?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameFortress Bowl 2014
Organizer NAF nameRolex (16091)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2014-06-21
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2014-06-22
NAF Fee Includedyes
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Runner up

Most Touchdowns

Most Casualties

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

Tournament Location
AddressVarano Dè Melegari Castle
 Via Castello
CityVarano Dè Melegari

Ruleset Document

Hi Everybody!!!
CLP (Crematoria League Parma) is glad to offer to you the first BB tournament played into an haunted Castle!!
Let’s talk for a little about the stuff …

The official page on the Italian BB forum :

- CLP (Crematoria League Parma)
- FF-Fields (.. A field for any team! http://www.ff-fields.com/ [/url])
- Greebo miniatures ( http://www.greebo.it...nsite/jupgrade/ [/url])
- Rolljordan miniatures (www.rolljordan.com)

Let me show to you, tough BB players, some good reasons to come to “Varano dè Melegari” and play with us!
1- We will play inside an ancient castle!! We will be hosted in the Tavern of the building, that is a cool e fresh place to stay during the hot Italian summer!
2- The price : Thanks to Wolf’s public relationships, we reached some cheap ways to stay in the town for the weekend and make amazing matches !! The tournament will cost 10 euro , then there will be the entrance to the castle (15 euro for the whole period), Then about 40 euro for the food (we will eat into a very nice Italian restaurant for the lunch of Saturday and Sunday and of course for the Saturday’s dinner!) and in the end 25 euro for every night into the B&B’s around in the town. The total amount for the weekend is about 90 euro, but you have to consider that there is some interesting stuff included as: a) a free guided tour into the haunted castle on Saturday night (only thie costs 50 euro to the single tourists!) ; b) the “Crematoria Dice”, made on purpose for this particular event; c) The possibility to arrange different solutions if you prefer to save money, for example bypassing the restaurant.
3- Holidays !! : During summer Italy offers many turistic places to visit if you have a family with you children included! You can also choose to stay in northern Italy more days and enjoy you spare time (we will be glad to give you all the informations you need)
4- The Food !! One of the most important things !! We will eat Italian typical food , included many specialities from Parma, like Ham , Tortelli , Meat, and good Italian wine! Believe me : it makes your trip worth of!
5- The Bar Service !!!! : During the whole tournament there will be cold drinks and coffe with these special cost:

- beer 33 cl : 1,50 euro
- beer 66 cl : 2,50 euro
- Italian espresso : 1 euro
- Water 50 cl : 1 euro
- Coke : 1,50 euro
- chips : 1 euro
- Piece of cake : 2 euro every piece (a BIG piece!)

Shall I say something more !?!??!

WHEN: 21-22 June 20134

WHERE: Varano Dè Melegari Castle

HOW TO REACH US: The best way to reach Varano is the Motorway called “A15”, you take the exit in “Fornovo” and continue on the left following the indications (it is quite simple, do not worry about it!); the town is about 5-6 Km from the motorway exit.
The nearest Airports are Bologna, Parma , Bergamo and Milan ; all the players who need it, can contact me (E-mail!!) to arrange the transport, or rent a vehicle.
The time of the trip is : 2:30 hours from Milan Malpensa, 1:30 hours from Bologna airport , 35 mins from Parma city (or airport, is quite the same!), 2:00 hours from Bergamo.

- 2 days (From 9:15 Sat to 16:00 Sun)
- 6 Matches (4 + 2)

Saturday June, 21th 2014
• 09.15 meeting and subscriptions
• 10.00 First Game

• 12.15 Lunch

• 13.00 Second Game

• 15.30 Third Game

• 17:45 Fourth Game
• 20:30 Dinner time!

- Castle Visit: we are workin on a side event !! Stay Tuned !!

Sunday June, 22
• Ore 10.00 Fifth Match
• Ore 12.15 Lunch
• Ore 13.00 Last Match
• Ore 15.45 Prizes for everybody!

COST : The tournament costs 10 euro for NAF members.
The cost for NON-NAF members is 17 euro, including the NAF subscription, and it is a must. There is also a free set of dice included .

