?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameThrunk Memorial Brick V
Organizer NAF nameNotThePornGuy (28320)
OrganizerIan McKinley
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-11
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-08-11
ScoringSee Tournament Details
Cost$40 ($30 for NAF members)
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageThrunk Memorial Brick V

Tournament Statistics


cam (33268)Gnome

Runner up

tibum_the_goblin (33373)Slann

Most Touchdowns

Manz62 (9753)High Elf

Most Casualties

jeandupays (32747)Multiple Races
mr-t027 joins jeandupays on 12 casualties

Stunty Cup

geomac88 (24279)Snotling

Best Painted

scheming_goblin (34616)Necromantic Horror
twiceproven garnered the same number of votes as scheming_goblin, who took home the prize after a dice-off

Other Awards

moist_puppy (38097)Lizardmen
Best Sporting Conduct
twiceproven (27965)Snotling
Best Painted twiceproven garnered the same number of votes as scheming_goblin, who took home the prize after a dice-off
mr-t027 (20030)Chaos Renegade
Most Casualties
scheming_goblin (34616)Necromantic Horror
Best Defence
Tournament Location
Address10 Terry Fox Dr.
CityVankleek Hill

Ruleset Document

The 5th Annual Thrunk Memorial Brick

$30 for NAF Members.
$40 for non-NAF Members.
-Includes dice, a Thrunk Memorial Brick patch, some free beers, and prizes

Send your registration fee to ian@ianmckinley.com to secure your place.

Beau's Brewing Co.

10 Terry Fox Drive

Vankleek Hill, Ontario

K0B 1R0

Sunday, August 11, 2024

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 
Arrival & Registration
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
 Game One
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
 Game Two
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
 Game Three
6:00 PM - 6:15 PM
 Presentation of Prizes


• All teams have a team-creation budget. Each team may then expend a number of Star Player Points to add skills to their players, with the number varying depending on the tier of the team. Finally, each team then receives a slush fund to spend.

• The team-creation budget is 1,150,000 million gold pieces. This budget must be spent on purchasing players, hiring star players, buying re-rolls and hiring sideline staff. It may also be used to purchase inducements such as Bloodweiser Kegs, Bribes, etc. A full list of permitted inducements can be found later in this ruleset.

• Any unspent cash at initial roster creation may be combined with the Slush Fund to buy an additional player, but ONLY ONE additional player. A coach cannot hold back gold pieces to purchase anything else from the list of options for which the Slush Fund can make purchases. All teams will be considered having the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.

• Please note that as per BB2020 tournament rules, there is no/no free Dedicated Fans. If you are going to use an online roster builder to prepare your roster, please make sure you are preparing a roster for “Exhibition Play” as this will not automatically add a dedicated fan to your roster.

• The Thrunk Memorial Brick is a resurrection tournament, so no SPPs are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to other.

• Undead, Necromantic and Nurgle teams are allowed to apply the Masters of Undeath and Plague Ridden special rules. Players added to a team roster through a game because of those special rules are removed from the roster at the end of that game.

• Teams will consist of a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 players, including star players.

• Star players can only be induced after 11 regular players have already been rostered. Please note that hiring any Star player will also require the use of SPPs from your team’s initial allotment.

• Star players can’t be given extra skills from the team’s allocated Star Player Points or from the Star Player Points purchased via the Slush Fund.

• If both opposing teams have hired the same star player in a game, the star pockets both hiring fees and refuses to play. Please note: This principle is often referred to as The Highlander Rule (“There can be only one.”) and hence is IN EFFECT.

• A team that has a player on its roster with Sneaky Git cannot also buy a bribe, except for Goblins and Black Orcs.


Eash team also receives a Slush Fund of 50,000 gps. After initial team creation, each team may then dip into its Slush Fund to secure team improvements from the list below. Teams may decide to hold back some of its original budget to purchase one extra player.

