?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameItza Rumble in the Jungle
Organizer NAF namebdawg013 (30226)
OrganizerBryan Hopkins
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-29
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-29
StyleTeam tournament
ScoringWin 30 points Draw – 10 points Loss – 0 points 3 or more touchdowns 3 points 3 or more casualties 3 points
Cost$40 per team
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


smokinghorse (34195)Necromantic Horror

Runner up

lonewolfjackson (30536)Orc

Most Touchdowns

bhall (23772)Chaos Renegade

Most Casualties

CoachKen66 (32188)Old World Alliance

Stunty Cup

midris (31166)Snotling

Best Painted

chewie_bites (31639)Orc

Other Awards

midris (31166)Snotling
Team Top Underdog (spent 3 or less squad points)
CoachKen66 (32188)Old World Alliance
Team Runner Up
akindsir (36728)Black Orc
Best Defense Team Champion
volcanictuna (33831)Halfling
Team Runner Up
deadfish (36026)Old World Alliance
Team Top Underdog (spent 3 or less squad points)
coolnet (36224)Chaos Chosen
Team Last Place New Dice
Lych (36027)Orc
Team Last Place New Dice
Spraek (38307)Necromantic Horror
Team Champion
Tournament Location
Address1800 Garrett Way ste 10
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Entry Fee: $40 per team/$20 individual. If register as an individual you will be paired with the next person who registers as an individual. Naf Membership required to attend.

Registration Link:

9:00am -9:30am Registration
9:30am -11:45am - Round 1
11:45am -12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm - 2:45pm Round 2
2:45pm - 5:00pm Round 3
5:00pm - 5:45pm Awards ceremony

What to Bring:
1. Painted blood bowl team. any team from any designer will work. Players must be clearly numbered . Players must also represent the position being played.
2. 3 copies of your team roster.
3. Blood bowl pitch block dice templates etc....

We will be using the the 2020 GW tournament rules as well as 2024 NAF official tournament rules found here: https://www.thenaf.net/tournaments/nafdocs/rules-for-naf-tournaments-2024/

Itza, called the "First City," is the greatest of the surviving temple cities of the lizardmen, and is home to some of the most powerful practitioners of magic in the known world. Foremost amongst them venerable Slann Relic Priest Lord Kroak, who's indomitable spirit has guarded Itza against the return of Chaos since the Great Catastrophe. Although it has been hard-pressed on several occasions, never once has Itza yielded to an attacker.

The Great Catastrophe is the name given by the lizardmen to the first and greatest incursion by Chaos into the known world, which took place between -5660 and -4420 IC. The invasion of Chaos over the years has had an impact on the ecosystem of the jungles of Lustria. Some of the wildlife has morphed due to the demonic influence developing into creatures like the Barlgura.

Coaches from far and wide have traveled to this ancient temple city in search of powerful artifacts. Some of the bolder ones even dare hire the Barlgura to join their teams.

Tournament format: teams will consist of two coaches. Team team will get 5 squad points to choose what teams they will play. Tier 1 teams cost 4 points, tier 2 cost 3, tier 3 cost 2 and tier 4 cost 1. Teams may not exceed 5 squad points but are not required to use all 5 points.

Team Creation: coaches will receive 1,150,000 gold to purchase players, sideline staff and inducements. Star players are allowed at the cost of 2 skill points. Mega stars are allowed at the cost of 4 skill points. Coaches must have 11 players before adding a star player. The Barlgura takes a star player slot but you don't have to have 11 players before adding a Barlgura to the team. The Barlgura can count as part of your 11 players before adding a star player.

Barlgura - 260,000 gc. MA 5 ST 6 AG 4+ PA - AV 9+ Brawler, Frenzy, Juggernaut,, Mighty Blow +1, Loner 4+
Special Rule: Finisher - once per game if the target of a block action either on its own or as part of a blitz is prone or stunned after the block is resolved you can make an additional armor and possible injury roll adding plus one to either armor or injury. Finisher ends his activation so may not move afterwards.

Mega stars:

Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle
Deeproot Strongbranch
Griff Oberwald
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Kreek "The Verminator" Rustgouger
Morg n Thorg

Inducements: Bloodweiser Kegs, Bribes, mortuary Assistant, Plague Doctor, riotous Rookies, Halfling Master Chef, ancient artifact.