The price for the tournament player and their relatives will be fixed at about 25 euro for each person for a night in common chambers.
To make it simplier , just contact me by mail and I will arrange your vacation. The Staff will personally take you to your B&B.

The three meals will cost totally 40 euro for each person; if you have different plans about the lunches and the dinner do not worry: just communicate this to the staff, and the cost will be properly cut!

The subscriptions will end on june, 19th.
You must do that only by mail : dekra79@libero.it.

- Player name and relatives of friends (non players)
- Nickname and NAF number if NAF member
- roster (with abilities included)
- Days of vacation, meals attendance,
- place of arrive (ex airport), day and hour
- Telephone number for further comunications

a- CRP is the official ruleset.
Slann, Chaos Pact and Underworld are elegible. Deamons of Khorne are not.
b- No inducements allowed, but Master Chef for Halflings teams and bribes (up to three) for Goblin teams.
c- No SPP. Magic Healing at the end of every game
d- Necromantic ed Undead are allowed to use “raise from the dead” skill. The eventual zombie must be released at the end of the match.

e- No rotters will be added to Nurgle rosters.

f- Apotecaries are elegible
g- Illegal procedure and 4 minutes time limit will not be considered, but the two coaches can consider both of them.

h- Match time: 2h 15m.
Judges can hurry up, or put an end to a match if required.
i- Swiss style, 6 matches (4 Sat + 2 Sun). First match schedule is ramdom.

- Races are divided into 5 tiers, with different T.V. and different money cash to buy "normal" or "double" skills, NOT stat increase!!
Only a skill per player permitted. You cannot save money from the treasure to but more skills and you cannot save money from the cash used to buy the skills in order to insert more players in the roster!

Tier 1: 1.100.000 T.V. for the team creation. 120.000 cash to buy skills
- Wood Elves, Undead, Lizarmen, Dwarves, Skaven.

Tier 2: 1.120.000 T.V. for the team creation. 130.000 cash to buy skills
- Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Amazon, Necro, Norse , Ork.

Tier 3: 1.140.000 T.V. for the team creation. 140.000 cash to buy skills
- Human, Pro Elves, High Elves, Chaos Pact, Slann , Khemri

Tier 4: 1.150.000 T.V. for the team creation. 150.000 cash to buy skills
- Nurgle, Chaos, Underworld , Vampires

Tier 5: 1.180.000 T.V. for the team creation. 180.000 cash to buy skills
- Halfling, Ogres, Goblin, Monoskink (no saurus, yes Kroxy!), MonoGoblin Underworld (no skaven allowed, Troll yes!). In this tier, the coach can play ONE Star Player (using Money from the TV), using it as the rulebook shows (it is not permitted to give adjunctive skills to a star player). You have to mantein the same star for the entire tournament. If 2 teams with the SAME Star Player match Up, The STAR won't play!! (Just refuses to fight his/her "twin" !!). Ignore the Star in the roster in this case, and replace it with a model 0-16 in your roster.

- House Rule: The Ghost is comin' !!!
- For a drive , a coach can choose a "Line" model (0-16 or 0-12 of the roster) and give him the "foul apperance" skill for the entire Drive. Notice that the model has to be unskilled (without skills as seen in the starting roster). The effect finishes when the drive is over (once per Match).

. Win: 300 points
. Draw: 100 points
. Lost: 0 points
. Conceded: -100 points (TD 0-2, CAS 0-2).
Bonuses: (max 20 pts per game)
TD bonus: 3 pts each
Cas bonus: 2 pts each

tie breaker:
- derby result
- TD x 3 + CAS x 2
- TD made
- CAS made
- Opponent score
- Beer&Sausage contest
- Shootout


1st Team : Trophy, special Bloodbowl field, other gifts.
2nd Team : Trophy and other gifts.
3rd Team : Trophy and other gifts.
Last Team: Special spoon prize + Gifts

. Most Violent Coach: Trophy and other gifts.
. Best Scorer Coach: Trophy and other gifts.
. Best Stunty Team: Trophy and other gifts.
. Best Painter: Trophy and other gifts.

Our Sponsors:
- GReebo
- Rolljordan
- FF-Fields

Tournament Report
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