NAF World Headquarters

Magic Box Blood Bowl - NAF Blood Bowl group on Steam?

punx - Oct 30, 2010 - 08:47 AM
Post subject: NAF Blood Bowl group on Steam?
Hi all,

I've been using Steam, Valve's (Half Life, Left 4 Dead) gaming community and digital download shop, and it's really easy to create gaming groups there that anyone can access, having bought, in this case Blood Bowl, there or not (just add it as a "non-steam game").

I'm sure quite a few PC BB players will now have the LE from the Cyanide website for 30% off instead of getting it anywhere else including Steam. I still think it's worth creating an NAF gaming group on Steam to see who's connected, who's playing what and to make easy on-the-fly multiplayer gaming.

Would anyone join a NAF group if I made one? Would you want it public so anyone can join or private?

Going to make a 7 day pole for the question.
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