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Tournament NameTorneo de los Muertos III
Organizer NAF nameboldfox (22344)
OrganizerGavin Pearce
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-09
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressHaling Dene Centre
 Cannock Road
ZipST19 5DT
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document
Torneo de los Muertos III.pdf


This is to be a one day, three match Blood Bowl 2020 tournament with a Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead theme). The format will be a resurrection style event using the Swiss system for pairing players in each round.


Haling Dene Centre, Cannock Road, Penkridge, Staffordshire, ST19 5DT


November 9th 2024


The cost of a ticket is £15.00 and as this is a NAF sanctioned tournament all participants will need to be signed up to the NAF.
Payment should be made via PayPal to boldfox.tournaments@gmail.com (mark as ‘friends and family’ payment)


9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:45 - 12:00 Game 1
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 - 15:00 Game 2
15:15 - 17:30 Game 3
17:30 - 18:00 Awards


The Naf Rules for Tournaments 2024 will apply.

All Naf approved teams, including Slann, are available for use.

Where a Team of Legend has received an update release from GW, the new roster will be in effect.

Pre-submission of rosters is required to enable registration to take place as quickly as possible.
All rosters should be submitted to boldfox.tournaments@gmail.com by midday on November 2nd.

Team Building

Coaches have a total treasury amount with which to purchase players, sideline staff, inducements and additional skills. The treasury available and the maximum amount of that treasury which can be spent on additional skills depends on the team’s tier.

The tiers and other general team build rules are as follows:

Tier 1 - 1,150,000gp total treasury - up to 150,000 of which may be spent on skills: Orc - Dwarf - Shambling Undead - Amazons - Skaven - Dark Elf - Wood Elf - Human.

Tier 2 - 1,200,000gp total treasury - up to 200,000 of which may be spent on skills: Chaos Dwarf - Elven Union - High Elf - Underworld Dzns - Norse - Necromantic Horror - Vampire - Imperial Nobility - Lizards.

Tier 3 - 1,250,000gp total treasury - up to 250,000 of which may be spent on skills: Old World Alliance - Black Orc - Slann - Nurgle - Chaos Chosen - Chaos Renegades - Tomb Kings - Khorne - Gnomes.

Tier 4 - 1,300,000gp total treasury - up to 300,000 of which may be spent on skills: Halflings - Goblins - Ogres - Snotlings.

Any number of primary skills can be bought for 20,000
Tier 1 teams can purchase up to one secondary skill for 30,000
Tier 2 + 3 teams can purchase up to two secondary skills for 30,000 each
Tier 4 teams can purchase up to four secondary skills for 30,000 each
No more than three of any one skill can be purchased
No skill stacking

The following inducements are permitted:

0-3 Bribes (Bribery and Corruption teams only)
0-1 Halfling Master Chef (Halfling Thimble Cup teams only)
0-1 Halfling Hot Pot
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries
0-1 Mortunary Assistant
0-1 Plague Doctor
0-1 Riotous Rookies
0-1 Biased Referee
0-3 Bottles of Heady Brew (Tier 4 teams only)
0-1 Mercenary ‘Bona Fide Big Guy’ Player (Tier 4 teams only - must have 11 rostered players to qualify)**

** Characteristic reductions and the ‘Gain Mighty Blow (+2)’ option are not allowed.

Special Rule - A Last Hurrah!

The Torneo de los Muertos celebrates those who have met their end on Nuffle’s sacred pitch and helps several of those recently departed, who still crave the roar of the crowd, to have a shot at glory.

At the start of every match each coach will randomly draw one of six character cards which contains the profile of a recently departed spirit who is present at the game. That spirit will then possess one random player on the coach’s team, adding their listed skills/traits to those of the possessed player for the match.
If at any time the player is KO’d or becomes a casualty, even if they return to the game through use of an apothecary/regeneration etc., the spirit will depart taking their skills/traits with them.

Each deck also contains an extra card with one of the tournament mascots on it. If you draw this card put it to one side, then draw a character card and assign to a random player as normal.
If you initially drew the ‘Esmeralda’ mascot card, you may now use it to re-roll the random player that has been possessed, or draw a different character card. However, if you initially drew the ‘Diego’ mascot card, your opponent may use it to make you re-roll the random player that has been possessed or draw a different character card.

Where a possessed player already has one of the Bone Head, Really Stupid, Animal Savagery or Unchannelled Fury ‘nega-traits’, it will be replaced by the nega-trait bestowed by the spirit.

Coaches cannot have the same spirit possess a player more than once. If a coach draws a spirit they have had in a previous game, they should return it to the deck and draw another.

The Characters:

Reginald P. Hampton - The Spoiler
One time lineman for the Averheim Blackhawks, he was often referred to as the Sledgemeister. Reggie was a fairly average player if truth be told, but with an extra special talent for getting under the skin of others.
Nobody within earshot of Reggie on the pitch was safe from his scathing put downs, driving even the
most steadfast of opposition players to total distraction... unfortunately, he would frequently distract
himself too!

