?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameViking Bowl
Organizer NAF nameladywithattitudedk (38267)
OrganizerCaroline Vejlø
VariantBlood Bowl 2020
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-10-19
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2024-10-19
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressKornvænget 4

Ruleset Document

As a part of Frederikssunds figurfestival, we present a NAF, single coach tournament.

Price: 250 DKK

Ruleset: Are those of the 2024 Eurobowl. http://www.eurobowl.eu/2024/default.asp?p=37

With the following change:
Each Coach gets 2 Squad points to use as he sees fit, but can only choose 1 blessing

Date: 19 October

Kornvænget 4
3600 Frederikssund

and Please bring your biggest smile and a printed roster.

2 Points are awarded for a victory.
1 Point for a Draw.
0 Points for a Loss.
Tiebreaker used:
Opponents score
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
casualties for
casualties against

Tournament Resurrection style.

All injuries are reset after each game. Each game will start with a fresh roster.

Tournament Resurrection style.
All injuries are reset after each game. Each game will start with a fresh roster.

Gametime is 2½ hour
Orcanizer will make an announcement at half-time.

Admission: 250 DKK
Lunches and dinner are included in the admission fee.

Signup by contacting Caroline Hindsgaul Vejlø on messenger.
Payment via mobilepay on XxxX with you NAF-name and NAF-Number.
if you are from a country other than Danmark you can pay via paypal (XxxX) or contact us directly for other payment options.

Should you have any issues in using messenger, we can also be contacted at carolineih@hotmail.com.

The Rosters must be send to: Thomas Bo Nielsen or mnukdk@gmail.com (He can help with your roster if needed)

Players who have registered, payed and sent in a roster before the end of june 1.st, get 1 assistant coach, 1 cheerleader and 1 dedicated fan.


Any GP unspent at roster creation are lost and all Teams are considered to have the same Current Team Value (CTV) for the purpose of inducements and prayers to Nuffle.

This is a resurrection tournament, no SPP are gained, and injuries, casualties or deaths do not carry on from one game to the next.

Players added to a Team roster mid game as a result of the Masters of Undeath or Plague Ridden special rule are removed from the roster at the end of the game and do not carry on to the next.

Miniatures: The miniatures don’t have to be from a specific manufacturer.

We encourage you to use the following color
coded bases:
Grey/Black: Lineman -
Red: Blitzer -
Green: Blocker -
White: Thrower -
Yellow: Catcher, Runner.

If your opponent can't easily recognize the different player types on your team, then mark them somehow.

First round is random draw. Subsequent rounds will be swissdraw.

The best placed coaches will be seated on the tables with low numbers.

The four minute rule is not enforced, but if the game is not proceeding according to the time schedule, the referee may issue a timer. The referee can issue a timer, or battleclock, with a fixed turn-time.

Should one player ignore this, that player will automatically concede his game. Any coach can request a timer at any time.

Dice must be easily recognized and must be shared if requested.
If a Coach cannot accept your dice, you must play with standard dice.

We recommend everyone to use the official NAF Block dice, and clearly point out what a given logo on a dice is(Either a 1 or a 6.)
There will be lots of Prizes and swag.

Code of Conduct:
Besides The Naf Charter article V, blood bowl is for everyone new people as well as young and old.
Bad behavior in any way may resoult in a exclusion from the event at any point, at the discretion of the Tournament Organizers.

In any doubt the Orcanizers have the final word.

General rules:
We play by the official second season rules and recommendations following “Rules for NAF Tournaments 2022” – including the one extra race (Slann):

All the Races & Starplayers can be found here: https://www.dadidimerda.it/starplayers.php

Link to roster creators:

Tournament Report
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