?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameBad Luck Bowl
Organizer NAF namewobert (20177)
OrganizerAlistair Pring
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-09
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-11-09
ScoringSee notes
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressSanctuary Gaming Centre
 St. Michaels Street
ZipNG17 4GP
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document


I’m sure we’ve all played the great game and afterwards lamented Nuffle’s blessing by explaining to your pals ‘How unlucky can one guy get?’. Well in Bad Luck Bowl we’re about to find out! There are always coaches that Nuffle holds a soft spot for, those unfortunate few who nothing seems to go right for and calamity is lurking around every corner. This is the event for them! Bad Luck Bowl . . . where ill fortune can be . . . . well . . . . lucky.

9:00am-9:45am - Avengers Assemble
9:45am-12:15pm - Round 1
12:15pm-12:45pm - Lunch
12:45pm-3:15pm - Round 2
3:15pm-3:45pm - Break
3:45pm-6:15pm - Round 3
6:15pm-6:30pm – Awards

The schedule is deliberately a relaxed 2 ½ hours per game. This should be plenty of time to complete matches at a comfortable pace.

Bad Luck Bowl is a 3 game tournament.
In round 1, all match ups will be random and in rounds 2 and 3 they will be swiss.

This is a regeneration tournament, any injuries or deaths suffered are wiped clean for the next game.

We will be using Tourplay for the event, nearer the time details of where to sign up will be posted on the event page.

Coaches have 1.15M with which to build their teams. All 30 NAF approved teams can be used, including Slann who are considered tier 2. Coaches must hire 11 players first before then taking backroom staff, rerolls or other inducements.

All of the inducements from the BB2020 rule book and Deathzone are allowed except mercenaries, giants and Special Play cards. Everything else is on the table so if you want to hire Josef Bugman or Kari Coldsteel then go for it!

We will be using the latest tiers from the GW FAQ of May 2024 and the points system from the Match Play Guide with a few small tweaks. In terms of tiers, for this event Orcs are considered tier 1, otherwise all other GW tiering is in place.

Mega-Stars or those on the cusp of being mega stars are not allowed at this event. I mean, with their fame why would they risk attending something called Bad Luck Bowl? That means any star flagged as a megastar in the FAQ plus Skitter Stab-Stab are not allowed.

Each team has a has a number of skill points to spend as per the table below -
• Tier 1 - 6
• Tier 2 - 8
• Tier 3 - 10

Those points may be spent as follows –
• 1 point for a Primary Skill
• 2 points for a Secondary Skill
• 2 points for a star player who cost 195k or less
• 3 points for a star player who costs 200k or more

Tier 1 - 6 Skills Points
• No limit on primary skills (up to 6)
• Maximum 1 secondary skill
• Maximum 1 regular star player (this prevents pairs of stars being hired) or
• No skill stacking

Tier 2 - 8 Skill Points
• No limit on primary skills (up to 8)
• Maximum 2 secondary skills
• Maximum 2 regular star player or
• 1 player may have 2 primary skills stacked

Tier 3 - 10 Skill Points
• No limit on primary skills (up to 10)
• Maximum 3 secondary skills
• Maximum 2 regular star player or
• 2 players may have 2 primary skills stacked

Points will be scored as follows –
• Win – 30 points
• Draw – 10 points
• Loss – 0 points
• 1 point for keeping a clean sheet
• 1 point if you score 3 touchdowns or more
• 1 point if you inflict 3 casualties or more

At the end of the event, if coaches are tied (either in their overall position or if they have the same number of casualties of touchdowns as someone else) then the first tie breaker will be how many Bad Luck points you’ve had. The most unlucky coach wins the tiebreaker . . . despite the awful attention from Nuffle, they still come out on top!

