons to go wide...
* We had no Pestilens players this year, despite last year's success
* We had three Eshin players, although possibly due to the violence of the Mors and Moulder teams, having a million gutter runners maybe didn't help as much as you'd think
* Skryre performed particularly badly, and we'll buff them a bit next year
* Mors were possibly the least enjoyable team to play against, at least based on the tears and pain from those that went up against them. Since Pro is such an anti-fun skill (why not just roster Guard 12 times on 6 of your players?) we may amend that roster for next year to take that away. It's bad enough that they brought dwarf armour to a Skaven party...
* Moulder were as violent as I expected, no notes there.

Thanks to all who participated, I hope for an even larger amount of cheese in 2025...
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