NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Picking Team Colors, any suggestions?

Nomadik - Aug 04, 2005 - 03:27 AM
Post subject: Picking Team Colors, any suggestions?
Im building two teams at the moment. Chaos and Undead. Does anyone have suggestions for picking colors for teams?
RawMessiah - Aug 05, 2005 - 02:41 AM
Post subject:
I always think on forehand how I want my figures to look like - dark or bright? THen I try to imagine how it would look like on the figures.
You can also choose to go by a theme from a movie, a game or something similar.

I hope that helped you a little. Good luck with the painting!
Khaine - Aug 12, 2005 - 04:07 PM
Post subject:
I usually just pick a color scheme I like. You can make almost any color scheme work. I still think an awesome color combo is the pink/green skaven that karl did. I believe there is a link someplace to a pictue but atm I'm too lazy to look for it.
Rakarth - Sep 02, 2005 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
I Try to go for a simple 3 colour scheme that matches the ethos of the team's character and which either compliment or contrast each other to make the models look easy upon the eye and look good.

From there you can add extra colour's to you palette for small details, like jewellry etc.
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