NAF World Headquarters

Magic Box Blood Bowl - Introducing Blood Bowl VASSAL

gjk - Oct 17, 2015 - 12:28 PM
Post subject: Introducing Blood Bowl VASSAL
Folks, please excuse the "spam" like post but I want to invite folks looking for yet another alternative way to play Blood Bowl with others from around the world...Blood Bowl VASSAL.

This uses the Java client program called "VASSAL" which is free to use as is the module that I created for it.

Yes, it is similar to FUMBBL in some ways except for a couple of different things that you can do: 1) You can play the game via email as well as play it "live" online and 2) You can save a live game at any point and pick up later to play. You could even start a game live and then switch to playing it via email or vice versa.

I won't take up much space here describing it but I'll invite you all to check out a little website that I put together that introduces it and gives instructions for installation and the download link.

I hope to see some of you all on the pitch!
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