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Converting - Converting a Deathroller

Apocrypha - Jul 14, 2009 - 08:23 PM
Post subject: Converting a Deathroller
I was thinking of converting a Deathroller instead of paying what GW currently wants for one.

I was wondering if anyone else has done this before and if so if there were any tips as to what pieces they scrounged up for the job.
Axtklinge - Jul 19, 2009 - 04:53 AM
Post subject: RE: Converting a Deathroller
I've done one some time ago just for the fun of it, using a few 40K bits (plastic bidon for the 'roller for example).
If you have a bits box, perhaps you should take a look a it and start from there, using on what you have.
Another way is to draw a sketch of what you think a deathroller should look (it might be miles apart from the GW aproach), and then try to find the bit to make it happen...
Apocrypha - Jul 19, 2009 - 09:02 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as the idea started while sifting through my bitz box which is primarily 40K. I was thinking of using a Space Marine bike or an Ork bike as a base as it is at least well sized for the base.

Did you have any pics of yours available to post?
Axtklinge - Jul 23, 2009 - 05:19 AM
Post subject:
Here's my quite old version of the Dwarf Death Roller.
It was made just for fun as I never intended to use it (and never did), so the convertion is not that great.
Still, if it helps you to put some ideas together to do your own, its already worth the effort to get the pics online! Wink

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