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Tournament NameLangden Bowl III
Organizer NAF namebobblegrox (34052)
OrganizerKen Reynolds
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-29
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-06-29
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno
WebpageTicket Link

Tournament Statistics


joeseph (38195)Underworld Denizens

Runner up

legion_uk (28083)Chaos Renegade

Most Touchdowns

wabe2009 (27497)Human

Most Casualties

stander (36871)Snotling

Stunty Cup

witchcraft76 (35084)Goblin

Best Painted

Other Awards

straylight_sailor (33125)Necromantic Horror
Coach of the Day
scampiscamps (36359)Skaven
Wooden Spoon
Tournament Location
AddressLangden Games
 12 Tacket St
ZipIP4 1AY
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document
Langden Bowl III Pack V1-0.pdf

Langden Bowl III will be 3 matches of standard 11s Blood Bowl.

Tournament Pack link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1407cMCUUsiQrmIUZAuo3mMGec8wt8yNv/view?usp=sharing

Ticket Link - https://www.langdengames.co.uk/shop/events/tabletop-events/langden-bowl-iii-blood-bowl-11s-tournament-29-06-24/


Bloodweiser are on board as an official event sponsor. Each dugout will be given a keg for the players to enjoy during the match. It’s especially useful for helping your dazed players keep it together and get back into the game.

Each player will receive a free BLOODWEISER KEG inducement. This is in addition to the team building rules, you do not have to include it in your submitted roster sheet.

A local Weather Mage has passed us a bag of gold to let us show off their talents. It would seem that the life of a wandering weather mage is a bit tough, as teams don’t tend to hire them with petty cash as much as they used to. They promise to be able to change the weather at the drop of a big floppy hat.

At the start of every drive the kicking team will roll for weather using our special tournament weather table.

Each player will also receive a free WEATHER MAGE inducement. This is in addition to the team building rules, you do not have to include it in your submitted roster sheet.


2 - Tremors
3 - Fog
4 - Heat Wave
5-9 - Perfect Conditions
10 - Pouring Rain
11 - Lightning
12 -Ice Storm

Full descriptions in tournament pack.

There will be trophies for the following categories:

CHAMPION - Overall Winner (most Tournament Points).

STUNTY CUP - Stunty Team with mostTournament Points.

WOODEN SPOON - Last Place (least Tournament Points)

MOST TOUCHDOWNS - Most Touchdowns Scored

MOST CASUALTIES - Most Casualties Caused.

DAPH’S COACH OF THE DAY - The TO team’s choice of a notable coach on the day.

There will be a certificate and consolation prize for the OVERALL RUNNER-UP.


• Per Win: +30 Points
• Per Draw: +10 Points
• Per Loss: +0 Points
• Per TD: +1 Points (max 5 per Match)
• Per CAS: +1 Points (max 5 per Match)
• Shutout: +3 Points (No TDs Allowed)

TEAM VALUE - 1,150,000GP
All teams will be allowed to spend 1.15 million gold pieces to draft their team, with the conditions below.

Teams should be built for this event using the Exhibition Play rules on p101-102 of the Blood Bowl 2020 Rulebook.

All Teams will be allowed to give their players a number of additional skills as listed below...

These skills do not affect Team Value.

• Tier 1: 5 Primary Skills
• Tier 2: 4 Primary & 2 Secondary. May take 1 Star Player after rostering 11 players.
• Tier 3: 5 Primary & 2 Secondary. May take up to 2 Star Players after rostering 11 players.

• 1 player per team can receive more than 1 skill (Maximum of 2 additional skills).
• A Primary Skill may be selected instead of a Secondary Skill if the coach desires.
• Star players cannot be given skills.

Your team must consist of 11 players before rostering Star Player(s).

In line with the NAF Championship ruleset the following stars are banned:

Bomber Dribblesnot
Cindy Piewhistle
Deeproot Strongbranch
Dribl and Drull
Estelle La Veneaux
Griff Oberwald
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Ivan ‘the Animal’ Deathshroud
Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger
Morg ’n’ Thorg
Skitter Stab Stab
Varag Ghoulchewer

Tier 1 teams cannot take Star Players.

Tier 2 teams can take 1 star player.

Tier 3 teams can take 2 star players.

Inducements are purchased during team creation, and are considered a permanent part of the team and can be used each game.

• Star players can be taken using the rules outlined previously.
• (In)-Famous Coaching Staff (including Wizards), Special Play Cards, and Unlimited Mercenaries may not be taken.
• No rules from Death Zone 2021 will be in effect execpt for those outlined in the tournament ‘special rules’.

Each Team has been given a Tier:

Tier 1:
Amazons (2022), Chaos Dwarf*, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf*, Lizardmen, Norse, Undead, Skaven, Underworld, Wood Elf

Tier 2:
Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic, Nurgle, Orc, Old World Alliance, Vampire (2023), Tomb Kings*, Slann**

Tier 3:
Gnomes, Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings

*Team of Legend
**NAF Team

Tournament Pack link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1407cMCUUsiQrmIUZAuo3mMGec8wt8yNv/view?usp=sharing

Ticket Link - https://www.langdengames.co.uk/shop/events/tabletop-events/langden-bowl-iii-blood-bowl-11s-tournament-29-06-24/

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