NAF World Headquarters

Magic Box Blood Bowl - NAWBB Recruiting for season 5(Cyanide PC League)

Punkpogoer - Jun 13, 2010 - 09:39 PM
Post subject: NAWBB Recruiting for season 5(Cyanide PC League)

North American Western Blood Bowl is looking for dedicated members for the upcoming 5th season. NAWBB is intended for players from Hawaiian, Alaskan, Pacific, and Mountain Time zones, but if you think you can schedule matches within these limits we will welcome you in.

How Big is NAWBB?
There were 32 coaches in the inaugural Season 1, 32 in Season 2, 26 coaches in Season 3 and in our current season 4 we have 16 coaches. We would love to get back to 32 coaches.

What Are the Guidelines for Player Etiquette?
It’s my personal belief that as long as it’s within the context of the game rules, there are no “ugly or mean-spirited tactics” in Blood Bowl. This means that fouling is okay, even on turn 16. One turn touchdowns are okay, as is stalling to eat up turns.

What is not okay is whining and crying about it, dropping link mid-game, bringing up the “pause screen” on your opponent’s turn, leaving the game “paused” indefinitely, or using up every last second of allotted turn time just because you can.

The bottom line here is to have fun and not ever take it too seriously.

So if you are interested in joining an online league come register at, enter the forums section, and then enter the NAWBB forums and post up as an interested coach.

We should be wrapping up the season in roughly 4 weeks, so hope to see you soon.
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