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Strategy and Tactics - Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament

happyfett - Mar 15, 2013 - 08:39 AM
Post subject: Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament
Hi guys! I wanted to get your take on a team I intend to take to a resurrection tournament (3 rounds after each round teams are reset for the next round, no SPP, no gold, no injuries carry over)

My team
Bombardier + Hail Mary Pass
Goblin + 1 Agility
Goblin + Sneaky Git
Rerolls x2
Bribes x3
I get 1,100,000 gold to create the team and +100,000 gold to add skill ups
This takes me to exactly 1,200,000

My question is do you think I should drop the Fanatic, drop a bribe and pick up 2 more goblins?
Or just any comments in general about my list. Thanks!
Gaixo - Mar 15, 2013 - 09:24 AM
Post subject: RE: Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament
Definitely too few goblins, in my opinion.

I would probably drop Ripper, but if you're really excited about running 3 trolls, you're right about needing to cut a secret weapon and a bribe. I would drop the HMP Bomber instead of the Fanatic, though. I love Bombers, but 3 trolls + a Fanatic are pretty tough. In fact, instead of a regular Fanatic, you could take Fungus, using the extra 10k you'll have left over from cutting the bribe and bomber. Then you would have 30k for skills to give a troll Block or Strong-Arm or something like that.

I'd probably take Dirty Player over Sneaky Git, especially because fouls count toward the tournament scoring. In the original build you have an extra 10k for another double, right?
Daggers - Mar 15, 2013 - 09:52 AM
Post subject: RE: Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament
Yeah, totally to few goblins. I prefer to have 13-14 players on my team (because you are guarenteed to be short many during the game).

I agree the bomber is the least useful secret weapon and could be dropped, but think you should keep Ripper. Two trolls, Ripper and a fanatic would be insane on the field.

As for skills, I would think sneaky git is a fun/fluff skill, but wouldnt come up too much during the game. Even if you foul every turn, its all dice rolls at that point. Block or Pro on trolls is good, Strong Arm if you plan on actually do a fair bit of TTM. Stand firm just to make the even more of a nusiance.
Grumbledook - Mar 15, 2013 - 10:04 AM
Post subject: RE: Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament
I would also drop the bomber which frees up another skill, against elves they are likely to throw it back, you have three trolls and a fanatic to deal with cages, they also could possibly throw it back

that would also let you get rid of a bribe, grab another reroll and more goblins like mentioned (I've not costed anything up)

I also agree I wouldn't bother with sneaky git, buying agility might also not be that great, you are going to be scared of him getting hit, could be traded for a couple of skills or an extra player...
Gaixo - Mar 15, 2013 - 10:16 AM
Post subject: RE: Goblin Team, Resurrection Tournament
Team costs and skills/stats come from separate pools. But yeah, AG could be traded for a couple of skills.

I think it would be handy, though. Being able to pick up the ball, dodge on 2+ and have a decent chance at landing a TTM seems a fairly good value for 40k.
happyfett - Mar 15, 2013 - 11:02 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the input guys. I’m a little surprised about the recommendation of getting rid of the bomber. In leagues of past, Hail Mary Pass and sitting in your own end zone wrought havoc on other teams. Not being able to intercept the bomb and getting it in the general direction of any square was damn amazing when I used it. Fanatic in my experience was only ever good in the first couple turns, but once the team out maneuvers him he is pretty much a dead weight, unless you just use him to cordon off a small section of the pitch.
Sneaky Git was in the build simply because I’m running a low amount of Goblins losing one to a foul would really hurt, then I’d have to choose Goblin or Secret Weapon.
Thanks for all your input, I’ll put some more thought into my list.

Dropping the Bomber my list would look like this
1 Troll
2 Troll
3 Ripper
4 Fanatic
5 Goblin
6 Goblin
7 Goblin
8 Goblin
9 Goblin
10 Goblin
11 Goblin
12 Goblin
With 2 rerolls and 2 bribes at 1100
Grumbledook - Mar 15, 2013 - 11:27 AM
Post subject:
they can't intercept hail mary but they can just catch it if it lands on them...

as for the fanatic, if they are running away from him, you can use that to advance a cage towards their endzone safely behind him, if he is between your ball carrier and their players it's hard to avoid them!

Gaixo I agree AG4 is great and very useful but that's only if he is on the pitch, block and or tackle will make a right mess of him and he is target number 1 with AG4, if you had 2 side steppers that's two players they have to get to remove the skills

even swapping AG and Hail Mary you can get 2x block players, or a block and a wrestle? I'd rather personally have those, of course there is no right answer and it's down to personal preference, they will just be useful more often over the entire course of a match imo, not to mention they should also live longer and when compared to a bombardier you don't need to also buy a bribe...
sann0638 - Mar 15, 2013 - 11:38 AM
Post subject:
I love me an HMP bomber.
Gaixo - Mar 15, 2013 - 12:03 PM
Post subject:
Oh, I get where you're coming from Grumbledook. I just think the AG is worth the risk, personally.

      sann0638 wrote:
I love me an HMP bomber.

Me too. If I rolled doubles in a league or was playing in a tournament where skills are bought out of the "general fund," I would definitely take it. But with only 100,000 to spend, it's a big chunk gone to a situational skill. Against elves (or even worse, slann), he's more of a menace to his own team.
sann0638 - Mar 15, 2013 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
      Gaixo wrote:
he's more of a menace to his own team.

And this is why we love gobbos! Wink
happyfett - Mar 15, 2013 - 01:51 PM
Post subject:
      Gaixo wrote:
he's more of a menace to his own team.

Wait, did I miss the point of Gobbos? =)
Pako - Mar 18, 2013 - 05:22 AM
Post subject:
I will absolutely forget about Ripper.

I prefer to use two fanatics (Fungus and Fanatic+Mighty Blow), have two bribes only (some of your secret weapons will simply die), and add also the chainsaw guy.

Troll + Leader
Fanatic + Mighty Blow
Bombardier + Hail Mary Pass

2 RR
2 Bribes

And you have still 20000 to spend on Piling On in one troll or Dodge to your Looney (to keep him alive a little bit more).

I used this sort of roster this weekend (few more skills) an I got 1-3-1.

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