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Strategy and Tactics - Double 1's on a Chaos Pact Mino

Spazzfist - Dec 23, 2008 - 04:58 PM
Post subject: Double 1's on a Chaos Pact Mino
My Chaos Pact team has a minotaur who is definitely favoured!

He has racked up a whopping 12 casualties in 7 games and 3 MVPs now earning him his third skill.

On top of his starting skills he has Block, Stand Firm and ???

As the title of the thread says it was a double 1 that I rolled for him, and so am now deliberating what I should get him.

My thoughts are:

1) Dodge - increase his survivability in the mix, and put my sights on Break Tackle next.
2) Tentacle - with block and Stand Firm, this skill is almost begging to be taken. To be able to maintain his TZs at all times, he would be a nightmare to any of those catcher types who got too close!
3) Claw - there is a whole lot of AV7 in the league, so I have been reluctant, but even the norse have some AV8 guys, and most of the other teams do too...

the rest of the league is:
Chaos, Norse (the scariest!), High Elves, Skaven, Undead (comprised of all skeletons), and Underworld.

Here is the rest of my team:

Advice appreciated!
Eric.R. - Dec 23, 2008 - 08:47 PM
Post subject:
You should also mention that the league is using LRB5 + Experimental Rules. As that may influence selection (though I doubt it).

My thoughts on your options:

  1. Do you really want to dodge with a Mino? Even with the eventual option of Break Tackle (which is a skill I am not a fan of having used it on my Ogre back in the TBBF days, and ask Lee what he thinks of it). With many of the teams playing "keep-away" against big guys you'll typically have a free 2D block against any opponents that remain in your TZ.
  2. Again with the "keep-away" tactic being employed this would be a good option to maintain a free block opportunity and may even force your opponent to try to target your Mino should he prevent many players from dodging away which can open holes in your opponents defense.
  3. Claw will increase your "Break Armour" by 17% for maybe 45% [or less] of the players in the current tournament that you remain to face (~8% increase in total). Though, looking at the league as a whole many higher AV teams are present that you may face in the future. So as a future consideration it may be a good idea.

So in conclusion, the immediate choice would be Tentacle; the Long-Term-League-Wide choice would be Claw.
Doubleskulls - Dec 23, 2008 - 11:05 PM
Post subject:
I think you've identied the top 3 choices correctly. The only one I might be tempted to add to the list would be Pro - that 50/50 reroll of WAs and any block you feel like can be useful.

Given your statement about the teams I'd probably favour dodge. The combo with block and stand firm makes him really nasty to block and it will combo very nicely with break tackle next and help keep him alive longer. However my initial thoughts were either Claw or Tentacles - both of which are excellent too.
antipixi - Dec 24, 2008 - 01:38 AM
Post subject:
Did you consider tackle? With elves and skaven in the league, you'll increase the number of takedowns and really make the gutter runners produce some rat droppings at the sight of him!

Having said this, I'd in claw.
Frantic - Dec 24, 2008 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
Playing skaven in a league with a Nurgle team. If you want to be a pain in the ass, then the choice is obvious IMO.
smeborg - Dec 24, 2008 - 11:18 AM
Post subject:
Tentacles seems a good choice to me, since it combines almost perfectly with Block/Stand firm.

Better than a Beast of Nurgle, since the Mino cannot lose tackle zones.

Claw is normally attractive, but would seem a weak choice in your league.

Break Tackle would be the next skill, to allow the tentacled blob to be repositioned easily.

Hope this helps.
Frikipe - Dec 26, 2008 - 01:04 AM
Post subject:
I would choice, tentacles or Diving tackle.
Trentus - Jan 09, 2011 - 02:11 AM
Post subject:
Bah. Jump up or Dodge.
GalakStarscraper - Jan 10, 2011 - 05:44 AM
Post subject:
I'm guessing after 2 years ... he probably already made the decision. Laughing

Serious thread necromancy failure.
Trentus - Jan 10, 2011 - 04:47 PM
Post subject:
LoL! Thus the Bah.
Spazzfist - Jan 11, 2011 - 06:56 AM
Post subject:
      Trentus wrote:
LoL! Thus the Bah.

Yes, the "Bah" excuses all.... Wink
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