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Painting - Introducing The Vanhiem Valkyries

the_strange_dude - May 18, 2012 - 09:29 AM
Post subject: Introducing The Vanhiem Valkyries
I've got a big project on with my new 40k army but seeing as the local club is starting a bloodbowl league soon I decided to finish (or should that be Finnish?) my counts as Norse team the Vanhiem Valkyries here are the results so far with just a Yhette and Turn/reroll/score markers to go.

Team Shot

Line Ladies

Bezerkers and Runners

Ulfenwere and Throwers

Quite happy with how they turned out and from the practice games how they play.
Axtklinge - May 19, 2012 - 09:17 AM
Post subject: RE: Introducing The Vanhiem Valkyries
Lovely painted team, congrats!
There's a player in our league that uses them (the ladies) as WE, and they are very nice sculpts!
Thanks for sharing!
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