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Tournament NameTriple Skull Team Cup 2009
Organizer NAF nameTeg (7545)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2009-09-26
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2009-09-27
Scoring1-0,5-0 + team bonus
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountyes
WebpageTriple Skull Team Cup 2009 Forum

Tournament Statistics


Liam (5906)Shambling Undead
Team Tournament
Yena (5798)Skaven
Team Tournament
DarkSteve (5909)Orc
Team Tournament

Runner up

Frikipe (4818)Norse
Team Tournament
koliriokolapso (5778)Elf Union
Team Tournament
lei (7242)Wood Elf
Team Tournament

Most Touchdowns

Eagle (6555)Wood Elf

Most Casualties

Leyron (9935)Chaos Dwarf

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Jugar (12847)Nurgle

Other Awards

IcoGiannini (11660)Chaos Dwarf
Best Defence
Farina (3533)Dwarf
3rd Place - Team Tournament
Ivs (7551)Wood Elf
3rd Place - Team Tournament
Teg (7545)Amazon
3rd Place - Team Tournament
Tournament Location
AddressPolisportiva Sacca
 Via Paltrinieri, 80

Ruleset Document

26&27 September 2009

Polisportiva Sacca - Via Paltrinieri, 80; Modena - Italy.

Inscription cost:
20,00??? for NAF Members
25,00??? for others

Partecipation Presents:
Double plastified Dogout with on the back a composition of photos taken from past edition.
Beer underglass griffed with tourney and sponsor logos.
A little surprise.... ;-)
And a bottle of Triple Skull Beer! Super limited ed. For free...

Tournament Rules:
- LRB 5 (or LRB 6)
- TR 110
- Resurrection 6 rounds.
- Rounds: Swiss by teams & swiss by players.
- Team composition: 3 different coaches with 3 different races
- Team progression: One normal skill alter all the matches except the third. One double skill after this match. No more than a skil for a singol player.
- Extra Rules:
- NO inducements, only halfling team could hire Master Chef at 50'000.
- Raise dead for Undead and Necro as normal.
- No Turn Time, unless Referee call.
- Teams are force to present in time to start the match showed in timetable; in case of every types of problem at least one team member must advertise the Referee of the delay; or in case of delay the team will suffer this penalties:
20minutes of delay: +3 turns (like Riot on kick off table event) and all team members suffer a TD by the direct opponent.
This system will apply for another time at the third penalties called, the team responsible of the delay suffer the definitive loos for all the teams members and the team suffer the Team Extra Malus(as show in Tourney Score section).
If the team in delay will coming until the third delay calling it could choose to play only the second half of the game and all the members of the team starting with the result of 0 - 3 for opponent team.
(Referee HOPES that this penalties system will not applied)

Tourney Score:
Teams points will be calculated by the summary of every singol members of the team in this way:
Win: 1p.to
Draw: 0,5p.ts
Loos: 0p.ts
Concede: -1pt
Team Extra Malus: -2p.ti

Team extra bonus:
Win +1 p.ts
Draw +0,5 p.ts
Loos: no bonus

Tiebreak will be calculated even for individual and team total score in this order of importance:
Opponent Score
TD difference (3p.ts)
Cas difference (2p.ts)
Scored TD
Scored Cas
Random selection.

Singol Player Score:
Win: 3 p.ts
Draw: 1 p.ts
Loos: 0 p.ts
Concede: -1 p.ts

Tiebreak will be calculated even for individual and team total score in this order of importance:
Opponent Score
TD difference (3p.ts)
Cas difference (2p.ts)
Scored TD
Scored Cas
Random selection.

Winner Team, Runner Up Team, Team Third Placed and Team Last Placed (with 3 wooden spoons).
Individual prizes:
Best Individual; Best Scorer; Most Casualties; Paint Award.
Extra Event Prizes:
Cheerleaders of the Year: the girl or girlfriend most present at tournements during the following year.
Lord of Horse (Cavallo, Cabaio): the coach; member of the Horse Club; who had suffered most calling.
Master of the Camel: the coach; member of the Camel Club; who had suffered most calling.
Free Saturday Dinner: random extraction of a meal between all the coaches.