If their number of Bad Luck points is a draw, then we go down the more traditional route of –
- Strength of Schedule
- Casualties and touchdown difference combined
- Lower tier team
- Toss of a coin

Bad Luck Bananas are a staple of Bad Luck Bowl . . . they mystically appear out of thin air and create havoc. As the tournament progresses, they will increasingly litter the pitches. Bad Luck Bananas are generated in a number of different ways –
- Each coach adds one at the start of each half
- If a coach rolls a double skulls
- If a coach rolls triple skulls (in this case, 2 Bad Luck Bananas appear)
- If a coach rolls a double 1 in any way what so ever
- If a coach fails a loner roll

In essence Bad Luck Bowl creates an obstacle course on the pitch. Does the coach run through the Bad Luck Bananas littered everywhere or around them?

Due to the spread of the Bad Luck Bananas, from round 2 onwards, coaches roll off at the start of the game to see which side of the pitch they are playing on.

For those added to the pitch at the start of a half -
• Place the bad luck banana before setting up teams
• It must be placed on your side of the pitch
• It cannot be placed within 3 squares of the scrimmage line
• It cannot be placed within 2 squares of another bad luck banana

For those Bad Luck Bananas which magically appear during the game, roll a d6 and a d8 and scatter it from square which the event happens. For example, the player who rolled a double 1 on a dodge, roll it the d6 and d8 and scatter it from the square they fell over in.

If during a scatter a Banana ever goes off the pitch then throw it back on as if it was a ball.

If a player moves onto a Bad Luck Banana or one appears in a square they are stood in, that player must make an agility roll straight away. They must -1 for every opposition tackle zone on them but may +1 for every friendly tackle zone on them to represent their team helping them avoid falling. A roll of a 1 is always a fail and a roll of a 6 always a pass. Any failed agility tests on a Bad Luck Banana cannot be rerolled in any way.

If a player passes their agility test, they kick the Bad Luck Banana away, scatter it d6 and d8 in a random direction.

If a player fails their agility test on a Bad luck Banana then they immediately Fall Over. This can cause a turn over on an active teams turn. Make an armour roll and +1 to the roll due to the spikes on the Bad Luck Banana. This +1 does not carry over onto the injury roll if the armour is broken. Any Bad Luck Bananas that somebody falls over on are removed from play.

If a player is knocked over into a square with a Bad Luck Banana in because of a block or a failed dodge or rush, then they also suffer the +1 to armour roll. Again, if this happens the Bad Luck Banana is used up and removed from play.

All coaches will be given a tally chart to keep track of the number of times they either slipped and fell on a bad luck banana or the number of bad luck bananas they generated each match. The highest number will win an award at the end of the event.

At the end of the match do not remove the Bad Luck Bananas from the pitch, they are left there as hazards for whoever uses that pitch after you.

Ill fortune impacts everybody at Bad Luck Bowl. Therefore, everyone on your team has Loner (2+). If they happen to have Loner (3+) or (4+) already then they keep the higher score, they can’t improve it to a 2+. Of course you can have rerolls . . . . but sometime bad luck says you can’t use it.

Every coach will get a Big Dice reroll token that they can use once during the day. This is a free reroll for block dice only and doesn’t require a 2+ Loner roll to use. Coaches will need to leave the table and roll the large block dice provided along the floor. They must take the results of the Big Dice Reroll. Should anyone roll double skulls on the Big Dice Reroll then they get to keep the large block dice and all other unused Big Dice reroll tokens are null and void. So . . . . use it early while you still can.

Should a coach roll a double skulls they get to wear the Banana Hat. They can only wear it for the length of time needed until another coach rolls a double skulls and so takes the hat off them. Wearing the Banana Hat has a number of benefits –
• Whenever one of your players steps on a Bad Luck Banana they automatically pass their agility test, scatter the Bad Luck Banana d6 and d8 squares as normal
• Any future Bad Luck Bananas generated, either by you or your opponent, you may reroll either or both of the d6 and d8 dice rolls for where it appears
• At the start of a half you can choose to put your Bad Luck Banana on your opponent’s side of the pitch if you wish following the standard set up rules. Alternatively, you can make your opponent put theirs on your side (but they still choose the square)

The following awards will be on offer –
• Winner
• Runner Up
• 3rd Place
• Most Casualties
• Most Touchdowns
• Stunty Cup
• Rookie Wonder
• Banana King *
• Wooden Spoon

* This will be awarded to the coach who records the most unlucky events on the day on their tally chart

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