?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBeach Bowl 2024 (2nd Edition)
Organizer NAF namePetronikus (33083)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-23
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-23
StyleNAF beach bowl ruleset
ScoringPoints based
Cost11 Euro
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressThe Realm of Pure Fantasy
 19, Triq Ir-Runzjol

Ruleset Document


Address: The Realm of Pure Fantasy,
19, Triq Ir-Runzjol,
Mosta, Malta
Date: 23rd June 2024
Cost: EUR 11.00
Lunch: Not included in the cost
Goodies: Trophies and tokens (custom mats can be purchased for EUR5)

A 3 page copy of the below rules can be found at https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Beach-Bowl-2019.pdf and a printed version of this will be available on each table.

NAF membership is required for this tournament.

Team Building and Skills:
- You have 600.000 gp to create your team.
- You can choose any NAF approved team.
- A team consists of 7 to 10 players.
- The only inducements allowed are Bloodweiser Kegs, Halfling Master Chefs and Souvenirs (see below).
- A team may not have more than 11 players on the roster. A team will only field 7 players at a time.
- Only 4 "specialist" players (meaning any player whose availability is less than 0-12) may be selected. Regular team restrictions (0-1, 0-4) still apply, so a human team can include 4 Blitzers but not 4 Ogres.
- Beach Bowl teams are made up of players that are on holiday and have not been training together. Team rerolls cost double their listed cost. For example, a reroll for a human team would cost 100,000 GC. The Leader skill is banned.
- Apothecaries aren't of much use and Assistant Coaches are still hard at work on next season's game plan, but Cheerleaders may be hired as usual.
- All teams must have clear distinctions between positionals and be painted, 3 colours minimum with no unpainted surface visible.
- If the dice are unclear, your opponent has the right to ask you to change dice.

- Changes have been made to reflect the updated NAF variant rules.
- Stab & Vomit special actions do not benefit from the -1 armour rule.
- Each team gets 1 primary skill to assign to any player at team creation.
- Toxic sludge! Too much pollution at the beach has led to the players randomly mutating! For the 5th and 6th games, the TO will randomly roll one mutation skill from the table. This skill can be assigned to any one player on your team. The mutation is removed after the game, so that there is still only one mutation on the 6th game.
- Stunty players no longer have a separate injury table.

6 games of Beach Bowl, 50 mins each game
- 08.45 to 09.30 - Registration
- 09.30 to 10.20 - Game 1
- 10.20 to 12.10 - Game 2
- 12.10 to 12.40 - Lunch
- 12.40 to 13.30 - Game 3
- 13.30 to 14.20 - Game 4
- 14.20 to 14.40 - Break
- 14.40 to 15.30 - Game 5
- 15.30 to 16.20 - Game 6
- 16.20 onwards - Prizes

- 1st Place
- 2nd Place
- 3rd Place
- Best defence
- Most TD scored
- Most CAS caused
- Wooden spoon (last place)
- Best hawaiian shirt

- Win: 20 points
- Draw: 10 points
Additional points:
- 2 points for a perfect defence (no TD conceeded). - 1 point for each TD and CAS scored (up to three each max.) Therefore the highest score achievable per round is 28 points.
Note that only serious knockouts caused as a result of blocks count towards CAS caused.

In the case of a tie, we will use the following formula: (Net TD x3) + (Net Casx2) Second tiebreaker will be opponent score, third will be a coin toss.

Beach Bowl Rules:
GAME LENGTH - The Beach Bowl game is made up of two 6-turn halves, with a time limit of 1hr 10 mins. Players may use chess clocks or timers on their mobile devices if they wish. It is advised that players download an app with a timer before the tournament.

THE PITCH - The Street Bowl pitch is only 9 squares wide and 10 squares long. The width of the pitch is divided into a 5-square centre zone and 2 squares in each of the wide zones. The pitch's surface is soft sand, the effects of which are detailed below.