- 3rd Skill Incidence (for example, a 3rd additional Guard) = 10,000 gps

- Spectral Knuckle Dusters = 10,000 gps
(Grants Mighty Blow +1 to any blocks against only the Ghost of Thrunk and may be given to any player, including ones who already have Mighty Blow, in which cast Mighty Blow +1 becomes Mighty Blow +2, or Mighty Blow +2 becomes Mighty Blow +3)

- Spectral Shades = 10,000 gps

(Allows players throwing blocks against only the Ghost of Thrunk to ignore his Foul Appearance)

- Lost and Found Pouch of Gold = 10,000 gps

(Allows a coach to pass into the ref’s keeping a “pouch of gold” that was “found” dropped near the dugout and receive a one-time +1 on a single Argue the Call roll. Bribery and Corruption teams will receive 2 such pouches for the price of 1. Limit of 1 purchase/team and Bribery and Corruption, if they so wish, can use both their pouches to add +2 to a single Argue the Call roll)

- 1 Additional Primary Skill to place on a player who has not already been given an extra skill = 20,000 gps

(limit of 1 purchase/team)

- 4th Skill Incidence = 20,000 gps
(for example, after having spent 10,000 for the 3rd skill incidence, another 20,000 can be spent to secure a 4th)

- 1 Additional Secondary Skill to place on a player who has not already been given an additional skill and who DOES NOT have Loner = 40,000 gps

- Ouija Board of Spectral Summoning = 40,000 gps

(Allows a coach to summon the Ghost of Thrunk to the trapdoor of their choice during a kickoff event, overriding the other rules for the manifestation of The Ghose of Thrunk)

- Any Inducement that is equal to or less than 50,000 gps = the regular cost of the inducment.

(for example, any team could purchase an Assistant Coach for 10,000 gps or a Bloodweiser Keg for 50,000 gps, and Bribery and Corruption teams could purchase a Bribe for 50,000 gps)

- A Sack of Bricks = 50,000 gps

(The team doles out bricks to its supporters near their own endzone. This grants the team a “Throw a Brick” Prayer to Thrunk, which is exactly like the Throw a Rock result on the Prayer to Nuffle Table except that it is valid for one opposition drive as chosen by the team making the purchase ie. It is not/not in effect for the entire duration of the match: just the specific drive chosen prior to the ensuing kick-off).

- Hiring Players at their usual cost = depends on cost of player.


Teams are separated in six different tiers that grant a differing number of Star Player Points to improve their players’ skills.

Tier 1: 24 SPPs

Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs, Undead, Wood Elves, Underworld Denizens.

Tier 2: 30 SPPs

Amazon, Humans, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Skaven, Vampires.

Tier 3: 36 SPPs

Chaos Chosen, Elven Union, High Elves, Imperial Nobility, Khorne, Tomb Kings.

Tier 4: 42 SPPs

Chaos Renegades, Nurgle, Old World Alliance, Slann, Snotlings.

Tier 5: 48 SPPs

Black Orcs, Gnomes, Halflings.

Tier 6: 54 SPPs

Goblins, Ogres.

Please use the Advancements Table in the Blood Bowl Rulebook for the cost of upgrading your players. No randomization is allowed, only the choosing of either a primary or secondary skill.

Each team is permitted to stack skills on any number of players, limited only by the number of Star Player Points they wish to expend on any specific player. As per the Advancements Table in the Blood Bowl rulebook:

- Star Player Access = 12 SPPs/Star + their standard cost in gold pieces

(Stars that are made up of duo’s for this purpose only count as 1 star, so for example, Dribl and Drul would require an expense of 12 SPPs)

- Mega Star Player Access = 24 SPPs + their standard cost in gold pieces

(Griff Oberwald, Morg N Thorg, Deeproot Strongbranch, Hackflem Skuttlespike, Bomber Dribblsnot, Cindy Pie Whistle, Kreek “The Verminator” Rustgouger, Lord Borak The Dispoiler, Skitter Stab-Stab, Wilhelm Chaney). Mega Star Players refuse to sign with teams that have another Star Player on the team (i.e. If you take a Mega Star, that player is the ONLY Star Player on your team).


- Each skill may be taken a maximum of 2 times at the point of team creation, but please note your slush fund can help you break this rule!

- Stars cannot be given skills

- New star players published in Spike magazines and the almanacs are allowed.


0-01 Halfling Master Chef (300k, 100k for halfling teams)
0-06 Assistant coaches (10k)
0-12 Cheerleaders (10k)
0-02 Bloodweiser Kegs (50k)
0-03 Bribes 100k (Bribery & Corruption teams, 50k)
0-02 Wandering Apothecaries (100k)
0-01 Morgue Assistant (100k)
0-01 Plague Doctor (100k)
0-01 Riotous Rookies (100k)

Nothing else is allowed, be it a Blood Bowl Rulebook or Death Zone inducement.


