?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameMercy of Shallya
Organizer NAF namekholek (23778)
OrganizerBrett Duffany
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-07-20
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-07-20
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressBlackfyre Games
 391 S Main St
CityPleasant Grove
NationUnited States

Ruleset Document

Mercy of Shallya Charity Tournament

This tournament will be to benefit the Gary Sinise Foundation which serves the veterans of our military that volunteered to serve in our military and were only promised to have their injuries taken care of in return. Sadly many of our wounded veterans don't receive the help they need from our government and it is our duty as the beneficiaries of their sacrifices to step up and fulfill that promise. Shallya in the Warhammer Fantasy/ Blood Bowl universe is the Goddess of Mercy and healing. When a warrior is struck down or falls ill it is to her that they pray for help.

Date: July 20th, 2024

Location: Blackfyre Games
391 S Main St, Pleasant Grove Utah 84602

Contact Info: bduffany@proton.me

20$ until July 1st then 25$ until registration closes paid by venmo @brett-duffany or paypal @ brettduffany@yahoo.com

Submit Rosters by email at bduffany@proton.me by July 13, 2024 at midnight

9:00-9:30 Registration & Pairings
9:30-11:45 Round 1
11:45-12:30 Lunch/Paint Judging
12:30-2:45 Round 2
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-5:15 Round 3
5:30- 6:00 Awards Ceremony/Raffle winners

What to Bring:
1) Your painted Blood Bowl team-- Feel free to bring any team from any designer. The team must have its players numbered clearly. The models you use MUST represent the position being played.
2) 4 copies of your team roster-- one for each of your opponents
3) Your Blood Bowl Blocking Dice, templates, assorted bits, etc.

Tournament Format:
Tournament will be a Swiss style, resurrection tournament. So any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game. Each round will see a coach play against a random opponent. In each subsequent round, the highest ranked player plays the next highest ranked player they have not previously played. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play.

We will be using the official GW 2020 Blood Bowl rules in addition to the NAF 2024 Rules for Tournaments found here: https://www.thenaf.net/.../rules-for-naf-tournaments-2024/

There will be no overtime.

In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called -- please simply bring the issue to your opponent's attention and ask that he/she move their marker.

Weather Table: The weather table will be used

The Kickoff Table in the BB2020 ruleset will be used

As this is a Veterans Charity event any coach that shows he is a Veteran or Active Duty military member will receive a free Cheerleader for their roster.

Team Creation:
To determine the team build, use the following guidelines:

Bribe Tournament Organizers: Bribery is a long standing tradition in the hallowed halls of Blood Bowl and this tournament will be no different. Each coach will be able to bribe the TO a sum of $22 to move down one tier. That would allow an Amazon team to recruit a team and skill them up at Tier 2 instead of the normal Tier 1. If a Tier 4 team opts to bribe the TO instead of moving down to a non existent Tier they have argued convincingly enough to their favored Mega Star that they have convinced him or her to waive their normal outrageous fee. Effectively they have unlocked the Mega Star Players and can purchase them at their normal roster price or if you elect not to purchase a Mega Star Player and receive a 2 skill point discount for a single Star Player or Mega Star.

Tier 1: Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elves. These teams get 10 skill points and can take up to 2 secondary skills

Tier 2 teams: Elven Union, High Elves, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Shambling Undead, Tomb Kings, Vampires. These teams get 12 skill points and can take up to 3 secondary skills.

Tier 3 teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann. These teams get 14 skill points and can take up to 4 secondary skills

Tier 4 teams: Goblins, Gnomes, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings. These teams get 16 skill points can take up to 5 secondary skills.

