NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Mordheim Stadium

Spazzfist - Dec 04, 2004 - 12:35 PM
Post subject: Mordheim Stadium

These are the rules for the Mordheim pitch which will not indeed be featured at The Challenge of Q'ermitt tourney. This board will be build that none other than master terrain builder and all around swell guy Mike Cheney! Mike will also be building the Temple of Q'ermitt, which promises to look amazing. More pics are coming I promise!

But enough flapping ob de gums....

The Pitch:
Mordheim was such a large and busy city that they had to build enormous streets to accommodate all of the traffic. In the city there was a large town square which remained largely untouched. This space was so large in fact, that it would be possible to fit a Blood Bowl pitch inside. And it has been done. By whom, and for what reason, people do not know. But it was built, and now they come???..

The Walls:
The pitch is surrounded on both sides by the remnants of the buildings that once flanked the sides of this bustling street. The walls are in such a state of disrepair that many are riddled with holes and rot. Indeed it is a miracle that some of them remain standing at all! But even though these homes have long ceased to house the original inhabitants, many mutants, rats and other unmentionable creatures now call these dilapidated ruins home.

If any players are pushed off the playing field then they will not suffer the same beating at the hands of the fans as they would in a more conventional pitch, however the jagged timbers, rusty spikes and hungry dwellers will certainly make up for it! Any player pushed off the pitch will therefore have to make an injury roll as normal.

The mutants and lunatics who lurk within the buildings, still maintain some semblance of their former lives, including their love for a certain sport involving an inflated pig-skin. Therefore if the ball is thrown out of bounds it will be thrown back in by the mutant dwellers as per the normal rules.

The Weather Table:
2 ??? Smog - An impenetrable mist has filled the alleyway reducing visibility to a few inches. All players count as Bonehead for
as long as the smog lasts. In addition, it is not possible to make any Pass action, although each team may still make
1 Hand Off per turn.

3 - Very Windy - Strong winds are whistling down the street, making
passing the ball very difficult. All attempts to pass the ball are subjected to an additional -1 modifier.

4-10 ??? Nice- Perfect Blood Bowl weather.

11 - Pouring Rain - It???s raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. This causes a -1 modifier an all attempts to catch the ball, including picking it up and handing it off.

12 - Blizzard! - It???s cold and snowing! The ice on the field means that any player attempting to move an extra square will slip and fall on a roll of 1-2, while the falling snow means that only quick or short passes can be attempted.

The Kick Off Table:
2 ??? Warpstone Stash - Small amounts of warpstone were found in the Dugouts of both teams. If a coach chooses he may administer some to any KO???d players. Make an immediate roll for players who are knocked out with a +1 modifier to the roll (due to the warpstone). But if a 1 is rolled place the player in the Dead & Injured Box instead.

3 ??? Where???s da Ref? ??? Mordheim is a dangerous place! The players have noticed that the ref is missing, and take full advantage. Until the end of this drive the players make fouls without fear of being penalized. After the drive a replacement will have ???volunteered???.

4 - Perfect Defence - As per normal Kick Off rules.

5 ??? Get it off of me! ??? A long sinewy tentacle has slipped out of the depths and wrapped itself around the leg of one of the players. The victim will be the player who is closest to the side lines (randomize if there is more than one that are equally close to the sides). That player will be dragged d6 squares towards the sidelines, and even off if the dice allows for that many squares. If pulled off then, roll for an injury as normal. Otherwise it is assumed that they have managed to free themselves but must be placed face up on the pitch.

6 - Bad Kick ??? As per normal Kick Off rules.

7 - Changing Weather ??? As per normal Kick Off rules.

8 - Quick Snap - As per normal Kick Off rules.

9 ??? Brilliant Coaching - As per normal Kick Off rules.

10 - Blitz! ??? As per normal Kick Off rules except that d6 +5 players may move.

11 ??? Skaven Ambush! ???A skaven assassin has come across the players and seeks to take them on in true Skaven style ??? from a safe distance! Both coaches roll a d6 (rerolling ties). The coach who scores lower will randomly select one of their players who is furthest away from any other player (randomize if there is mor than one that are equally distant). That lone player has been hit by a poisoned throwing star. Place the player face up and make an armour roll for him. If penetrated roll an injury as normal, only treat all stunned results as KO???d instead to represent the effects of the poison.

12 ??? Witch Hunters! A group of over zealous Witch Hunters have come to purge the heretics from this ruined city and come across the players. To such servants of religion, humility is far greater than fame. Therefore both coaches will roll 2d6 and add their Fan Factor. The coach with the highest score will incur d3 injuries to randomly selected players on their team as the messengers of justice give those upstarts a taste of Sigmarite justice!

