NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Custom Made Blood Bowl Boards

Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2005 - 09:44 AM
Post subject: Custom Made Blood Bowl Boards
Do you have a team that deserves that extra special treatment? do you need to be the envy of all your BB mates? Then what you need is a custom built BB board that will represent the turf that your team would be playing on!

Check out the pics of the boards that were built for the Challenge of Q'ermitt tourney (many of which were done by me). Participants int he tourney agreed that it was great fun to be playing on something other than the regular cardboard pitches.

If interested then PM me with some details of the following:

Pow team race

Pow team name

Pow any ideas you may have for the geography, or what you would like to see

The pricing would depend a lot on the cost of the materials and how much work is invovled in putting it together - for instance - the rafts on the goblin board took me a LONG time, and would have to be compensated accordingly. Each board will consists of a foam insulation core, supported with a plywood base. The rest of the materials depend on what kind of board you are looking for. PM me with your ideas and we will work the pricing out.

Be aware that I am not looking to sell the boards I have already made, but am looking to build you your OWN board for your team/league/whatever!

Here are some pics of some of the boards from the Q'ermitt:

Also check out the web link in my signature, in the album is the Q'ermitt '05 section that has a lot of pics of the boards that were built - just to give you some more ideas!

mikeyc222 - Apr 22, 2005 - 02:29 PM
Post subject:
i've always wanted to make my own custom pitch but i keep running into the problem of storage. how do you store yours so they don't get too beat up?
Spazzfist - Apr 23, 2005 - 10:15 AM
Post subject:
I have room in my basement, but also what I do is I lean them against the wall and have them stacked that way. By doing this there the gravity is not pushing the boards against one another - I am considering also putting cloth or foam in between to lessen the damage.

Da_Scum - Apr 23, 2005 - 10:44 AM
Post subject:
I found that when designing Ivor Biggin stadium a good decision was making it modular. Not only made it easier to transport but very easy to store.

Influence for that? The old 2nd edition astrogranite fields! Worship
mikeyc222 - Apr 25, 2005 - 09:15 AM
Post subject:
this weekend while running errands with the wife we stopped at a place called the container store. while looking around i came across a cardboard storage box that's 36" X 36" X 10" which is just about perfect for the layout i had in mind. i don't know if you guys are interested in checking these boxes out but they're not cheap. this one was $11.00.
RawMessiah - May 26, 2005 - 09:27 AM
Post subject:
I must say I like the boards a lot(!), especially the 'Plank-Board'!!! Smile Nice job there!!
Spazzfist - May 26, 2005 - 10:24 AM
Post subject:
Um..... would "plank board" be the goblin swamp stadium with the rafts, or the boat stadium?

Either way thanks! Smile

RawMessiah - May 27, 2005 - 02:33 PM
Post subject:
Pics: #5, 6, 7 and 8 from the link.

How have you gone about making it? Looks really nice to me!
DaveGee - Jun 01, 2005 - 02:52 AM
Post subject:
Very nice. I have a home made pitch project on the go at the moment. I think modular is the way to go as well.

I'm sure I played on the Ivor Biggin pitch at Spike! 04 against the chap in the Bruce Lee shirt (one of the loudest shirts I've ever seen in a tournament setting Cool ). The chances of a riot should have been increased on this pitch as the crowd was full of Daleks. They are always on the verge of hysteria!

Spazzfist - Jun 02, 2005 - 10:01 AM
Post subject:
      RawMessiah wrote:
Pics: #5, 6, 7 and 8 from the link.

How have you gone about making it? Looks really nice to me!

Sorry about the delays in response- I started to, then got distracted and forgot!

The "plank board" is my goblin swamp pitch. I remember reading int he fluff of one of the older version sof BB about a golbin pitch that was built over a swamp by a series of rafts, and it had a picture of a crocodile bursting through the rafts trying to eat a gobbo. Good stuff!

But how I built it? Yikes. Check out my website which is on my signature and then look in the album for the goblin board - I have a few step by steps there. Basically it was done like this, however:

Skull take the pre-cut foam and mark out the squares
Skull plan out where the island will go, cut them from foam and mount them on the board
Skull make a lip all around to contain the resin (which will come later)
Skull make the rafts from balsa wood - ensuring that you mark where each one will go and number them accordingly (the longest and most tedious part!)
Skull paint the island sections and sides - ceramic tile spacers are handy to mark where the squares are
Skull pour in the resin (WARNING! make sure that it is properly mixed otherwise it will not set properly and can be a real problem!)
Skull once resin is dry, glue down the rafts with rubber cement.
Skull paint the squares on the rafts

That is the quick and dirty of it, for anyone mad enough to try to make it!

RawMessiah - Jun 03, 2005 - 12:52 AM
Post subject:
I must say it looks/sounds as if a mortal man never should attempt(!). I had to look at the pics to admire the work on it (again!) as now I know what a job it must've been(!!!!!).
Shadewe - Jun 03, 2005 - 01:26 PM
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The boards look great..
Fat_Hamster - Jun 23, 2005 - 04:08 PM
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Spazzfist - Jun 23, 2005 - 09:04 PM
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      Fat_Hamster wrote:

Spazzfist - Jul 31, 2005 - 10:13 PM
Post subject:
Okay, thanks to Xtreme and Mel, I think I might have this one sorted out.

Here is the overview of the board:

Here is my opponents dugout!

Here is the Rules that differntiate BB7s from normal Blood Bowl:

Here is the scorekeeper (similiarly used for turn keeping)

RawMessiah - Aug 03, 2005 - 02:50 AM
Post subject:
Darn, I like the Eye Ballz(!). I would like to see the board a little better though. Could you grab a few picz of the board with, maybe, a description how you went about it?
The BB 7´s rulez on the side looks great!"!
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