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Tournament NameBeach Party Rum-ble
Organizer NAF nameMillsy (17020)
OrganizerPaul Miller (Millsy)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-23
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-23
StyleSwiss, Resurrection
Scoring50 win, 30 draw, 10 loss
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressGreat Keppel Island Hwy
CityGreat Keppel Island

Ruleset Document
Beach Party Rum-ble ruleset gnomes.pdf

Precursor to the Great Barrier Biff II tournament held on the Friday night before the main event.

Kick off at 7pm for three rounds of Beach Bowl shenanigans.
All entrants receive a custom Beach Bowl pitch and tournament miniature. First 24 rosters emailed in receive a mini-NFL helmet of their choice (limited supplies).

Beach Party Rum-ble Tournament Rules.

The Beach Party Rum-ble uses the standard rules found in the most current Blood Bowl Rulebook, Second Season Edition, with the following exceptions.

The Beach Bowl pitch is 20 squares long and 9 squares wide. The width of the pitch is divided into a 5-square centre zone and 2 squares in each wide zone. The pitch’s surface is soft sand, the effects of which are detailed below.

Beach Bowl consists of two 6-turn halves rather than the traditional 8-turn halves used in regular Blood Bowl.

Each coach sets up a maximum of 7 players for each drive. Due to the narrower pitch, it is only mandatory to set up two players on the line of scrimmage (though a coach may wish to set up more if they desire). Only one player is permitted to be set up in each wide zone.

When the ball is kicked at the start of the drive, roll a d8, for direction, and 2d6 for distance, discarding the higher d6 result. The Kick skill is still able to be used on this lower d6.

Players don’t suffer casualties in Beach Bowl (Did we mention the sand is soft?). Thick skulls mean nothing when hitting the sand. The Injury Table is modified as below for all players, regardless of race (including Stunty players):

2d6 Result
2-7 Stunned
8-9 Mild Knockout (3+ to recover)
10-12 Major Knockout (5+ to recover)

Knockout recovery rolls are made following every drive as usual. Regeneration has no effect in Beach games. Major Knockouts count as casualties for the purpose of the tournament.

Should one team manage to clear the pitch of opposition players, apply the following:
1. The coach of the team still on the pitch, moves their turn marker forward two spaces and receives one Touchdown awarded to a randomly selected player who is currently on the pitch.
2. The opposing coach may try to bring on reserves, if possible, before play resumes. If they are unable to do so, return to step 1.

Balls will not bounce when they fall onto the sand, assuming the ball lands in an open space (following a kick, failed catch etc.), do not roll to scatter it. If the ball should go into the crowd, the sedate fans will only throw it in 1d6 squares instead of the normal 2d6.

Due to the heavy sand and the fact that most players see this as an end of season party, where Rum is a hydration method, all players are a little on the drunkard side of things. To simulate this, all Rushes succeed on a 4+.

Sand and salt air don’t mix well with secret weapons. Motors seize, blades rust and bombs are difficult to light. After playing in a drive, any secret weapons require maintenance which cause them to miss the rest of the game.

There are no traditional fouls in Beach Bowl as these games are considered ‘friendly’ matches. However, some players may ‘accidently’ attempt to bury an opponent’s face in the sand, if they don’t have their own face buried first. Fans often take an extreme disliking to any such tactics. When fouling if either the armour or injury roll is a double the enraged fans will ‘Throw a rock’ at the player committing the foul. This rock automatically breaks armour and an injury roll should be made on the fouling player.

2d6 Result
2 Sweltering Heat:
It’s so hot and humid that some players collapse from heat exhaustion. Roll a d6 for each player on the pitch at the end of a drive. On a 1 the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off.
3 Very Sunny:
Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their Passing Ability.
4-10 Nice Weather:
Perfect Beach Bowl weather.
11 Rain:
Its’s raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all catch, intercept, or pick-up rolls.
12 Tropical Storm:
It’s bloody windy! As a consequence, only Quick and Short passes can be attempted (and the Hail Mary skill cannot be used). Furthermore, roll 1d8 to determine wind direction (it remains in the same direction until a new result is rolled on the weather table). During Kick-offs, Inaccurate Passes, and Throw-ins, the ball scatters 1d3 extra squares in the direction of the wind before landing. Players with the Right Stuff skill also scatter 1d3 squares in this direction during Throw Teammate or Kick Teammate actions.

