NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Oktoberbowl Stockholm/Sweden 18-19 Oktober 2014

johnnyd - Jul 31, 2014 - 03:44 AM
Post subject: Oktoberbowl Stockholm/Sweden 18-19 Oktober 2014
Oktoberbowl is a NAF-sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament set in central Stockholm, played in one of the cities most popular pubs for beer geeks (and apparently any type of geek!). We will play five games of our favorite pass-time to conclude the first ever Oktoberbowl champion. There will be food and drink, laughs and... blood, and tears!

The pub is open during the tournament which means you can always drench your tears in beer, should the games go awry.. or just celebrate your victories! or just... whatever, there's beer, and drinks, and food. Yummy... Since we're playing in a pub with a great chef, we'll include both lunch and dinner on Saturday in the entry fee (what?! Yes, food included).

In addition, for the luckiest coach (who's soul belongs to Nuffle), there will of course be fine prices of the highest quality, and not to forget, the cheering of the masses!

Since this obviously should sound extremelty interesting, I suggest you head over to for more info. Smile

// JD

PS. At the moment of writing there are 13 spots out of 30 left. DS.
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