NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Belgian Structured Tournament Series

Driesfield - Jan 09, 2016 - 01:52 PM
Post subject: Belgian Structured Tournament Series
All you need to know about the structured tournament series in Belgium.
This version is also available in Dutch or French.

Belgian Structured Tournament Series.

1) Participating Tournaments
Midwinter Madness Saturday edition (16/01/16)
Midwinter Madness Sunday edition (17/01/16)
Belgian Championship (12 & 13/03/16)
Turncoat V max/mini (25 & 26/03/16)
Massacre Day (01 or 08/05/16)
Abbey Bowl (04/06/16)
Fratres Bowl (probably 02/07/16)
HQ Summer Jam (21/07/16)
Ostend Brawl (06 or 07/08/16)
HQ Bowl (17 & 18/09 or 24 & 25/09/16) not sure of date yet
Brussels Bowl (first or second weekend of october) not sure of date yer
Brassbowl (10 & 11/12/16)

12 Tournaments in Total. Midwinter Madness has two version in which a player can play both tournaments.
The Turncoat mini version is taking place during the maxi event for coaches who don't want to play 24 hrs.
HQ and Brussels bowl have been organised around that date in the previous years, so they will probably be held at the same date. Brussels Bowl might be moved a bit forward because of Eurobowl.

The attendance percetage would be placed on 40% rounded up (which means 5 tournaments).
This means a player needs to attend 40% of the tournaments ( or 5 tournaments) in order to be able to win the price.
The top 4 scores + 1 stunty score of each players will be kept. The rest will be discarded.

2) Scoring

Depending on the number of players we have the following system:

categorie D (8 to 14 players): 10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1 (top eight)
categorie C (not A+, A, B or D): 15/13/11/9/7/5/4/3/2/1 (top ten)
categorie B (20+ players & 4 rounds or 25 players): 20/18/16/14/12/10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1 (top thirteen)
categorie A (30+ players & 5 rounds): 25/23/21/19/17/15/13/11/9/7/5/4/3/2/1 (top fifteen)
categorie A+ (50+ players & 5 rounds): 30/28/26/24/22/20/18/16/14/12/10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1(top eighteen)

+1 point per day of the tournament (to all players and organiser)
organisor bonus of +1 per 10 players

3) Tiebreakers

1. /1 points for each tournament
2. # 1st places, 2nd places etc
All times are
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