?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameTzeentch Challange!
Organizer NAF namedelevus (9884)
OrganizerMatthew Vanderby (Delevus)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2009-09-12
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2009-09-13
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressRiders Hobby Shops Inc
 4035 Carpenter
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Please bring: NAF ID/Number, three copies of your roster, Game board, and team. One copy for yourself, one for your opponent, and one for the tournament organizer.

Number of games: This will be a 5 game tournament (3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday.) Saturday from 10am(registration until 10:30am) - 6pm and Sunday 10am - 3pm. Awards will follow the last game.


1. LRB 5.0 rules will be used. If the experimental rules are finalized by the tournament date we will change to those.
2. The experimental teams are allowed in this tournament.
3. Team changes with LRB 6.0 will be used. Changed teams include (Dwarf, Khemri, Necromantic, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf)
4. Weather table will be standard.
5. Kick off table will be changed. Listed below.
6. Team build: 1,000,000gps spent on players, re rolls, and etc (Use it or lose it).

Additional items:
??? Wandering apoth (0-2) 50k
??? Igor 100k
??? Bloodweizer Babes (0-2) 50k
??? Bribes (0-3) 100k (Goblins 50k)
??? Master Chef 350k (Halflings 50k)
??? Wizard (0-1) 150k
??? Star players (0-2)

Roster modifications: Lineman class will lose their Block and Dodge skills on creation and be 10,000gps cheaper. Stunty players will not have this change (Skinks, Goblins, Halflings)
??? Dwarves: Blockers 4/3/2/9 Tackle, Thick Skull 60k
??? Amazons: Lineman 6/3/3/7 40k
??? Norse: Lineman 6/3/3/7 40k

7. After building your team: 150,000gps may be spent on additional players and skill increases.
??? Skill 10k
??? Doubles 20k
??? MA/AV 30k
??? AG 40k
??? ST 50k

Excluded skills, No player may take any of the following skills (or doubles): (General) Block, Wrestle, (Agility) Dodge, (Passing) Leader, (Strength) Guard, (Mutation) Claw. Positional players that start with these skills do not lose them.

Skill caps: Player may have up to three additional skills, however there will be extra costs to add more skills. The second skill/stat will cost an additional 10K and the third skill/stat will cost 20K more.

War Dancer with side step 130k
War Dancer with side step and +ST 190K (180K + 10K)
War Dancer with side step, +ST, and fend 220K (190K + 30K)

Kick off table

2 ??? Get the Ref: The referee has been driven off the field by the crowd. Each player gains a bribe for the remainder of the half.

3 ??? High winds ??? Scatters the ball another d6 squares in a d8 direction. (Kick skill does not reduce the distance)

4 ??? Quick snap ??? The receiving team may move all players one square (ignoring setup rules) and place any player not in a tackle zone before this event under the ball.

5 ??? Distracting heckles ??? Each coach rolls a d3 + FAME + Cheerleaders. Losing coach must remove a Re-Roll for this half (Both remove if tie).

6 ??? Cheering fans ??? Each coach rolls a d3 + FAME + Cheerleaders. Winning coach gains a Re-Roll for the half (Both get if tie).

7 ??? Weather change. If the weather changes from nice to nice than scatter the ball an extra square before it bounces.

8 ??? Brilliant coaching ??? Each coach rolls a d3 + FAME + Coaches. Winning coach gains a Re-Roll for the half (Both get if tie).

9 ??? Exploit weakness ??? Each coach rolls a d3 + FAME + Coaches. Losing coach must remove a Re-Roll for this half (Both remove if tie).

10 ??? Blitz! Kicking team gains a bonus turn. The player may use a re-roll during this action. A turn over ends the bonus turn immediately.

11 ??? Ba-Bomb ??? Whenever a player attempts to pick up the ball roll a d6. If a one is rolled the ball will explode (the coach may use a team re-roll for this). Place this player prone and roll a d6 for each player around him. On a 4+ the player is knocked over. Roll armor rolls are normal. The ball will then bounce one square in a d8 direction. This event will end at the end of the drive.

12 ??? Teleportation field ??? Each coach gains the ability to move one player two squares (similar to leap) ignoring tackle zones and players. After moving the player, roll a d6: On a 2+ the player gets to the new square safely, however on a 1 the player is knocked over and treated as a failed leap roll. A team re-roll may be used on this. This action can only be used one time and is lost if not used by the end of the drive/half.

For more information please go to "http://zlurpeebowl.com/Forums/".

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