NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - 2 Stand Firm Questions

crazylegs - Apr 12, 2004 - 12:26 PM
Post subject: 2 Stand Firm Questions
We had a few disagreements on how the rules were interpretted in the past week's games, the two questions that arose from it are:

1.) Does Stand Firm basically negate Strip Ball? The expansion of that
question being, what counts as a "pushback" the die roll result, or
the player actually being pushed to another spot?

2.) If a player with Frenzy gets a "pushback" result on a player with
Stand Firm, do they still get to throw the additional block.

I know what I believe to be the answers to these two questions, but as a couple of people disagreed with me, I would like to get your unbiased, hopefully official answers to these questions.

mtn_bike - Apr 12, 2004 - 12:46 PM
Post subject:
1) No
2) Yes
SBG - Apr 12, 2004 - 01:04 PM
Post subject:
You sure about the 2nd question ? I thought that since the player didn't move, you didn't get the 2nd Block.

crazylegs - Apr 12, 2004 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
What is the basis for your answers? Is there a spot in the living rulebook, a clarification, errata?
mtn_bike - Apr 12, 2004 - 01:38 PM
Post subject:
My answer is not an offical one. Sorry if it seemed that way.

I am baising my answer on LRB P34 #3 Some skills refer to pushing a player back in order to work. These skills will work as long as you roll a push back on the Blocking dice.
crazylegs - Apr 12, 2004 - 01:44 PM
Post subject:
If the living rulebook backs you up, I'd say that's pretty official... Thanks for the refference, I thought there was something to that point, but in the heat of the moment, I couldn't remember where it was.

I believed the answers to those questions were what you said Mtn Bike, but I just didn't have a place to point to, to prove I was correct... now I do, thanks.
Ratin_Mutants - Apr 12, 2004 - 03:22 PM
Post subject:
As Far as i can see in the livng rulebook, frenzy only works of the player is being pushed back, and since stand frim says that the player can ignore the push back results, then I would say that the frenzy player stops.

I thing that there was a Q&A ones, where the querstion came up, however, since many skills have changed since then the outcome might be something else now.
Zombie - Apr 12, 2004 - 04:55 PM
Post subject:
Frenzy and strip ball work against stand firm. Always have and always will. A pushback result has to do with the dice you rolled, not the movement on the board. Trust me on this.
Bevan - Apr 12, 2004 - 06:34 PM
Post subject:
      Zombie wrote:
Frenzy and strip ball work against stand firm. Always have and always will. A pushback result has to do with the dice you rolled, not the movement on the board. Trust me on this.

Yes, you can trust Zombie.
LRB v2.0 page 34
"Some skills refer to pushing a player back in order to work. These skills will work as long as you roll a push back on the blocking dice."
Babs - Apr 12, 2004 - 09:38 PM
Post subject:
Thanks Bevan, Zombie. These are the official answers.

So to tie it back to the original questions:

1) No - the die roll result matters
2) Yes - the frenzied player blocks again.
Ratin_Mutants - Apr 13, 2004 - 03:11 AM
Post subject:
I stand corrected. And bow to the infinitive wisdom of Zombie.
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