NAF World Headquarters

North America - Fire 'n Dice Cup I February 25th (WI)

moonrise - Jan 07, 2017 - 10:50 AM
Post subject: Fire 'n Dice Cup I February 25th (WI)
You are cordially invited to the inaugural Fire 'n Dice Cup, a NAF Sanctioned event.

It will be held at the Fire & Ice gaming convention in Manitowoc, WI on February 25th.

February 25th, 2017

Manitowoc County Expo Center
4921 Expo Dr.
Manitowoc, WI 54220

$10, Plus entry to convention

3 rounds, Swiss

0800 Registration Opens
1000 Game #1
1215 Break
1245 Game #2
1500 Break
1530 Game #3
1800 Awards

Each coach must purchase a minimum of 11 players.

Bribes, Extra Team Training, Master Chef, 0-1 Star Player (must have 11 players prior to hiring the star), 0-1 Wandering Apothecary, 0-1 Weather Mage 50,000 (See below)

Each coach chooses one of the following skill packages:
1. 6 players may be given 6 non-doubles skills
2. 4 players may be given 4 non-doubles skills, and 1 doubles skill
3. 2 players may be given 2 non-doubles skills, and 2 doubles skills
Note: Star Players may not receive additional skills
Note: No Player may be given more than 1 skill.

We will be using two special weather tables for this event (Fire and Ice). Each table will randomly determine which weather table they will use.
Weather Mage - Once per game, before the start of either player's turn, choose either Weather Table to roll upon, and add or subtract up to 2 from the roll.

We will be using BB2016 rules pack in combination with the NAF guidelines for tournaments found here:

There will be no overtime.
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called -- please simply bring the issue to your opponent's attention and ask that he/she move their marker.
Kickoff Table: We will be using the BB2016 kickoff table.

Record (W/T/L)
Head to Head
Casualty difference + TD Difference
Strength of Schedule

What to Bring:
Your Team
NAF/GW Blocking Dice
5 copies of your Roster (1 for you, 3 for your opponents, 1 for registration)
Please bring a pitch and templates, to help ensure we can support as many coaches as possible.

Fire an Dice Cup Champion: Tournament Champion
2nd Place: Runner-up
Best Painted
If there are more than 8 coaches, we will also have the following awards:
Most TDs
Most Casualties

We will also be giving away multiple door prizes in-between rounds, and a few pieces of Swag, including Fire 'n Dice Cup Tournament Dice!

If you are planning on attending, please email me, so we can start to get a head-count.


Convention Website:
moonrise - Jan 17, 2017 - 07:16 PM
Post subject: RE: Fire
Here is a Work-in-Progress picture of the pitch we are giving away at the tournament.

moonrise - Jan 29, 2017 - 06:08 PM
Post subject: RE: Fire
I just received a picture of the trophy for the tournament.

The champion will be drinking to their victory.

All times are
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