?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameCripple Peak 2024
Organizer NAF namecyberedelf (19538)
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-03
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-03
Scoring30/20/10 with bonus points
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageRules Pack

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
Address3407 Wells Branch Pkwy suite 800
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Cripple Peak 2023 Rules Pack (ver 1.0)

Saturday August 3, 2024
Check In: 10:00 A. M.

This year's Cripple Peak tournament will be organized by Clan Pestilens.

$25 per coach if paid three weeks before event
$30 per coach if paid one week before event
$35 per coach otherwise
Plus $5 if playing as not a NAF member
(PayPal: Dean.A.Piper@gmail.com)

Onsite NAF registration or renewal: $5
(It is $10 to do it online at http://www.thenaf.net)

Contact Tournament Organizer: Dean.A.Piper@gmail.com

Game Kastle
3407 Wells Branch Pkwy suite 800, Austin, TX 78728

Cripple Peak is the mountain that mighty necromancer, Nagashazeer, once resided on. Under the mountain is a massive amount of warpstone. Currently, the Skaven are in control of the mountain. Nagash has left due to geopolitical constraints. (He needs to pull himself together.) The Skaven Council of 13 has decreed that only the most worthy of the attention of the Great Horned Rat will be allowed into the deepest recesses of the mountain with the highest concentration of warpstone. And, of course, the most worthy would be determined by a Blood Bowl competition. The Council wanted to exclude all other races from the competition, but due to licensing and advertising contracts, they were forced to accept applicant teams from other races. Clan Pestilens was selected to organize this year’s competition. With permission they will be using a variation of the rules from R.O.T. Cup. It’s all about the plague.

Important Notes
Touchdowns are weighted highly in the scoring.

Tournament Schedule
10:00 A.M. Registration Starts
10:15 A.M. Registration Ends
10:15 A.M. Round 1 (Random)
12:30 P.M. Lunch
1:30 P.M Round 2 (Swiss)
3:45 P.M Break
4:00 P.M. Round 3 (Swiss)
6:15 P.M. Break
6:30 P.M. Raffle/Awards

What you need to bring
Your painted AND labeled Blood Bowl team
4 Copies of team roster (1 - you, and 1 - each of your opponents)
Blood Bowl Field & Dugouts
GW or NAF Block Dice & D8
Device capable of accessing tourplay.net
You MUST create a team for this tournament in TourPlay. If TourPlay does not allow your specific team creation, your roster must be submitted to dean.a.piper@gmail.com.
If you need to borrow anything, please let the Tournament Organizer know in advance.

NAF Tournament Info
This is a NAF approved tournament. There will be someone onsite accepting registration for the cost of $5/year. You can find more information or sign up at www.thenaf.net.

General Rules
Please consult the Rules for NAF Tournaments document. If you have questions please contact the Tournament Organizer before the event. The contents of that link will be used unless stated below. Exhibition rules will be used unless exceptions are stated below. Many rules were written with the idea to produce high scoring and exciting games.

Food Breaks
There are several restaurants in the shopping center.

Team Building Rules
Slann/Kislev rosters are available to use. You will have 1,000K gold pieces to buy your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, dedicated fans, apothecary, coaches, cheerleaders, and inducements with this gold. You must have 11 or more players at this point that are not inducements. I.e. star players are not counted in the required 11.

Then, you may add up to 200k team value in improvements.
You may assign no more than two improvements per player.
You may not assign the same improvement to more than four players.
Random skills are not allowed.
You may select stat improvements.

Weather And Kickoff Table
All games will be played with good weather conditions. The Kickoff Table at the end of the rules pack will be used. Please consider the Kickoff Table when building teams.

All current published GW inducements are allowed except Fabulous Freebooters, special play cards, and anything from Matched Play Guide.

Blood Soaked Pitch
If your opponent suffers a casualty for any reason (before an apothecary or Regeneration is used), you become blessed by the Great Horned Rat. While you have the horn of the Great Horned Rat, you may add +1 to ANY D3 and D6 rolls while resolving the kick-off event.

At the end of each round of the tournament, all players are healed of any injuries and dead players come back to life. All earned star player points are lost.

Special Rules
Before the second and third round some players will gain the Foul Appearance skill. If the coach won their last game, two random players gain the skill. If the coach lost their last game, they pick two players to gain the skill. If the coach tied their last game, the skill is added to one picked player and one random player.
With a nod to R.O.T. Cup, R.O.T.y Starhoof will be an eligible star player. He costs 140k gold. He can count as one of your required 11 players and he does not count for the two star player limit.

Skills & Traits
Loner (4+), Block, Frenzy, Horns, Foul Appearance

Once the tournament official calls time, the active coach will finish the current turn. If the opposing coach has had fewer turns, that coach will get one full turn.