THE SET-UP - A team MUST set up as many players as possible for each kickoff, up to a maximum of 7 players for each drive. Due to the narrower width of the pitch, it is only mandatory to set up two players on the line of scrimmage (they must also be between the hash marks), though more can be set up there if desired. Only one player may be set up in each wide zone.

KICK-OFFS - When the ball is kicked at the start of a drive, roll two dice and remove the highest result to determine how far the kick scatters (the kick skill may still be used on this lowest dice as normal). A touchback occurs only if the ball would leave the field of play or pass over the kicking team’s Line of Scrimmage.

ARMOR ROLLS - Because players wear less armour than in typical games, add +1 to every AV roll. The only exceptions are failed GFI (rush) and dodge rolls; in this case apply a -1 modifier due to the soft sand.

NO CASUALTIES - The Injury Table is modified so that: 2-7= Stunned, 8-9= Mild Knockout (3+ to recover), 10-12= Serious Knockout (5+ to recover). Knockout recovery rolls are made following every drive as usual. Regeneration obviously has no effect in Beach games. Major Knockouts count as casualties for the purpose of tournament tiebreakers. Stunty players have the usual +1 modifier to the injury table.

LOOSE BALLS - Balls will not bounce when they fall to the ground. Assuming the ball lands in an open space (following a kick, failed catch, etc.), do not roll to scatter it. If the ball should fall out of crowd, the sedate crowd will only throw it in 1d6 squares instead of the usual 2d6.

GOING FOR IT - Due to the poor traction afforded by the sand, Go For It (rush) rolls are successful on a 3+.

FOULS - There are no traditional fouls, as these are friendly games between players on holiday. But sometimes players might "accidentally" attempt to bury an opponent's head, if they don't receive their own face full of sand from that same opponent beforehand . Fouling is worked out as normal except that before rolling Armour, a d6 is rolled by the coach of the player who is about to be fouled. On a roll of 4-6 the fouler is knocked down, causing a turnover. On a roll of 1-3 the foul can proceed as usual. The player may be ejected as usual.

SECRET WEAPONS - Sand and salt air don't mix well with secret weapons. Motors seize, blades rust, and bombs are difficult to light. After playing in a drive, any Secret Weapons require maintenance which automatically cause them to miss the rest of the game.

2-7 Stunned
8-9 Minor KO (comes back on a 3+)
10-12 Major KO (comes back on a 5+, counts as a CAS for scoring purposes)
Stunty players also follow this table.

Every seaside town is full of merchants plying keepsake trinkets to gullible tourists. Thankfully, some are of use on the football field. For the bargain price of 50,000 GC (assume that 49,995 GC was spent on bawdy t-shirts and postcards before coming up with something useful), a coach may roll on the following chart. Any number of items may be assigned to a player before a drive. The cheaply made gifts invariably break and they (and their effects)must be discarded after one game half.
Roll randomly on this chart before every game in this tournament if you puchased a souvenir:
1 - Sport sandals: The player may add +1 to all rolls to Go For It.
2 - Suntan Lotion: The slippery player may add +1 to all Dodge rolls.
3 - Thong: The player gains Disturbing Presence. (Trolls and Amazons cause different sorts of disturbances.)
4 - Sunglasses: The player gains the Accurate and Safe Throw skills.
5 - Bottle: Now that the beer is gone, it may be used as a weapon. The player gains the Stab skill.
6 - Puka Shell Necklace: With true faith in his good-luck charm, the player gains Pro.
7 - Sticky Bun: The player gains a +1 modifier for pick-up, catch and intercept rolls, but a -1 modifier for pass rolls.
8 - Gatorcade: Perhaps a bit TOO revitalized, the player gains Frenzy, Jump-Up and No Hands skills.

Weather Table:
2 Sweltering Heat
Some players faint in the unbearable heat! The kicking team rolls a D3. That many randomly selected players from each team that are on the pitch when a drive ends are placed in the Reserves box. They must miss the next drive.
3 Very Sunny
A glorious day, but the clear skies and bright sunlight interfere with the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability
4-10 Normal
Neither too cold, nor too hot. A warm and breezy beach day provides perfect conditions for some Beach Bowl!
11 Rain
A torrential downpour leaves the players soaked and the ball very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test to catch or pick-up the ball, or to attempt to interfere with a pass.

