NAF World Headquarters

North America - New Columbus/Mid-Ohio Bloodbowl league!

bastion01 - Oct 23, 2016 - 07:35 PM
Post subject: New Columbus/Mid-Ohio Bloodbowl league!
(snappy League name coming...)

Calling all coaches!
There’s a new bloodbowl league brewing in Columbus/Mid-Ohio and it needs YOU! Yes, you.
Dust off those models and warm up the dice. It’s time to get a little crazier than usual.
The best board game ever is waiting for you…patiently… silently….

Haven’t dusted off those teams in forever?
It’s time to break them out again! Veterans are our backbone!

Don’t have a team?
I have several you can use (most of them, actually…but that’s our little secret).

“… but I don’t have a board/range finder/dice!”
Silence! I have multiples of them to use also and most coaches are happy to share.

“… but ..Rules!? bylaws!? Rankings!? NAF!!?”
Easy now – there's a lot of things being firmed up at the moment but this is all part of the package but let’s start with the LRB6, ok?

Mildly interested?
F@%$K YEA!?!

Drop me a message. ….as I said above: Materials and teams aren’t an issue and I’m happy to teach the game and welcome any/all who want to give it a go.

What are you waiting for? Let the Commissioner know and get this party started!
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