NAF World Headquarters

Rest of the World - Possible Tourney - Melbourne - Nov 04

Elan - Apr 16, 2004 - 01:11 AM
Post subject: Possible Tourney - Melbourne - Nov 04
I am looking for interested players for a possible Tournament in Melbourne in November - no dates as yet, but it would be LRB with very few (if any) changes over two days (a weekend) and five games. I was advised that if the convention went forward (likely) it would be located reasonably centrally, possibly the Albert Park area.

This would see two tourneys a year in Melbourne - not a bad thing! Very Happy

I have potential sponsorship and agreement from the event organisers - so there will be at least one prize and probably more depending on numbers.

What I don't have is expressions of interest from potential players so I know to bother proceeding and can firm up the details with the comp organisers seek NAF recognition of the event ... over to you! If you are interested, post!!!!! Very Happy

Bevan - Apr 18, 2004 - 01:35 AM
Post subject: Melbourne event
I would probably come (from Tasmania) for 6 games provided they were all against NAF coaches. I would be more likely to come if Stars are not permitted.
Babs - Apr 20, 2004 - 02:54 PM
Post subject:
I'm very keen to see a quality competition organised well in Melbourne. There are a lot of good BB playing coaches in Melbourne which potentially would develop a well run & supported tournament into something the size (or bigger) than CanCon.

I'll definately support it as national TO. Which is helped by the fact I know Elan and think he'll do a good job of it. Put it in the tournaments once you have firm details and I'll ensure some kind of sponsorship with NAF support. (prizes!)
Elan - Jul 31, 2004 - 09:46 AM
Post subject:
Well, its on - see the listing of tourneys for details.

I have agreement from a few NAF coaches to attend, as well as few FUMBBL players in Southern Wastes League - so come on down!

Sorry Bevan but there will be freebooting star players - as per the current LRB.
Elan - Sep 16, 2004 - 03:27 AM
Post subject:
OK - ITS ALL HAPPENING! The website has all the details under the POWERFIST COMPETITION and apparently places are filling fast, with a mix of NAF and non-NAF coaches.

Get in quick and you should be fine!
Doubleskulls - Sep 29, 2004 - 11:24 PM
Post subject:
Sorry to say that I can't make it. I only arrived 2 days ago and have plenty to do, so a trip to Melbourne is not on the cards. Have fun guys.
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