Skills/Traits gained:

» Defensive » Disturbing Presence » Hypnotic Gaze (4+)* » Bonehead

*all players possessed by Reggie are considered to be Ag 4+ for the purposes of Hypnotic Gaze.

Spoony Tosscobble - The Madman
Barred from nearly every watering hole in all the Shires, no one quite knows what drove Spoony to gain
his reputation as the angriest Halfling that ever lived. Whilst other members of his race are driven by a
love of good food and good beer, Spoony loved nothing more than a good, honest punch up… except
maybe a dishonest one! Pugnacious and single minded, once the fists were flying this fan favourite
absolutely would not back down.

Skills/Traits gained:

» Dauntless » Frenzy » Shadowing » Unchannelled Fury

Maximus Debonaire - The Tactician
The star kicker for the Cintelan Gladiators, Maximus was known for a razor sharp tactical mind and his
keen eye for a well placed kick. Unfortuately, whilst able to spot an opening in the flow of play that others
would often miss, Maximus did suffer from the aloof sense of superiority his high elf race is known for and
frequently thought he knew better than the teams coaching staff.

Skills/Traits gained:

» Leader* » Kick » Sidestep » Loner (3+) or (adds 1 to an existing Loner trait)

*always provides a Leader re-roll, even if the team already has another Leader player on the pitch.
K’rick Savage - The Dirty Git
K’rick was a skaven blitzer who played for the ill fated Trapbait Dodgers, an underworld denizen team who have long since passed into obscurity following a woefully unsuccessful and short lived existence. Whilst his team may be long gone, the reputation of K’rick lives on. Like Spoony Tosscobble, he was another fan favorite but for different reasons… K’rick was probably one of the dirtiest players in the history of the game! K’rick was a hateful rat, riven with pure spite and simply unable to resist putting in the boot whenever he could. A boot that was viciously effective.

Skills/Traits gained:

» Sneaky Git » Dirty Player » Pile Driver » Animal Savagery

Nobbi Stinkfinga - The Warp-Stoner
Nobbi was a goblin mercenary player who, unusually for his race, was popular with all manner of teams. An avid connoisseur of Mad Cap mushrooms, Nobbi had the prescient ability to know what was about to happen, wrong footing would be tacklers and taking down otherwise fleet footed, agile opponents with ease. Unfortunately, he was often vulnerable to becoming ‘spaced out’ by bright colours or rhythmic noise, whilst the rest of the time suffering an acute paranoia of every team-mate he hit the turf with.

Skills/Traits gained:

» Trickster » Diving Tackle » Bonehead » Animosity (all team-mates)

Benni Beedlefist - The Fan-Boy
Dwarf Runner for the Zhufbar Saints, Benni was the epitome of ‘Nice but Dim’. Growing up as the ultimate Blood Bowl fan he was obsessed and dreamed of nothing but playing on the gridiron himself. Unusually quick for his race and full of barely restrained energy Benni finally got his shot. He became a fan favorite for popping up everywhere, wrestling an opposition player to the floor and running away giggling with glee. However, he was unfortunately, and ironically, often confused by the frenetic pace of some games when there wasn’t a team-mate nearby to point him in the right direction.

Skills/Traits gained:

» Jump Up » Nerves of Steel » Wrestle » Really Stupid

The Path to Glory

In each round coaches will score 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss.

Coaches should also keep a record of all Star Player Points earned in each game (excluding MVP) and
submit this information along with the main result after each round. The following additional rules apply:

Stunty casualties are only worth 1 SPP
Stunty players earn 1 SPP for each casualty caused by fouling.
Goblin teams earn 1 SPP for each casualty caused by a Secret Weapon.
Halfling teams earn 2 SPP for each casualty caused by crowd surfing, or resulting from a two dice ‘uphill’ block.
Ogre teams earn 2 SPP for each casualty caused by a Throw Team Mate action (not including the Runt).

The Tiebreakers:

1 - Team Score
2 - Most SPP
3 - Net Touchdowns
4 - Net Casualties
5 - Roster submitted on time

Main Prizes

The following trophies/prizes are available to win on the day:

Tournament Champion - goes to the highest ranked coach.
Fan Favourite - goes to the coach with the most SPP (excluding Tournament Champion).
Stunty Champion - goes to the highest ranked Tier 4 or Gnome coach (excl. Tournament Champion/Fan Favourite).
Entrenador de los Muertos - goes to the first coach to achieve one of the Coach of the Dead awards in every round. If no coach wins three , then it will go to the first who wins two awards.
Spirit of Blood Bowl - A.k.a. the wooden spoon - unfortunately no prize, but there will be a trophy
to mark the auspicious occasion!

Tournament Report
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