?>  NAF World Headquarters :: Blood Bowl
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Tournament NameSnot Bowl IV
Organizer NAF nameLemf (14735)
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-14
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)2018-04-15
NAF Fee Includedno
NAF Member Discountno

Tournament Statistics


Belafon (14737)Lizardmen

Runner up

arknalax (23609)Orc

Most Touchdowns

northernmonkey (24946)Elf Union

Most Casualties

Belafon (14737)Lizardmen

Stunty Cup

Best Painted

Other Awards

cyberduk (22240)Dark Elf
Snotling Hunter
Shazam (21955)Dark Elf
Snotling Hunter
Bigcrisp (25184)Necromantic Horror
Snotling Survivor
shuruckai (21338)Bretonnian
Wooden spoon (just)
Tournament Location
AddressSimeon Arms
StateIsle of Wight
NationUnited Kingdom

Ruleset Document

The same concept just moved the date away from Holidays and NAF GT

Well after last year here we go again the snotlings loved all the new teams and want a re run.
In the beginning teams were created and developed and 1 group of players remained in the shadows
totally unnoticed then came some enlightenment and goblins were removed from the Ogre team and
the Snotlings were given the opportunity to play but some of the better snotling players got tired of just being thrown about by the big unreliable oafs and wanted to taste glory on other race teams.
Despite petitions and pleadings the great law givers would not yield so a plan was hatched to apply for an exemption zone where they could entice recognized teams and each snotling player could join their attracted team.
As an off shore Island the Isle of Wight has been accepted as the exemption zone and the first
ever recognized tournament is due to be played there.

Each team must comprise of a minimum roster of 11 players, Wizards, star players, cards all allowed after the 11 player minimum.
after creation every roster will have an additional snotling star player added to the roster the snotling will also
have the block and fend skill in addition to their standard skills.
This represents each stars growth in Bloodbowl and where they raised the cash to implement the
A full 16 player roster will still receive a snotling star
All rosters will be to 1050,000. The snotling star will not count towards the team value.

The snotling must be placed on the field if available and form 1 of the 11 players set up for kick off
There will be a prize for the coach who keeps their snotling in play the most over the tournament
as there will also be a prize for snotling bashing.

Skills to be taken before each match.
A d12 will be rolled by tournament staff with numbers 1-11 eligible only, rolling a 12 will result in a re roll, players with roster numbers above 11 will be ignored and not receive the opportunity to skill up. After the player has been determined there will then be 2 d6 rolled by a tournament administrator to determine which skill choice is available for selection.

(it would therefore be possible if the d 12 came up with 11 six times for that player to have six
skills, not likely}

Stat increases if rolled will be allowed and skills will be allowed to stack.

The Snotling stars are getting very excited now and in a brave effort to stay in the game as long as possible have employed their own cornerman with his magic sponge these medics are renowned for keeping players going following a knock out and as such the snotling stars will be stunned rather than knocked out. The cornermen can not be used for anything other than a knock out.

3 games Saturday
3 games Sunday

Swiss style resurrection tournament
£15.00 entry fee

very close to the ferry’s

Venue:-The Simeon Arms Ryde

14/04/18 and 15/04/18

Tournament Report
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