-Primary skill: 1 point
-Secondary Skill 2 points
-Star Players cost their Gold cost plus 2 skill points
-Mega Stars Cost their Gold cost plus 4 skill points for those that have access to them
- You can add a max of 2 skills to a single player. No more than 4 of any one extra skill per team (i.e., only 4 guard, block extra per team)
- No Mercenaries, Stadiums, or sponsors.
- Highlander rules for Star Players are in effect
- Being a Charity event there isn't a whole lot of money to be spent to draw the attention of Mega Stars the following Star Players will not be allowed unless you are playing a T4 team and have bribed the official.
Griff Oberwald
Deeproot Strongbranch
Hakflem Shuttlespike
Kreek Rustgouger
Bomber Dribblsnot
Wilhelm Cheney
Cindy Piewhistle
Skitter Stab Stab

Each team will have 1,100,000 GP to purchase their teams and purchase Star Players (after initial 11 have been purchased), Inducements and other team benefits (re-rolls, apothecaries, dedicated fans, cheerleaders, and assistant coaches).

In addition to your 1,1 million team build everyone will be able to recruit a retired injured star player at no cost, gold or skill points (See below). This Star Player will count towards your minimum 11 players

EOD Tech. Move 5 Str 3 AG 5+ Pass 3+ Arm 10+. Accurate, Bombardier, Pass, Secret Weapon, loner 3+, and Missing Fingers*- After years of playing with- I mean disarming unstable explosives some mistakes are bound to be made. If the EOD Tech throws and inaccurate bomb It will scatter 2 extra times. In the case of a wildly inaccurate pass it will scatter twice after deviating as normal. Fumbles will function normally

Army Infantryman. Move 5 Str 3 AG 4+ Pass 5+ Arm 9+
Block, Guard, Grab, Thick Skull, Loner 3+ and Prosthetic Leg*- Soldiering is a dangerous profession and not many get out of it due to old age. This player as lost one of his legs and as a result if he tries to rush (go for it) he will succeed on a 3+ instead of the normal 2+ and he also receives a -1 to any dodge attempts he makes.

Duty Dodger. Move 8 Str 2 AG 2+ Pass 4+ Arm 8+
Dodge, Sidestep, Jump up, Sprint, loner 3+ and Good (or bad) timing*- Every unit has that one member that has the uncanny ability to be somewhere else when the crap duties are being assigned. This ability occasionally turns sour and he misses an assignment he wants too. If this player is the target of a handoff or a pass action he must reroll his successfull catches.

Spec Ops. Move 7 Str 3 AG 3+ Pass 4+ Arm 9+
Shadowing, Stab, Multiblock, Dirty Player, Loner 3+ and De Oppresso Libre*- Being the tip of the spear and going places you shouldn't be tends to be dangerous and these opperators tend to have a more pointed skill set than most and means you either go in first or you don't get to go in at all. If this player isn't the first activation of the turn roll a D6, on a 2+ he gets to act normally, on a 1 his activation ends.

Artilleryman. Move 6 Str 3 AG 3+ Pass 2+ Arm 8+
Pass, Cannoneer, Sure hands, Safe Pass, Loner 3+, and Tinnitus*- Throwing out the long bombs all day in support of your forward units makes for lots of loud noises and eventual hearing loss. As a result you tend to have a permanent ringing in your ears. When this player activates roll a D6, on a 2+ he acts normally, on a 1 the ringing is his ears is too much and causes him to become disoriented ending his activation.

Leatherneck. Move 6 Str3 AG 3+ Pass 5+ Arm 10+
Block, Tackle, Dauntless, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Loner 3+, and Devil Dog* Marines are some of the toughest and most aggressive fighters around and as such they dislike being kept out of the action. If this player isn't performing a block or Blitz action roll a D6 on a 3+ he acts normally on a 1 or 2 his activation ends.

The two hour 15 minute rounds will be enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.

The 4 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the time limit.

Tournament points may be gained through game play with several ways to accumulate bonus points.

Points from Game Play
Points from game play are as follows:

Game Result Tournament Points
Win 60
Tie 30
Loss 10

Bonus Points
Cause exactly 2 more CAS than opponent -2pts
Caused 3 or more CAS (Blocking, Surfing, Secret Weapon, and Fouling count) - 5pts
Win by 2 or more Touchdowns - 5pts
Allowed 0 Touchdowns - 2pts
Pitch Clear (1 per match) 5pts
Finish on time -3pts

There will be multiple Raffle Prizes including two teams Professionally Painted that have been donated. Be prepared to be charitable as all money will go towards helping those veterans in need.

Tournament Report
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