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Strategy and Tactics - Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?

chaos_spawn - Aug 20, 2009 - 05:58 AM
Post subject: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
Having some snotlings and lots of old ogre minis I would like to try something new and play an Ogre team.

However in my experience (played against an Ogre team once) it was easy to win against them (with my Skaven)

Is it harder to play ogres, are they the worst team of all or was my opponent just a bad player? Does it make sense to start an Ogre team or will I lose every game?
Doubleskulls - Aug 20, 2009 - 06:31 AM
Post subject: RE: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
Ogre teams are better than halfling teams, but not by much.

However I think they area a real hot/cold team. Have a good game with bonehead and injuries and you can massacre the opposition, but the more common bad day sees a few isolated ogres being swarmed after all the snots are killed.
GalakStarscraper - Aug 20, 2009 - 09:28 AM
Post subject: RE: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
Get your opponents to play the Street Bowl rules against you. Ogres rock hard in Street Bowl. Took 2nd in a Street Bowl tournament with them.

sann0638 - Aug 20, 2009 - 12:19 PM
Post subject: RE: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
I love them. Not very tactical I know, but I think they're ace.
Trentus - Jan 09, 2011 - 02:01 AM
Post subject: RE: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
I run three different Ogre teams(league, tournament, and online). Many People say they suck but I disagree. Give your Ogres Break Tackle first(a must) and strongly consider grab as a second choice and you'll find no isolated Ogres. Run up the sidelines with your Snotlings and if you take your time and be patient you will have as good a chance to win as any other coach with any other team. I find the ideal win is: Kick to your opponent, Pressure them to score quickly, Take your time to score so that you tie up the game at the end of the first half, Take 8 turns to score your second TD. Remember that mobility is the key to this team. Your biggest problem is when to have your Ogres run from a fight. You'll be tempted to kick some ass, don't, run away to reposition. If you have Break Tackle and Guard, a properly positioned Ogre line is almost impossible to crack. IMHO.

Good luck!
Axtklinge - Jan 12, 2011 - 11:20 AM
Post subject: RE: Ogre teams, are they any good or just crap?
Well, you should be prepared to lose a few games as its not an easy team to play, nor the most reliable.
Still it can be a LOT of FUN to play them if you dont take them too seriously.

IMO its definitly worth to try them if you love the game instead of just love winning the game if you know what I mean.
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