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Rules Questions - Chainsaw and claw

Manuel - Oct 21, 2014 - 01:09 AM
Post subject: Chainsaw and claw
Hi there!

I have a question that may sound strange, but trust me, it does have sense:

Do the effects of chainsaw and claws work together? As in: Breaking Av 7 with +3 in the roll dice.

I don't have right now the english version of the rules, but with the spanish translation of the CRP, I understand the following:

1) When the player with chainsaw and claws makes a block action, he does not make a block, using the chainsaw instead. Therefore, claw won't be used, as they need someone to be knocked down as a result of a block.

2) If someone blocks a guy with both chainsaw and claw, and as a result of the block the blocker gets knocked down, then BOTH skills would apply.

Thinking about that let me wondering about other twists of the rules.

Argument 1) makes me think that Chainsaw can be used with Multiple Block the same way that Stab does. When reading the skills description, both chainsaw and stab speak in the same terms about the "not-throw-a-block-instead-roll-armour".

When a player with Chainsaw block another guy with Chainsaw, the one being knocked out would ad... ¿+6? to the armour roll. I don't see a non stacking specification anywhere, so...

And finally, you may be wondering in what circumstance could a player have chainsaw and claw at the same time, as the gobbling looney doesn't have access to Mutation skills. Well, last weekend I was in a tournament with some particular house rulls that allowed this situation... but still: The special cards from Good Karma, 100K. The 5 of hearts. It allows you to choose one of your players and give him a chainsaw. Problem solved!
Tojurub - Oct 21, 2014 - 02:06 AM
Post subject: RE: Chainsaw and claw
There are even more "regular" events on where this can happen. For example, if a Yhetee hits a Starplayer with a Chainsaw, armour can break already happen on a 5+

Claw = Armour Break on a 8+
for the Chainsaw 3 are added to the dice roll, which makes it 5+

Towards a Looney, Claw is pointless since they have armour 7 and Mighty Blow may not be combined with Chainsaw
Manuel - Oct 21, 2014 - 05:11 AM
Post subject:
I have just been told that the Chainsaw skills states specifically that it cannot be used with Multiple Block, and that it is not possible for two chainsaws to be knocked down in the same block. That's fine.

And now I have imaginated just another ultra crazy thing:
What if I play goblins, get the said special card, and... gave Chainsaw to the Fanatic!
Now that I think about it, it's just perfect. If someone blocks you, you still have St7. And you could make 3 armour rolls with +3 on each of them! (Of course, if you manage not to split yourself in two in the process).
Manuel - Oct 21, 2014 - 05:19 AM
Post subject:
And yes, Chainsaw can only be used once per turn... but the Fanatic has still to move. And when he does, he blocks. And he cannot block, as he has a chainsaw, so he has to use it.

Oups... guess that has to be some kind of bug in matrix.
Manuel - Oct 21, 2014 - 07:01 AM
Post subject:
Some people have pointed to me that the chainsaw is used only as part of a Block or Blitz action. I'm not sure about that, as the skill says litteraly:

"A player armed with a chainsaw must attack with it instead of making a block as part of a Block or Blitz Action. When the chainsaw is used to make an attack, roll a D6 instead of the Block dice."

It says that the player must use it as part of a Block action. Not that he can use it only as part of a Block action.

And the part of "when is used to make an attack" I think is out of the "Block action" or "move action" consideration. It could be even interpreted as if he could choose whether to use it or not, as the "attack" in the move action is not part of a Block nor Blitz action.
Darkson - Oct 22, 2014 - 12:50 AM
Post subject:
In case people wonder why you're talking to yourself. Wink
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