Ancient artifact - 30k gp. Can be used once per game to ignore the effect of a kick off event for your team. Limit 1 per team.

Skill points: Primary skills cost 1 point. Secondary skills cost 2 skill points. No stacking skills. Maximum of 4 of any one skill can be added to your team.

Tier 1 teams : Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves. These teams get 6 skill points and can take 1 secondary skill. Limit one star player.

Tier 2 teams: Elven Union, High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Tomb Guardians. These teams get 8 skill points and can take 2 secondary skills. Limit 2 star players.

Tier 3 teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann, Vampire. These teams get 10 skill points can take 3 secondary skills l. Limit 2 star players.

Tier 4 teams: Goblins, Gnomes, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings. These teams get 12 skill points can take 4 secondary skills. Limit 2 star players.

Weather table:

2 - Tropical Storm : a typhoon has made its way into the area bending trees and disrupting the match with a powerful gale. While this weather condition is in effect , ignore step 2 of the start of drive sequence - it is not possible for a kickoff to be resolved and a touch back will automatically be caused instead. Additionally while this weather condition is in effect, no pass actions or throw team-mate actions can be performed.
3- Sudden Downpour: the heavens have opened! The players are soaked to the bone and the ball is very slippery! Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an agility test to catch or pick-up the ball, or an attempt to interfere with a pass. Additionally, the poor visibility means only quick and short passes can be attempted.
4-10 Cool Breeze: perfect blood bowl weather.
11- Sunny Spell: The sun is shining and it's playing havoc on the passing game! Apply a -1 modifier every time a layer makes a pass or throw team-mate action.
12- Hellish Humidity: the heat ad humidity 8s really starting to get to some of the players; they are dropping like Halflings after a picnic! At the end of every team turn roll a d6. On a roll of 1, a single randomly selected player on the active team succumbs to the oppressive heat and is placed prone.

Temple City Kick-off Table:

2- Earthquake!: this natural phenomenon is quite common across the coastal regions of Lustria and can really cause problems for anyone unable to find shelter! The kicking team's coach rolls a D3. Both coaches then randomly select that many players on their team from among those on the pitch. All of the randomly selected players ate knocked down.
3- Contaminated Water Supply: With the oppressive heat, the last thing you need when you've taken a particularly ferocious tackle is not to be able to have a refreshing drink! Until the next time a coach rolls on the kick-off event table apply a -1 modifier to the roll whenever a player rolls to recover from being knocked out.
4- Terror from the Skies: terrains swoop overhead, dropping large rocks onto the field! Both coaches roll a D6 and add their fan factor to the result. The coach who rolls the lowest randomly selects a player from among those on the pitch. In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player. Roll a D6 for the selected player. On a 6, the player manages to avoid the incoming bombardment and all is well. On any other result, the player is placed prone and becomes stunned as they are struck by a heavy falling rock.
5- High Kick: Apply high kick result as normal.
6- Cheering Fans: Apply Cheering Fans result as normal.
7- Brilliant Coaching: Apply brilliant coaching result as normal.
8- Changing Weather: make a new roll on the Sweltering Jungle weather table ad apply that result. If the result is 'Cool Breeze' the ballwill scatter before landing.
9- Quick Snap; Apply the Quick Snap result as normal.
10- Scattered Debris: The broken, uneven ground makes it particularly punishing for any players thrown to the ground! Until the end of the drive, whenever a player is knocked down apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll.
11- Rapid Growth: Vines swiftly sprout across the field with unnatural speed and purpose, tangling up the players! All players have their MA reduced by 1 for the duration of the drive.
12- Divine intervention: The combination of a temple-side pitch and a cracking game has clearly attracted the attention of a deity- maybe the goddess Righ, or perhaps even the mighty Nuffle! Each coach may roll twice on the prayers to nuffle table; apply all the results as described on page 103 of the blood bowl rulebook.


runner up
top underdog (spent 3 or less squad points)

Runner up
Most TDs
Most brutal
Best Defense
Stunty cup
Best Painted

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