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Mark 'Marcus' Brereton

Mark ???Marcus??? Brereton

Age: 29

Location: London, England

Favorite Team: Blood Bowl teams are like good food ??? no matter how much you love a nice spicy Larb Kai, there's only so much spicy minced chicken you can eat before you never want to see another plate of heavily seasoned poultry in your life. So too it is with Blood Bowl teams. I like to excite my gaming palette with a variety of teams from all over the New World: from the spicy Mexican heat of Lizardmen and gamey tang of Skaven to the smooth creamy vanilla of Humans and the heady ferment of Undead. If you pressed me, however, I'd have to say I'm a fan of fast and loose teams like Wood Elves, Skaven, and Humans.

Career: I???ve been playing Blood Bowl for about five years now.

The NAF: I've been involved in a number of competitive games, and I've always had far more fun when strong and organized competition has been available. From board games to computer games, I've always thrived on having strong opponents to push my game and plenty of opportunity to test my skill, as well as getting the opportunity to meet more and more people who are serious about the same hobby I am. Having been involved with Blood Bowl tournaments hosted by the Warhammer Players Society, I was excited by the idea of getting something similar up and running for Blood Bowl itself. In the few years since I moved to London, I've met a large number of coaches from all over the world. I'm looking forward to helping promote more of the same competition and socialization I've come to enjoy.

Bits ???N??? Pieces: I???m a systems administrator whose interests aside from Blood Bowl include poker, cooking, and music. (Feel free to ask me why a poker player will always beat a chess player at Blood Bowl, but make sure you have plenty of time slotted to hear my rant!)