GW or NAF Block Dice only
You must be willing to share dice with your opponent.
You and your opponent should decide before the match which dice will be used.
Agree before the game on cocked dice, dice off the table, etc, please just be consistent.

Other Rules
Play till the whistle blows. There is no championship game. The standings will solely be determined by total points. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedure will not be called. Overtime will not be played in any round.

All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines. The coach must attempt to make all figures appear finished. Each figure should also be identifiable so that the opponent can know their position and skills by viewing the miniature and the roster.

Per match:
Win/Draw/Loss = 30/20/10
+10 points per Touchdown
+1 point per casualty that would normally award SPP
Tiebreakers and other notes: Tiebreakers will be determined by the Tournament Organizer as needed. The Tournament Organizer reserves the right to adjust the winners in the best interest of the tournament. (For example, if a coach would win two awards one of the awards may be given to another coach.) If an “arbitrary” tiebreaker is needed it will be the coach that registered the earliest!

To win an award the coach must play in all rounds. Tiebreakers will be determined by the Tournament Organizer as needed. The Tournament Organizer reserves the right to adjust the winners in the best interest of the tournament. (For example, if a coach would win two awards one of the awards may be given to another coach.) If the Tournament Organizer plays because there is an odd number of attendees, they are not eligible for any award except Throtling.
Champion - First place team in standings with the most overall points
Runner-up - Second place team in standings with the most overall points
Throtling - Coach that finished lowest in standings with the fewest overall points
Pack Master - Player who received the most best sport votes
Biggest Rat - Team who received the most fan favorite votes
Gutter Runner - Team that scored the most TDs
Rat Ogre - Team that caused the most Casualties from Blocking
Storm Vermin - Team that suffered the least Casualties from Blocking

We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not only encouraged from the coaches, it is required! We all have bad luck occasionally, but bad behavior will be addressed by the Tournament Organizer.

Fouling 16 turns in a row, stalling, or running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent is.
The Last Word
The Tournament Organizer will be the final arbitrator for any interpretation of the rules. The rules may change without notice. Please check the version number.

Roll 2D12 and consults the following events

Get the Ref: as normal
Time-out: as normal
Solid Defense: as normal
High Kick: as normal
Cheering Fans: as normal
The Red Crucifix provides charitable support to each team. Each team receives 1 additional Apothecary, Mortuary Assistant, or Plague Doctor (choose one from what is normally available to the race) to use during this game
Skaven Riot: Both teams lose a turn. This can end the current half.
Telekinesis: The kicking team can pick where the ball lands. It will bounce as normal.
Telekinesis: The receiving team can pick where the ball lands. It will bounce as normal.
Distracting Hordes: The press of the Skaven masses is strong enough to push a couple of rats over the railing into the dugout. Each coach rolls a D3 and adds the number of cheerleaders on their team. The lowest total loses a reroll. If both teams have the same total, both teams lose a reroll.
Twelfth Man: Each coach may move a player from the reserves into the endzone they are defending.
The Great Horned Rats Blessing: For this drive, all injury rolls from blocks, fouls, and the crowd receive a +1 to the roll, but all other injury rolls have a -1.
Crappy Coaching: Each coach rolls a D3 and adds the number of assistant coaches on their team. The lowest total loses a reroll. If both teams have the same total, both teams lose a reroll. If a coach has been ejected while arguing the call, apply a -1 to the D3 roll.
Trip: Each player on the line of scrimmage for the receiving team may take a block action, following all normal rules for a block, except that players may not follow up.
Skitterleap: A Warplock in the crowd decides to take matters into his own hands. A player on the pitch from the kicking team chosen by the kicking coach is teleported. Locate the player as if it were a ball kicked with the Kick skill. If the player ends up off the pitch, it is beaten up by the fans as if it was pushed into the crowd. If the new location is occupied both players are Knocked Down and the teleported player “bounces.” All players “bounced” onto are Knocked Down. If the player appears in an unoccupied square they must make an agility check with a -1 applied for each opposing tackle zone. If they fail they Fall Over.
Throw a Chunk of Warpstone: An enraged fan hurls a chunk of warpstone at one of the players on the opposing team. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their Fan Factor. A random player on the pitch of the coach(es) with the lowest total is KOed AND gains a mutation of the KOed coach’s choice for the rest of this match.
Littermates: Each coach may sneak a twin of any of his players into the reserve box and remove the former player from their current location. (This can remove a player from the pitch, but more importantly it can appear to heal a player currently in the KO or injured boxes.
Ball Breaker: When the ball lands, it breaks in half. Roll the bounce for each half of the ball. A player may only have one ball at a time. If a loose ball enters the square of the other ball it will bounce away. If either ball would score a touchdown, the drive ends.
Brilliant Coaching: as normal
Quick Snap: as normal
Blitz: as normal
Officious Ref: as normal
Pitch Invasion: as normal

Tournament Report
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