?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameLangden Bowl II
Organizer NAF namebobblegrox (34052)
OrganizerKen Reynolds
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-23
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-23
StyleSwiss - Resurrection
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageLangden Games Tickets

Tournament Statistics


PeteW (7769)Black Orc

Runner up

Unsullied (20842)Snotling

Most Touchdowns

bgmcclean (26021)Elf Union

Most Casualties

mookstar10 (32648)Shambling Undead

Stunty Cup

chicken23 (32583)Snotling

Best Painted

Other Awards

Numpties (36624)Dwarf
Coach of the Day
howlinggriffon (3709)Goblin
Best Mascot
Mr_Frodo (18261)Goblin
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressLangden Games
 12 Tacket St
ZipIP4 1AY
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document
Langden Bowl II Pack V1-0.pdf

RULES PACK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ne4UGft0y_rYgnro9Mls71zVER63UfUy/view?usp=share_link

TICKETS - https://www.langdengames.co.uk/shop/events/tabletop-events/langden-bowl-2-blood-bowl-11s-tournament-23-03-24/

Exhibition - Resurrection format.
R1 - Random draw - R2 & 3 Swiss pairing.
2h 15m game time limit.


Limpin' Squig Ball - We are proud to have a ball sponsor on board for Langden Bowl II...
Squigley’s Gum - ‘Making sure your Squig has something to chew on so it’s doesn’t chew on you!’
This means all games will be played using special ‘Limpin’ Squig balls’. We will be using the Limpin’ Squig rules from P74 of the Death Zone book. Each coach will also receive a special ‘Limpin’ Squig’ ball token.

Free Bribe - Each coach will receive 1 free bribe token.

Mascot available - All coaches may choose to take a FREE Team Mascot. You must have a model to represent your mascot to claim this inducement. You will be able to use the Team Mascot rules on Pg39 of the Death Zone book. All Mascots should be displayed during the lunch break. A favourite will be chosen by the TO’s and spot prize will be awarded. This is an opportunity to kitbash and/or paint a fun thematic mini to complement your team!


CHAMPION - Overall Winner (most Tournament Points).

STUNTY CUP - Stunty Team with most Tournament Points.

WOODEN SPOON - Last Place (least Tournament Points)

MOST TOUCHDOWNS - Most Touchdowns Scored

MOST CASUALTIES - Most Casualties Caused.

DAPH’S COACH OF THE DAY - The TO team’s choice of a notable coach on the day.

There will be a certificate and consolation prize for the OVERALL RUNNER-UP.

There will also be a spot prize for the TO's choice of favourite Mascot miniature.

A single player will only be allowed to win one prize. If they win in more than one category, they will have the choice of prize to claim, then the second place coach will recieve the unchosen award. In this way it will maximise the number of coaches that will walk away with something from the day.


Team Value - 1,150,000GP

Skills - These skills do not affect Team Value.

• Tier 1: 5 Primary Skills

• Tier 2: 4 Primary & 2 Secondary
- May take 1 Star Player after rostering 11 players.

• Tier 3: 5 Primary & 2 Secondary
- May take up to 2 Star Players after rostering 11 players.

• 1 player per team can recieve more than 1 skill (Maximum of 2 additional skills).
• A Primary Skill may be selected instead of a Secondary Skill if the coach desires.
• Star players cannot be given skills.

Star Players
Your team must consist of 11 players before rostering Star Player(s).

In line with the NAF Championship ruleset the following stars are banned:

Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle
Deeproot Strongbranch
Dribl and Drull
Estelle La Veneaux
Griff Oberwald
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Ivan ‘the Animal’ Deathshroud
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
Morg ’n’ Thorg
Skitter Stab Stab
Varag Ghoulchewer
Any star player released by Games Workshop after January 1st 2024

Tier 1 teams cannot take Star Players.

Tier 2 teams can take 1 star player.

Tier 3 teams can take 2 star players.

Inducements are purchased during team creation, and are considered a permanent part of the team and can
be used each game.

• Star players can be taken using the rules outlined previously.
• (In)-Famous Coaching Staff (including Wizards), Special Play Cards, and Unlimited Mercenaries may not be taken.
• No rules from Death Zone 2021 will be in effect except for those outlined in the tournament ‘special rules’.

Each Team has been given a Tier:

Tier 1:
Amazons (2022), Chaos Dwarf*, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf*, Lizardmen, Norse, Undead, Skaven, Underworld, Wood Elf

Tier 2:
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic, Nurgle, Orc, Old World Alliance, Vampire (2023), Tomb Kings*, Slann**

Tier 3:
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings

*Team of Legend
**NAF Team

RULES PACK - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ne4UGft0y_rYgnro9Mls71zVER63UfUy/view?usp=share_link

TICKETS - https://www.langdengames.co.uk/shop/events/tabletop-events/langden-bowl-2-blood-bowl-11s-tournament-23-03-24/

Tournament Report
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