NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Rules for participating in a NAF legacy team

Tojurub - Apr 19, 2005 - 12:29 PM
Post subject: Rules for participating in a NAF legacy team
These rules were decided after the first NAF legacy team and have to be obeyed by all participants.

Once you receive a donated mini (either from the NAF or a manufacturer, e.g. Games Workshop) and/or submit your entry to the organizer you automatically agree to these rules:

(1) The team cannot be sold or given to anyone who did not submit a figure and who participated in the drawing.

(2) After the winner is announced the President and the Treasurer will be informed. If the winner doesn't want to keep the team anylonger for any reason, he/she has to contact the President to get instructions on who will get the team.
Rabid_Bogscum - Dec 11, 2006 - 11:31 PM
Post subject:
Is it acceptable for legacy teams, for those who arent particularly proficient as a painter to commission a miniature to be painted and be in the running for the team? Being obviously up front about it from day one.
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