Winner TEAM:
Every Coach of the Winner Team recive as price a flying ticket; choise from a low cost companies and as better as possible location near them; to Valencia for take part to TRIPLE POW TEAM CUP 2010; twin and brotherhooded tourney organized by FUMBBL.ES.
NB: Probably the tourney in object will take place on late of june of 2010.

Every Coach of the Winner Team recive as price a flying ticket; choise from a low cost companies and as better as possible location near them; to El Prat; Barcellona; for take part to SKULL CUP 2010; twin and brotherhooded tourney organized by LBN.
NB: Probably the tourney in object will take place on middle of march 2010.

Ours leagues; Morg???N???Thorg Blood Bowl Federation (Italy), LBN (Spain) and FUMBBL.ES (Spain); had found commons points of views upon what is a BB tourney and his spirit.
For us is the best way to fraternize with others guys around the world, to meet new friends and to create strong friendship between peoples from different country throught a common passion.
As happen on a rugby pitch, the honorable battle ended with the match; after there???ll come the time to build friendship.
Our intentions is to expand this way of thinking and to give this opportunity to you all is to offer as major prize the flying ticket to others tournament of our group.
To sanctioned this collaboration we found an international club known as:
We hope that everyone that could take part of our event could well accept and condived ours idea.


Saturday 26 september:
Open inscription: 9:00am
Inscription Closed and round match up: 9:15
Round 1: 9:30 - 11:30
Round 2: 11:45 -13:45
Lunch: 13:45 -14:45 (preselection for paint contest)
Round 3: 15:00-17:00
Round 4: 17:15 - 19:15
Dinner: 21:00 - meeting point in front of the convention enter site

Sunday 27 september:
Breefing: 9:30
Round 5: 10:00 - 12:15
Lunch:12:15- 13:30 - (vote for paint contest)
Round 6: 13:30 - 15:30
Prizes Awards: 15:45 - 16:00

(copia i link dal nostro foro)

Side Event and Meals:

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 lunch:
Inside the Polisportiva Sacca we???ll got the possibilità to sit and have a complete lunch composed by an plate of pasta; second course and a salad plate plus drink and coffee all for ???10,00 for one meal. So ???20,00 for both meals.
PN: The cost of the meal it???s out of the tourney cost.

Friday Dinner at CastelMaD!:
For who comes on Friday i???ll organze a dinner at my mansion in Modena; start at 21:30 (9:30pm); as past year as; composed with tipical local ???poor food???; or known as the ???farmer meal???; composed by: Polenta con ragù (boiled corn flour with cow and pork meat); Pieces of Parmigiano-Reggiano chees; Pinzimonio (raw onions and celery to dip in a bowl of oil,salt and vinegar) and Borlenghi (thin corn flour cooked on a hot plate with meat condiment).
During the meals we could drink the Triple Skull Team Cup Beer; offered by our sponsor White Dog; plus others drink.
Assumed Cost for a person: ???7,00.
It???s regarded confermation presence. Thanks.

Saturday Night Dinner:
In the countryside near Modena we could dinner with others tipical local delicacies; with a tris of main plate;the famous Gnocco and Tigelle (special type of bread) with mixed cold cuts, chees, vegetables; and drinks (a bottle of Lambrusco wine for every guys!!!!); plus coffee for ???25,00 at person.

Send a mail to:
object: ??? TSTC 2009 Team Inscription???
plus the following information:
- Team Name
- Team Captain or Referente
- Name, Surname, Nickname NAF and Number; Race and Team Race Name for every singol Coach of the Team.

Inscription Ending Date: Tuesday 22 September 2009

For Every needs or information mail to:

For any other information mail to:
MaD (mail: madgaddister@gmail.com)
Teg (mail: francesco.bellentani@gmail.com)

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