NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Munich RumBBL, Munich, Germany

Tojurub - Dec 18, 2013 - 07:10 AM
Post subject: Munich RumBBL, Munich, Germany

The Munich RumBBL was founded in March 2012 and is currently in its 3rd season.

The league has currently 16 active members in and around Munich, Germany (beginners and advanced playing level). There is no commissioner per se, but the league council consists (currently) of Lichemaster, Cedric and Tojurub. You can contact us either via NAF-PM (only Tojurub) or through our forum at

The league follows the LRB6 rules, with minor house rules (e.g. regarding Piling On or retiring players to assistant coaches). The Premier Division has a strict round robin schedule with about 8-10 games per season plus play-offs (starting with semi-finals). In the Open Division every coach can have more teams and you can play against whoever is available and willing. The Open Div. has the intention to get teams ready to enter the Premier Div. for a future season or to test teams or just have fun. A season lasts about one year and usually starts just after Octoberfest.

We try to meet once every month in a local pub to get a more club like feeling, but most games are play in private settings and the off-time is spend in the forum. We also have smaller one-day tournaments and run two international tournaments (Royal Rumbbl and Isarauenbowl). The statistics are kept up to date by using the OBBLM

The official language in the forum is German, but most of the members speak English sufficiently well (we actually have one American member).

Most famous active players in our league are Sputnik and Candlejack
Tojurub - Jun 22, 2015 - 04:13 AM
Post subject: RE: Munich RumBBL, Munich, Germany
In order to involve players, which like more low TV teams, we now have introduced a Rookie League, which runs parallel to the Premier and Open Leagues. Every new season will be started with brand new teams, the old teams are allowed to be played in the other two leagues.

Currently we have about 20 active coaches.
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