12 Tropical Storm
A typhoon has made its way into the area, bending trees and disrupting the match with a powerful gale. While this weather condition is in effect, ignore Step 2 of the Start of Drive sequence - it is not possible for a kick-off to be resolved and a touchback is automatically caused instead. Additionally, while this weather condition is in effect, only quick and short passes may be attempted. Long passes and Long Bombs are prohibited.

Kick-Off Table:
2 High Tide
The sea isn't cooperating with the game and floods a portion of the field. Randomly select one wide zone; that portion of the pitch may not be occupied by any players for the rest of the drive. Any players who were set up in that section are immediately moved in a straight line toward the middle of the field until they reach the center zone. If their destination square is already occupied, scatter them with a D8 until an empty square is reached. If a player is pushedinto the flooded area by an opponent, they are removed from play as usual, but go to Reserves. If the kick-off falls in the flooded area, it is a touchback. If the ball scatters or bounces into the flooded area during play, it is swept back in by the tide and returns to the square it most recently occupied. The field returns to normal at the end of the drive.
3 Rousted
Local police break up the game. The players regroup further down the beach, but can't recall how much time was left on the clock. If the receiving team’s turn marker is on turn 5 for the half, both teams move their turn marker back one space as the referee resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the receiving team has not yet taken a turn this half the referee lets the clock run on during the fight and both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6. On a 1-3, both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. On a 4-6, both team’s turn markers are moved back one space.
4 Lost Ball
Whether lost to the tide, confiscated by the beach patrol, or stolen by local youths, the game ball is no longer available. Roll a d6 on the following table to see what sort of replacement is found; this is used for the rest of the game or until this result is rolled again.
1-3: Conch shell. -1 to pick-up, catch, deflect, and intercept attempts and the ball carrier gains Mighty Blow (+1).
4-6: Inflatable beach ball .-1 to pass, +1 to pick-up, catch, deflect, and intercept.
5 High Kick
One Open player on the receiving team may be moved any number of squares, regardless of their MA, and placed in the same square the ball will land in.
6 Samba
Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of cheerleaders on their Team Draft list. The coach with the highest total gains one extra team re-roll for the drive ahead. If this team re-roll is not used before the end of this drive, it is lost. In the case of a tie, neither coach gains an extra team re-roll.
7 Brilliant Coaching:
Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of assistant coaches on their Team Draft list. The coach with the highest total gains one extra team re-roll for the drive ahead. If this team re-roll is not used before the end of this drive, it is lost. In the case of a tie, neither coach gains an extra team re-roll.
8 Changing Weather
Make a new roll on the Weather Table (above) and apply that result. If the new Weather roll is a ‘Perfect Conditions’ result, then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing.
9 Seagull Attack!
A flock of seagulls take an interest in the game ball. For the remainder of the drive, Quick and Short passes face an additional -1 modifier. Long and Long Bomb face an additional -2 modifier.
10 Blitz
D3+1 Open players on the kicking team may immediately perform a Move action. One may instead perform a Blitz action and one may perform a Throw Team-mate action. If a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, no further players can be activated and the Blitz ends immediately.
11 Jellyfish!?
An unlucky player has the ill fortune of stepping on a jellyfish (or sea urchin, piece of glass, sharp shell...). Each Coach rolls a D6. The team who gets the lowest result is affected (both teams in case of a tie). Randomly select a player from the affected team and make an automatic Injury roll for that player.
12 Monster Wave
A giant wave hits as the teams are setting up. All players on the field are moved a D3 squares in the same random direction. This movement is simultaneous, so there are no collisions. Players pushed out of bounds are simply moved to reserves, as the crowd is also stunned by the wave. The ball lands just after these effects are worked out.

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