?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMarch Madness 2024
Organizer NAF nameInnerdemon (18998)
OrganizerLair Ashmead
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-23
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-24
StyleResurrection Swiss
ScoringWin 65 - Tie 25 - Loss 0 Binus Points 2 points per Cas 2 Points per TD
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Bastich (19152)Multiple Races
Dwarves + Humans with Griff Oberwald

Runner up

Ty_lepko (23207)Multiple Races
Slann + Halflings

Most Touchdowns

Sazooman (21378)Multiple Races
Skaven + Elf Union

Most Casualties

AdamNordquist (31146)Multiple Races
Black Orcs + Imperial Nobility 19 casualties

Stunty Cup

tremere (14685)Multiple Races
Halfings + Goblins with Deeproot

Best Painted

Other Awards

Lemay (29232)Multiple Races
Best Defense Lizardmen + Shambling Undead with 3 TD's in 5 matches
warashes (23522)Multiple Races
Best Theme Snottlings + Goblins with Bomber Dribblesnot
Ty_lepko (23207)Multiple Races
Sporting Conduct as voted by attendees of the event
Tournament Location
AddressOgre Den Gaming Club
 #23 3220 5th Ave SE

Ruleset Document

March Madness 2024
Cost: $20
Etransfer to: lair.ashmead@gmail.com
Roster Submission: March 17 2024
We will be using Score for this event.
March 23rd – 24th 2024
Ogres Den Gaming Club
5 games over 2 days.
March 23rd
9:00 AM – Registration
9:30 AM – Game 1
Noon – Lunch
1:00 PM – Game 2
3:30 PM – Game 3
6:00 PM – Day One Ends
March 24th
9:00 AM – Game 4
11:30 – Lunch + Paint Judging
12:30 – Game 5
3:00 PM – Judging and scoring
3:30 PM – Awards and End of Event

March Madness will be played in standard BB 11’s with some interesting and different roster choices that you might not be used to. This will be some of the most unique blood bowl matches you will play.
The Build – This is the real fun of this event. Let your imagination run wild. Combine things together that shouldn’t. Get crazy with the options. Or Don’t. It’s really up to you.

1.2 million to construct your team. You may buy players, Rerolls, Inducements (if available) Star Players(If Available)
Teams can be constructed from the following roster choices.

8 College of Magic Dungeon Bowl Rosters (Light, Shadow, Death, Fire, Metal, Life, Beasts, Heavens)
Advantage – These teams are already mixed races, with significant options for model types available. Their Rerolls are cheap, but don’t have access to Star Players.

A single standard Blood Bowl Race – All the things you would expect from Standard BB Races.

A mixture of 2 standard blood bowl races. You may choose two different rosters and mix the teams together with the following restrictions.
½ the players on the roster have to be from each of the two teams. (In the case of 11 models, you could have 6/5 spilt) All positional limits will still be observed. All players will still be costed the same. Rerolls will be costed from the higher costed race.
Star Players may be selected from both races available star player pool. Build points will be determined by adding the teams build points by teir and dividing by 2 rounded down. If the ability to skill stack or secondary skills become available they can be applied to any player on the roster.
Example: I am going to use Wood Elf and Tomb Kings. This will allow me to build my team from these two rosters. I may choose star players from both the Sylvania Spotlight and Elven Kingdom Categories.
My rerolls will be 70 K and my build points will be 6 (7+6 divided by 2 rounded down) with the ability to include a secondary skill on 1 model and the ability to skill stack on 1 model.

Race Teirs
Teir 1 – All Dungeon Bowl Teams
Teir 2 – Amazon, Dark Elf, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Orc, shambling Undead, Skaven, Lizardmen, Norse, Underworld, Wood Elf
Teir 3 – Tomb Kings, Necromantic Horror, High Elf, Human, Elf Union, Vampires,
Teir 4 – Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Black Orc, Nurgle, Slann, khorne, Imperial Nobility, OWA, Snottlings
Teir 5 – Halfing, Goblin, Ogres
Skill Teirs
Teir 1 – 4 Build Points
Teir 2 – 6 build points
Teir 3 – 7 Build Points – May include 1 secondary skill, May Stack 2 primaries on 1 model
Teir 4 – 8 Build Points – May include 2 secondary and Skill stack 2 primaries on 1 model
Teir 5 – 10 Build Points – May include 3 secondary skills, May Skill Stack 2 primary skills on a 2 models
Skill Costs
Primary Skill – 1 build Point
Secondary Skill – 2 build Point
Skill Stack – 1 build point

No Stat increases are available
Skill Limit: You may select 2 of any skill.
Inducements Available
0-2 Star Players (There are no build point costs on star players selection)
0-1 Halfling Master Chef (Halfling Only) 100K
0 – 3 Bribes 100 K (Bribery and Corruption Teams have the usual 50 K and may purchase 0- 3)
0-1 – Riotous Rookies 100K
0-2 Blood Wiser Keg (50K)
0-3 Assistant Coaches (20 K)
0-4 Cheerleaders (20 K)

0-1 Weather Mage (30 K ) All
0-1 Wagg Drummer (50K) Badlands Brawl
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Fink the Fixer (Bribery and Corruption)
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Mungo Spinecracker (80 K) (Bribery and Corruption)
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Glandril Silverwater (40 K) (Elven Kingdom)
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Kari Coldsteel (50 K) ALL
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Papa Skull Bones (Chosen Of….) 80 K
0-1 Infamous Coaches – Krot Shockwhisper – (Underworld Challenge ) 70 K

The Return of Melvin !
You can’t keep a good Nurgling down!
Melvin will start the drive on the kicking teams trap door. He will move at the end of the active players turn. Coaches may not move Melvin off the field.

Move 5 ST 2 Agility 2+ Passing N/A Armor 7+
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Dodge, Prehensile Tail, Hypnotic Gaze, Sidestep, Pick Me Up
Melvin moves by using the Throw in Template. You may extend his movement with standard rushes.
If Melvin moves into a square occupied by a player, they are treated as being pushed on the block dice. Melvin Ignores Foul Appearance. Additionally Melvin’s controller may use Hypnotic Gaze once per turn. Use of this trait does not end Mevins activation. Think of this all as players are recoiling in disgust and fixating on a 1 foot giratting embodiment of all Nurgles’ Blessings. Melvin wants everyone in on the dance party. At the end of his activation, pick me up will kick in. On a roll of 5 or 6 any player on either team within 3 spaces of Melvin will stand up if prone. Melvin will count as a casualty in regards to the Casualty award.

Win 65 points
Tie 25 points
Loss 0 points
No Bonus Points for this event.
Tie Breakers
Win %
TD/Casualty – Total Differential

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