2d6 Result
2 High Tide:
The sea isn’t cooperating with the game and floods a portion of the pitch. Randomly select one wide zone; that portion of the pitch may not be occupied by any player for the rest of the drive. Any players who were set up in that wide zone are immediately moved in a straight line towards the centre zone. If their destination square is already occupied then the player occupying that square is ‘pushed’ in the same direction. If the kick-off falls in the flooded area, it is treated as a touchback. If the ball scatters into the flooded area during play, it is swept back in by the tide and returns to the square it most recently occupied. The field returns to normal at the end of the drive.
3 Pirate Brawl:
Rival pirate gangs start up a brawl which holds up the game. The players regroup down the beach, but can’t recall how much time was left on the clock. If the kicking team’s turn is on 4, 5 or 6 for the half, both coaches move their turn marker back one space. Otherwise, both coaches move their turn marker forward one space.
4 Perfect Defense:
D3 +1 open players on the kicking team may be removed and set up again in different locations, following all the normal set up rules.
5 High Kick:
One player on the receiving team may be moved any number of squares, regardless of their MA, and placed in the same square the ball will land in.
6 Samba!
Each team rolls a d6 and adds their Fan Factor. On a roll of 6 or higher, the team gains a reroll.
7 Lost Ball:
Whether lost to the tide or stolen by local youths, the game ball is no longer available. Roll a d6 to determine what sort of replacement is found for this drive.
1-3: Conch shell. -1 to catch, ball carrier gains Mighty Blow.
4-6: Inflatable beach ball. -1 to throw, +1 to pick-up, catch and intercept.
8 Changing Weather:
Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply that result. If the weather conditions are ‘Nice’ as a result of this roll, then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing.
9 Quick Snap:
D3 +1 Open players on the kicking team may immediately move one square in any direction.
10 Seagull Attack:
A flock of seagulls take an interest in the game ball. For this drive, Quick and Short passes face a -1 modifier. Long Passes and Long Bombs are automatically inaccurate (Interception attempts may still be made).
11 Jellyfish:
An unlucky player has the ill fortune of stepping on a jellyfish. Each coach rolls 1d6. The team who gets the lowest result is affected (both teams in case of a tie). Randomly select a player from that team who is currently on the field. The player is placed prone and becomes stunned.
12 Monster Wave:
A giant wave hits as the teams are setting up. Roll a d8 for direction. All players on the field are moved d3 (one single roll for all players) squares in the same direction. This movement is simultaneous, so there are no collisions. Players pushed out of bounds are simply moved to the reserves box, as the crowd is also stunned by the wave. In addition, roll a d6 for each player still on the pitch. On a roll of 2-6 nothing else happens. On a roll of 1 that player trips over and is placed prone. The ball lands after these effects are worked out.

• Teams have 700gc with which to hire their team, sideline staff, rerolls etc.
• Teams may be selected from any of the 30 NAF approved teams.
• Teams must have between 7 and a maximum of 11 players on their roster.
• No more than 4 ‘non linemen’ players may be hired for your team. Standard Blood Bowl team composition rules apply.
• Rerolls may be purchased at a cost of 100gc each, regardless of which race your team may be.
• The only inducements permitted are Bloodweiser Kegs and the Halfling Master Chef.
• Teams may add skills based upon their tiers (see below).
o Tier Zero = No skills
o Tier One = 1 primary skill
o Tier Two = 1 primary skill or 1 secondary skill
o Tier Three = 1 primary skill and 1 secondary skill (may be stacked)
• The following skills are not allowed to be taken: Leader, Sprint, Sure Feet
• Each team needs to have one nominated unskilled lineman (Kahuna). Each round the Tournament Organiser will announce a random skill that will be allocated to the ‘Kahuna’ for the duration of the round. Coaches are asked to keep a tally of Star Player Points earned, throughout all three matches, by their ‘Kahuna’. A prize will be allocated to the coach whose ‘Kahuna’ scores the most SPP’s. This player will be named “The Big Kahuna” and will have ultimate bragging rights until next year’s Beach Party Rum-ble!


TIER ZERO Underworld Denizens, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Elven Union, High Elf, Amazons, Skaven, Lizardmen
TIER ONE Chaos Dwarf, Old World Alliance, Orc, Necromantic, Norse, Dwarf, Shambling Undead, Tomb Kings
TIER TWO Chaos Renegades, Khorne, Imperial Nobility, Human, Slann, Vampires
TIER THREE Ogre, Nurgle, Black Orcs, Halflings, Chaos Chosen, Goblins, Snotlings, Gnomes

Points from every game are added to the team’s total. A tournament table is produced every round.
The tournament points scoring system will work as follows:
• Winning the match 50 points
• Drawing the match 30 points
• Losing the match 10 points
• Forfeiting the match 0 points
The coach with the highest score at the end of the five games will be inaugural Beach Party Rum-ble Champion and first place winner.
Tie breakers will be determined in the following order;
1. Big Kahuna SPP’s earned
2. Head-to-Head (if applicable)
3. Most Touchdowns
4. Most Casualties.

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