NAF World Headquarters

Europe - EL TRÉBOL DE BCN 2017

Mur - Jan 23, 2017 - 08:25 AM
Post subject: EL TRÉBOL DE BCN 2017

El Trébol de BCN will be composed of the nearness tournaments in Barcelona(BCN). It has been running since four years ago.

Type: Structured Tournament Series
TS Organizer: Mur and Josepe

Hall of Fame
2013: Omake
2014: Malasnoticias
2015: Nans
2016: Josepe
2017: Malasnoticias

Mini-Hall of Fame
2016: El-Reche
2017: El-Reche

The series starts at Winter is coming Bowl in January 2017 and finishes at Catenaccio Bowl in December 2017. After the points are counted, a trophy will be awarded to the highest placed Coach and Stunty Coach.

- Winter is coming Bowl (January 14) 4 rounds
- PBBC Torneo del Inframundo (February) 4 rounds
- Garrapato Cup (March) 6 rounds
- Vic Bowl (April) 4 rounds
- Copa del Légamo (May) 4 rounds
- Molins de Bowl (June 19) 4 rounds
- SilmaBowl (July) 4 rounds
- Joker Cup (October) 4 rounds
- Cubo de Pescado 12h (November) 5 rounds
- Catenaccio Bowl (December) 6 rounds

Trebol BCN 2017 Champion requirements

Arrow The four best overall scores will determine the standings; however there must be at least two different races in those 4.

Arrow Its is required to participate in at least 4 tournaments.

Arrow If two coaches share participation in a tournament, it will not count for the minimun quantity of required to play.


Arrow +10 to +1points for top 10 placement, on a declining scale.

In other words, a 1st-place finish would be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th-place finish being worth 1 point.

Arrow +1 point per 10 places below them in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach finishing 1st in an 11-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches below them.

A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there are only 9 coaches below them.)

Arrow +1 point per day of the tournament. Given to all participants.

Arrow Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament(only for organizers who do not play in their own event).

Number of played tournaments
Most first place finishes
Kicks to the balls (last man standing)

Trebol BCN 2017 Stunty Champion requirements

Arrow The four best overall scores will determine the standings; the "two races" caveat on the main score is dropped in the case of the Stunty Cup.

Arrow Its is required to participate in at least 4 tournaments.

Arrow If two coaches share participation in a tournament, it will not count for the minimun quantity of required to play.

Arrow Qualifying Stunty teams are Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Lizards with no Saurus and Underworld with no Skaven.


Arrow The highest placed Stunty Coach will receive 10 points, second place 9 points third 8 points and so on down to 9th place winning 2 points. Everyone else scores 1. Then every coach is awarded a bonus point for every full 10 coaches (Stunty or not) below them in the ranking.

Arrow For example, a Stunty coach finishes 8th in a 20 coach tournament and wins the Stunty Cup. For the main list they earn 4 points (3+1). For the Stunty Cup they earn 11 points (10+1).

Arrow +1 point per day of the tournament. Given to all participants.

Arrow Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament(only for organizers who do not play in their own event).[/img]
Mur - Jan 15, 2018 - 08:14 AM
Post subject:
The Trebol comes to an end. A new Tournament Series begin it will be the Nuffle Catalan League runned by Yohancryer. Support has been given by me and the community.

Up the NCL!
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