?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSouthern Double Skulls
Organizer NAF namewhitetailscramblers (17864)
OrganizerDrew Mac
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-03-10
StyleTeams x3
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address2,/268 main North rd

Ruleset Document

Southern Double Skulls
Southern Double Skulls (SDS) is a two-day doubles tournament on 9th and 10th March 2024 (Adelaide Cup long weekend), playing 5 games of blood bowl (BB). Three games on the Saturday and two games on Sunday. Teams will play individual games of BB and combine their results to have a team score. Based on the team score you will be ranked accordingly and play against opposing teams of equal level. The intention for the tournament is to promote / encourage blood bowl team competitions while helping players develop and improve team strategies. This is a family friendly event and SDS expects all players will treat each other in a respectful and friendly manner.

If players do not have the option to participate as a team, please contact the tournament organiser and advise your interest to participate in the tournament. A register of single players will be taken in an attempt to arrange teams for single players prior to the tournament. These teams will remain together for the tournament.

Please see below for the tournament rules and guidelines.

SDS will be held at Tabletop Warfare at North Park Shopping Centre, Shop 2/268 Main N Rd, Prospect SA 5082.

Cost for the tournament is $70 per team ($35 per player). Player registration and roster due by 1/03/2024.

Late submission may incur a deduction of a reroll in their first game (at the discretion of the tournament organiser).

Some food and drinks can be purchased from TTW and lunch is available from multiple stores within walking distance from TTW. TTW is an alcohol free venue and I request any drinks and snacks consumed by players should be purchased from TTW to support the store.

Saturday 9/03/2024
Arrive / introduction 10am
Game 1 10:30am to 12:45pm
Lunch 12:45pm to 1:15pm (30min)
Game 2 1:15pm 3:30pm
Game 3 3:45pm to 6pm

Sunday 10/03/2024
Arrive 10am
Game 4 10:30am to 12:45pm
Lunch 12:45pm to 1:15pm
Game 5 1:15pm 3:30pm
Awards 3:45pm 4:15pm

SDS will use the rules as outlined in Blood Bowl Second Season Edition - The Official Rules.

For ease of understanding relating to rules or restrictions for this tournament, the term:
• ‘Team’ identifies both players and their roster.
• ‘Player’ identifies the individual player within their team.

SDS uses the most up-to-date rules as contained within the FAQ and Errata document: designer’s commentary may 2023.

This can be downloaded from the Warhammer Community website at https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/#blood-bowl

Any new teams or rules released prior to 1/03/2024, will be used for SDS. Team creation and submission will be completed on tourplay. Individual matches and scoring during the tournament will be completed as described below.

SDS is a resurrection tournament, after each round, rosters will reset to their original starting line up. No injuries will carry over, and no SPP’s will be recorded. Any new zombies or rotters added during a game will be removed from the roster at the end of that game.

The tournament will use the Swiss method to pair up teams, round 1 will be randomised, with Swiss method used for all subsequent rounds. 1st place plays 2nd place, 3rd place will play 4th place, etc.

Individual match ups between teams will be determined by a dice roll off between the team captains. The highest score will choose either:
A. Nominate one of their players for the opposition to nominate the opposition player, or
B. Make the opposition nominate a player and they will select the opposition player.

Time limit
1: All matches will last 2hrs and 15mins.
2: Matches are expected to have entered the second half with one hour remaining.
3: Coaches playing in matches not completed by the end of the allocated time will be allowed to complete their current turn only (not exceeding 4min turn time), ensuring that both coaches have had an equal number of turns.
4: Any players not in the second half with 1hr remaining will be put on 4 minute timers.
5: Players that fail to finish their match by the end of 2hrs 15min will loose a reroll for their next match. It is players responsibility to ensure their games finish on time. If at any stage a player requests to have a 4min timer used within a game, timers must be used by both players. Any issues with slow play should be identified to judges before the match is finished.

Team Scoring
WIN: 10pts
DRAW: 5pts
LOSS: 0pts
Concession: -10pts (the game is considered 3-0 touchdowns and 3-0 casualties).

Scoring for the team event is as follows:
Team 1 Win / Win Team 1 Win
Team 1 Win / Draw Team 1 Win
Team 1 Win / Loss Team 1 Draw
Team 1 Draw / Draw Team 1 Draw
Team 1 Draw / Loss Team 1 Loss
Team 1 Loss / Loss Team 1 Loss

All casualties are scored for this event, anytime a casualty is caused an opponents player including fouls, fail a Go For It (rush) or crowd surf the casualty is to be recorded. Casualties still court if it has been overturned by an Apothecary or Regeneration.

Touch Downs
All touchdowns scored for and against.

