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Tournament NameLittle Scandinavian Brygsdag Brawl 7s
Organizer NAF namecoachbb (18958)
OrganizerLou Rollins
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-05-17
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-05-17
ScoringPAIRING AND SCORING: The first round of matches will be randomised. The following two rounds will be determined through Swiss pairings. Points are awarded as follows: Win - 60 points Draw - 30 point Loss - 10 points Tiebreakers are as follows: TD differential, CAS differential, Head to Head, Lowest Tier, Nuffle (coin flip) Each team roster will be reset before each game (resurrection format) and there is no SPP advancement. A CAS scoring for tiebreaker (and for Most Casualties award) counts as any time an opponent's player passes into their Casualty box, even if they’re later recovered through Regeneration etc. Yes, this also includes any failed dodges or rushes!
CostFree Registration!!!
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageBrygsdag Brawl 7s

Tournament Statistics


Grither (10904)Vampire

Runner up

Most Touchdowns

chewie_bites (31639)Elf Union

Most Casualties

bdawg013 (30226)Orc

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

SteelMagnus (38505)Dwarf

Other Awards

cricket (30979)Chaos Dwarf
Best Youngblood
lonewolfjackson (30536)Orc
Best Defense
Tournament Location
AddressBenGamin Games
 77 S Main Street
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document
Little Scandinavian Brygsdag Brawl 7s.pdf

Little Scandinavian Brygsdag Brawl
Sevens Spring 2024 Tournament Rules

• 7:00-7:15pm registration
• 7:15-8:15pm Round 1
• 8:15-9:15pm Round 2
• 9:15-10:15pm Round 3
• 10:15-10:30pm Awards

• All Blood Bowl 2020 races & rosters available from the Second Season Rulebook, Teams of Legend pdf, as well as the NAF-approved rosters for Slaan. No 2016 rosters are available.
• No star players are allowed.
• 600,000 gp to spend on your team.
• You must hire a minimum of 7 and maximum of 11 players. Only 4 non-linemen types allowed.
• Skill allocation determined by team tier.
• Assistant coaches and cheerleaders cost double (20,000 each).
• Inducements must be bought at team creation, at the pricing provided in the Death Zone book and as described below. Desperate measures may also be rostered as an inducement, but a new roll on the table will be required before each game. No wizards, infamous coaching staff, or other inducements not listed in the Sevens Rules may be induced (see Death Zone p.93 for a full list of allowed inducements).
• No mercenaries will be permitted, including giants.

The tournament will operate on the latest official FAQ release from GW.

• Teams will have a number of additional skills based on the Team Tier ratings below.
• No player can be given more than 1 additional skill.
• A secondary skill can be substituted for a primary if desired.
• Tier 1: 2 primary
• Tier 2: 3 primary, 1 secondary.
• Tier 3: 3 primary, 2 secondary.

Tier 1 Teams
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf

Tier 2 Teams
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, High Elf, Human, Imperial Nobility
Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Orc, Slann, Tomb Kings, Vampire

Tier 3 Teams
Goblin, Gnome, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling

Please send a completed roster to lourollinsminis@gmail.com by Saturday May 11th.

Each team roster will be reset before each game (resurrection format) and there is no SPP advancement.

Tournament Report
Lou Rollins Bdawg013 30226 Orc Grither 10904 Vampire Finks 36422 Old World Alliance Joneserons2 36424 Lizardmen Chewie_Bites 31639 Elf Union Jouton 36937 Human Cricket 30979 Chaos Dwarf SteelMagnus 38505 Dwarf TheLegion 18490 Wood Elf LoneWolfJackson 30536 Orc 2024-05-17 19:00 Bdawg013 30226 100 2 1 TheLegion 18490 100 1 0 2024-05-17 19:00 Finks 36422 100 0 0 Grither 10904 100 1 0 2024-05-17 19:00 SteelMagnus 38505 100 0 0 LoneWolfJackson 30536 100 1 1 2024-05-17 19:00 Joneserons2 36424 100 0 0 Cricket 30979 100 2 0 2024-05-17 19:00 Chewie_Bites 31639 100 3 2 Jouton 36937 100 1 1 2024-05-17 22:00 Bdawg013 30226 100 2 2 TheLegion 18490 100 1 0 2024-05-17 22:00 Chewie_Bites 31639 100 1 1 Cricket 30979 100 1 1 2024-05-17 22:00 Grither 10904 100 1 0 LoneWolfJackson 30536 100 0 0 2024-05-17 22:00 Joneserons2 36424 100 2 4 Finks 36422 100 0 0 2024-05-17 22:00 SteelMagnus 38505 100 1 0 Jouton 36937 100 1 0 2024-05-17 23:00 Bdawg013 30226 100 0 0 Grither 10904 100 1 0 2024-05-17 23:00 Cricket 30979 100 0 0 LoneWolfJackson 30536 100 2 4 2024-05-17 23:00 Chewie_Bites 31639 100 2 2 Joneserons2 36424 100 0 1 2024-05-17 23:00 SteelMagnus 38505 100 0 0 TheLegion 18490 100 2 0 2024-05-17 23:00 Jouton 36937 100 1 1 Finks 36422 100 1 0
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