NAF World Headquarters

Magic Box Blood Bowl - Forum Open League

dode74 - Jan 03, 2012 - 04:32 PM
Post subject: Forum Open League

What is Forum Open League?
It's the largest managed matchmaking league in Cyanide Blood Bowl. We have 9300 teams currently involved, with over 2000 coaches active in Season 6. On average, 150 games a day have been played in FOL since its inception, with over 35,000 games played total so far.

What's the format?
The basic format is much like Naggaroth, but with a few extras.

What else does FOL do?

We've also got rid of the 40 sec game option, as that is abusable to get recovery and farming games. Otherwise it's classic rules (ignore the display bug in the in-game bit which tells you otherwise) with Spiralling Expenses set by default to the 1750 standard with 150 steps. DoubleSkulls has also, several times, applied the NAF ranking formula to the results.
[*]Forums - is the place we use to get in contact with many of our coaches. It is also used to run the end-of-season tournaments and will be used to run the FOL Open, a single-elimination tournament any FOL team can apply for, which is intended to encourage winning over pure survival in the online environment.

How do I apply?
After making your fresh team you should use the league finder to search. Don't bother entering any search parameters - we're the third one down just below Naggaroth for size. Go to the league info screen and apply there. No password required. You can have as many teams as you like in FOL at any TV and of any race. The only restriction is that they must have not played a game previously unless they are ex-Amorica or ex-Tournament teams (these tournaments will specify if you can rejoin FOL).

What are the rules?
Basically, play clean, fair and sportsmanlike.

T16 fouling and stalling (i.e. not scoring until the turn you are ready to do so) are perfectly acceptable. Please, please remember, though:
If we don't know about it then we can't do anything about it (although we do periodic checks on top teams).

How will I report a cheat?
Send an e-mail to FOLeague at gmail dot com containing the replay file and, if possible, the logfile for the game you think cheating happened on. If you send them straight away it will probably be the right logfile - delays in reporting may prevent us getting the right logs.
Logfile: C:\Users\Name\Documents\BloodBowlLegendary\BB_LE000.log - there may be more than one log there (BB_LExxx.log), so if you send them all we can sort through for the right one.
Replay: C:\Users\Name\Documents\BloodBowlLegendary\Saves\Replays\ReplayDateandTime.db
The admins will review the case and make a decision. Don't expect it to be a snap decision, but one will be made.

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