TIE-BREAKERS / Swiss positioning
The following will be used in the event of equal points positioning and tiebreaker to determine the final standings:
1: Strength of Schedule
2: Touchdown difference (TD For minus TD Against)
3: Casualties difference (CAS For minus CAS Against)

Individual scoring
Individual scores are determined as per the teams scoring and players individual ranks will be released shortly after the tournament has concluded. Depending on the number of participants details for individual scoring will include all players ranked individually and best of each race played.

A result of Cheering Fans on the Kick-Off Event Table will use the amended Prayers to Nuffle Table as per page 103 of The Official Rules.

As per page 101 of The Official Rules, all teams at SDS will start with a Dedicate Fans characteristic of 0. A coach can improve this up to a maximum of 6 at a cost of 10,000 gp per improvement.

All teams SHOULD be painted to a minimum of three colours and based. Any team not painted to this standard will gift their opponent a reroll for the match. If there are any disputes about the standard of a team contact a judge.

Coaches must make every effort to ensure their models identify the positions or Star Players that they represent. Positionals must be numbered and additional skills clearly defined.

Numbers alone should not be used to identify positions or additional skills. If your star blitzer has three additional skills, you need to ensure they are clearly identified as different to the other blitzers in your team.

Loom bands, coloured bases or 3d printed markers are options to identify players and additional skills. Common skill colours include Block (Blue), Guard (Green), Dodge (Yellow) etc.

Any coach can request their opponent clearly identify positionals, stars or additional skills by providing loom bands etc. Any issues should be reported to a judge.

Team captains are responsible to collect and record results for both games onto a single score sheet. Captains are to check and initial the score sheets prior to submission. Individual score sheets will be collected to provide individual and best of race rankings after the tournament.

Score cards.
Team name Team name
TD total TD total
Cas total Cas total
Initial Initial

Name Name
Team name Team name
Race Race
Cas Cas
Initial Initial

ROSTER CREATION as per Ausbowl Team Championships

Sanctioned Teams
The following teams, allocated to tournament tiers, are sanctioned for use at the ATC 5.
Tier 1: Dark Elf, Shambling Undead, Underworld Denizens
Tier 2: Dwarf, Lizardmen, Skaven, Wood Elf
Tier 3: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Norse
Tier 4: High Elf, Human, Orc, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings
Tier 5: Black Orc, Elf Union, Imperial Nobility, Khorne,
Old World Alliance, Slann, Vampire
Tier 6: Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Nurgle
Tier 7: Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Snotling

Team Creation
Each of the 29 teams may spend 1,150,000 gold coins on Roster Building. Roster Building comprises the purchasing of players, sideline staff, rerolls, permitted inducements and dedicated fans.
Permitted inducements are below. The value in brackets shows how many may be purchased. No other inducements are permitted.
Bloodweiser Kegs (0-2)
Bribes (0-3)
Wandering Apothecaries (0-2)
Mortuary Assistant (0-1)
Plague Doctor (0-1)
Riotous Rookies (0-1)*
Biased Referee (0-1)
Halfling Master Chef (0-1)

*If Riotous Rookies are hired, roll anew before each match. You must include
identifiable painted miniatures to represent the extra players.
Teams have a separate amount of gold coins to purchase Upgrades. The amount available for each team depends on the team’s tier. The types of Upgrades available also depend on the team’s tier. This information is collated below:
Tier / Gold / Type Allowed / Max Secondary / Stacking

1 100,000 Primary / secondary skills 1 No
2 110,000 Primary / secondary skills 1 No
3 130,000 Primary / secondary skills 1 No
4 150,000 Primary / secondary skills 1 No
5 170,000 Primary / secondary skills 2 No
6 190,000 Primary / secondary skills 2 No
7 200,000 Statistic increases, No limit Yes
primary / secondary skills

Upgrades are priced as below:
Primary Skill 20,000 gold coins
Secondary Skill 30,000 gold coins
+1 AV 10,000 gold coins
+1 MA 20,000 gold coins
+1 PA 20,000 gold coins
+1 AG 40,000 gold coins
+1 ST 80,000 gold coins

All skills are chosen and not random. Teams that can access statistic increases are limited to a maximum of two per team. Players may only be given one Upgrade unless stacking is permitted for their team, in which case only one player per team may be given a maximum of two Upgrades.
Any unspent cash from either Roster Building or Upgrades is lost. Teams cannot transfer unused cash from one to the other.
More information can be found in:
Games Workshop’s Teams of Legends PDF
NAF Rules for Tournaments 2023
Relevant Spike Magazine booklets and BB2020.

Code of conduct
It is expected that all participants will treat each other in a respectful and friendly manner. If there are any issues with players conduct or rules queries during the tournament please contact a judge immediately. The judge has the final say and what is decided will apply to the game in question. Any breaches of unsporting conduct, verbal abuse or intimidation will be delt with by either warnings, sanctions (such as a forced concession for the player in question) and or removal from the tournament for serious or repeated breaches.

It is the intent of this tournament to create a family friendly and safe environment for all players to participate in the game of BB.

Tournament Report
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