The first round of games will be determined by random draw from two pools of coaches, one pool of coaches from the National Capital Region and another pool of coaches from the Montreal region. This is done to promote linkages between the respective Blood Bowl communities and to ensure people don’t have to face coaches they have travelled with in the first round. Coaches from elsewhere will be invited to indicate their preferred pool in which to be placed. Subsequent rounds will follow the "Swiss" model, with the team with the most points playing the team with the second most points, and so on.


Points will be allocated as follow:
Win = 50 points

Draw = 20 points

Loss = 0 points

Concession = -3 points

Each Casualty inflicted upon the Ghost of Thrunk = 3 points

Each KO inflicted upon the Ghost of Thrunk = 1 point

In the event of an equal number of points in the standings, the following tie-breakers will be used in the order in which they appear:

- Head-to-Head record (if applicable)

- Strength of Schedule


Performance Awards:
The following performance awards will be available. Only one performance award can be earned per player.

BRICKMASTER - Thrunk Memorial Brick Champion (Most Overall Points)
Mason – Second Most Overall Points
Stunted Brick - Most Overall Points by a Stunty Team
Hot Kiln – Most Touchdowns Scored
Ton of Bricks – Most Casualties Inflicted
Brick Wall – Fewest Touchdowns Allowed
Broken Brick – Fewest Overall Points

Community Choice Awards:

Best Model – Best Painting/Display of the Ghost of Thrunk, Twitchy or The Maim (either individually or all together).
Sportsmanship – Outstanding Positive Conduct


Yes, Thrunk is dead. However, like many players, being dead doesn’t mean his ghost doesn’t still want to play Blood Bowl! During the tournament that bears his name, he sometimes appears when the fans roar, waking his ghost from his body’s resting place.

Thrunk seeks to recreate the glory of the moment of his death. He is therefore obsessed with the notion of obtaining the ball and scoring a touchdown. Alas, Thrunk’s ghost doesn’t realize it is only an ethereal spirit, unable to grasp the ball. However, this doesn’t prevent him from trying! He will move towards the ball and attempt either to pick it up if it isn’t in anyone’s possession or dislodge it if it is.

When the Cheering Fans kick-off event is rolled, roll to see whether one team or the other gets a Prayer to Nuffle as usual. Thrunk will then manifest himself by appearing on the trap door on the receiving team’s half. On any other kick-off event, both teams roll a die. If the kicking team rolls higher than the receiving team, Thrunk will also manifest himself.

If - at the beginning of your turn but before any player actions - you are not/not in possession of the ball, you must activate Thrunk. Roll first to determine whether, like all Ogres, Thrunk goes Bonehead. If he fails the test, he will remain in place and lose his tackle zone like any other Ogre. If he passes the Bonehead test, he may move.

Thrunk's Movement: you must direct Thrunk by moving him as per the Ball and Chain rule. He must be moved the entire extent of his MA score with no “rushing” rolls allowed. Each movement MUST take Thrunk either a row or column of squares closer to the ball. If his movement would bring him into contact with any player, he will throw a block. As per the Ball & Chain rules, Thrunk must follow-up if he pushes back another player. If Thrunk still has movement left, he will continue moving and potentially throwing blocks. If Thrunk is Knocked Down or is Placed Prone, an Injury roll is made against him. The effect of the cheering fans is dispelled and Thrunk is removed from play. If Thrunk moves onto the ball, his No Hands prevents him from picking it up. It will bounce away from him. Failing to pick up the ball will not/not end Thrunk's activation. If he has remaining movement, he will move onto the ball again.

Please note that Thrunk is not immune from opposition players lending assists to a teammate who is blocked by Thrunk. Once his activation is complete, Thrunk comes to a halt and is counted as an opponent in all cases where an agility roll needs to be made, including dodges. He will neither provide an assist to a block nor remove any assists because of his presence.

In all other respects, Thrunk is a normal player. He can be on the receiving end of blocks, be pushed into the crowd, and get injured. Indeed, dishing out a casualty to Thrunk is so crowd-pleasing the tournament uses this statistic as a tie-breaker. If Thrunk is removed from play, he may re-appear for later drives in the game.

Ghost of Thrunk

MA 4

ST 5

AG 4+

PA -

AV 9+

Skills & Traits:

Ball & Chain, Bonehead, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, No Hands, Strip Ball

Tournament Report
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