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Painting - How to do metallic effects?

SBG - Mar 29, 2003 - 12:25 PM
Post subject: How to do metallic effects?
Second in the "How to do" series Wink

How do you do armour that are not silver or bronze but that still feel metallic ? Let's take a blue armour, or a red one. Are all colours using the same technique to get to that metallic-looking finish ?

Thanks !

Colin - Mar 29, 2003 - 01:24 PM
Post subject:
I've seen a Chaos team painted with metallic purple, looked really cool. Don't know how it was done though.
Darkson - Mar 29, 2003 - 05:39 PM
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Someone told me you paint it metallic silver and then put thin washes of the colour you want, but as a non-painter I don't know if thats right or not.
AnthonyTBBF - Mar 30, 2003 - 10:13 AM
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That will certainly work, and is pretty easy to do. Just be sure to think the ink with a bit of water.
Torpor - Mar 30, 2003 - 11:59 AM
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If I want to make a quantity of a metallic colour I buy an extra bottle of silver paint and add ink to that bottle to make it a bottle of metallic purple or metallic blue for example. It works well for blue, green and purple, but not very well for red (you end up with a metallic pink, which is cool for some chaos miniatures, but a bit embarassing if you are painting Griff). For a metallic red effect, I base coat the figure with brass or gold and then apply thin washes of a deep red to it. Word of caution though - add the ink a drop or two at a time to the silver until you get the desired colour. It's easier to add more ink than to try to add more silver paint to the pot. This is fine if you are painting large numbers of figures with the same colour or if you don't care if you have a 12 year old bottle of 'metallic green' hanging around your paint box.
Squiggoth - Mar 31, 2003 - 12:33 AM
Post subject:
...And you can also mix standard paints instead of inks to keep the silver from getting to fluid, but the result with normal paints tend to be somewhat duller. I usually mix some Dark Flesh with Boltgun Metal to get a dull, rusty effect.

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