I felt that putting this at the beginning was the best way to go - sorry if it messes up the other messages in the thread! But thoughts and comments are awlaya welome.

neoliminal - Dec 04, 2004 - 01:07 PM
Post subject:
What if the warp comet had transformed the stadium with some of the surrounding buildings, embedding one into the other. What was a normal Blood Bowl pitch now has parts of buildings fused into it at random parts of it. The building sections could use the wall rules from Dungeon Bowl.

I think it would look really cool to have a pitch with sections of buildings melded into it.

Spazzfist - Dec 04, 2004 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
      neoliminal wrote:
I think it would look really cool to have a pitch with sections of buildings melded into it.

Doesn't street bowl do that though?
Darkson - Dec 04, 2004 - 11:30 PM
Post subject:
Unless they've changed it, no, it had buildings on the outside of the pitch (ie the touchlines).
Francesco - Dec 05, 2004 - 01:43 AM
Post subject:
The problem is that mordheim is seted some century before bb
AnthonyTBBF - Dec 05, 2004 - 08:53 AM
Post subject:
BB and the Warhammer world don't share a timeline.
Darkson - Dec 05, 2004 - 01:54 PM
Post subject:
Hell, officially now, BB and Warhammer don't even share the same world anymore (hurrah!).
Spazzfist - Dec 07, 2004 - 01:30 AM
Post subject:
      Francesco wrote:
The problem is that mordheim is seted some century before bb

As Anthony said, they don't actually share a timeline, and even if they did, who is to say that this stadium is still not around? The point is not for "historical" accuracy, but rathe for an interesting pitch with a theme.

Now if I could get some ideas for rules......
Darkson - Dec 07, 2004 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
Ok, off the top of my head:

Each "level" up or down costs 3 MA (and Ag test if no ladder?). If you pass from a higher to lower, then the range is reduced by one, lower to higher increased by one. If you pass from say lvl 1 to lvl 1 (first floor level) then players on the ground cannot intercept.

Have a few building (though not to big), but have some squares filled with rubble/barrells/whatever. these squares cannot be entered, and the ball will always scatter out if they enter that square.

I'll see if I can think of any more (sensible) ideas.

Monster in one of the buildings.

Players pushed into wall always fall to ground (even on a Pushback ), and treated as being hit by MB.
Mordredd - Dec 08, 2004 - 07:07 AM
Post subject:
As an alternative to the "pitch-fused-with-buildings" idea you could just have a derelict stadium, which I think is what you would most likely find in that location.

So the ground would be poorly maintained, perhaps leading to go for its having a penalty like -1.

The whole area would have been extensively tunnelled by Skaven looking for warpstone so subsidence and cave ins would be likely. So players disappearing into holes in the pitch and other such things could be part of the kick off and/or weather tables.

You would need some "hole" markers and rules for what happens to the ball/any players that fall into one. I would suggest that the ref either restarts play with a new kick off (like the old burst ball did) or scatters a new ball from the last square the ball was in before it was lost. Players would either take an injury roll and be placed in reserves if stunned, just like crowd surfing, or take an armour and injury roll with mighty blow and be placed in reserves if unhurt/stunned.
Torpor - Dec 11, 2004 - 04:16 PM
Post subject:
Mordredd's idea of a derelict stadium sounds more feasible than the building concept. When you add in the buildings, you start to have something closer to Dungeonbowl than Bloodbowl. The derelict stadium would involve fewer rules and be more of a flavour thing than a full blown revision.

Give each player a set number of pit markers at the beginning of the match and permit them to place them anywhere but the endzones. You can also have a kick off result to replace something like Blitz that reads along the lines of 'Having scouted out the tunnels below the pitch, you may send one of your players into them. On a roll of 1, the player becomes confused and is lost until the end of the drive or half whichever comes first. On a 2-4, the player may appear on any square on the opponent's side of the pitch at the end of your turn 2. (Basically, the first turn is spent in the tunnels) On a 5 or 6, the player may appear on any square on the opponent's side of the pitch at the end of your turn 1.

The end of the turn part of that means, that they cannot do any action that turn (prevents a one turn score due to a kick off roll), but they can be placed to help a block or receive a pass at the risk of possibly being lost.

Riot could be replaced with something like 'Warpstone frenzy' - The fans are stirred up by rumours of Warpstone being spotted on the pitch. The players also start searching and it takes time to get the game going again.
KarlLagerbottom - Dec 11, 2004 - 08:53 PM
Post subject:
::My Two Cents::

Any ball that lands on, or falls into the hole, should re-appear randomly at one of the other holes. Perhaps a Gopher didn't like having that ball drop into his living room and threw it back out somewhere else...
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